Day 21. Web Service Registries and Message-Style Web Services

Yesterday, you learned about Web Service architecture and you created your own Web Services. Part of the Web Service architecture involved the look up of Web Service information in a registry, but the Web Service information you used was not obtained that way. Also, the Web Services you created were all RPC-style as opposed to document-oriented Web Services. Web Services are more than just a replacement for RPC.

Today, you will

  • Investigate the role of Web Service registries

  • Examine code that registers and retrieves information using a UDDI registry

  • Explore how JAXR will provide uniform access to XML-based registries from Java

  • Send and receive SOAP messages using JAXM

  • Use a JAXM Provider to send routed SOAP messages

Today's intention is to interact with Web Service registries and to use message-based Web Services (as opposed to RPC-based ones).

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