Q1: What do Entity beans represent?
A1: Entity beans represent persistent data that can be accessed and shared by many clients over time.
Q2:What are the two types of Entity beans?
A2: The two types of Entity beans are BMP and CMP.
Q3:Why are local interfaces preferable to remote interfaces for Entity beans?
A3: Local interfaces perform better because there is no network traffic when calling a bean through its local interface, and there is also no need to clone serializable objects. They are also the basis for CMP.
Q4:How does a BMP Entity bean know what its primary key is?
A4: It can be passed as an argument of ejbCreate(), it could be generated by the RDBMS, it could be generated by some other bean, or it might be generated as a pseudo-random value using an algorithm that guarantees uniqueness.
Q5:Which two methods should the primary key class implement?
A5: The primary key class should implement the hashCode() and equals() methods.
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