Day 4. Introduction to EJBs

J2EE provides different types of components for different purposes. Today, you will start to look at one of the principal types of component in J2EE—Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).

The study of EJBs is continued on Day 5, “Session EJBs,”, Day 6, “Entity EJBs”, Day 7, “CMP and EJB QL”, Day 8, “Transactions and Persistence”, and Day 10, “Message-Driven Beans”. As you can see, there is a lot to learn about EJBs, so today serves as a first step on the road to all of this EJB knowledge.

Today, you will

  • Examine the different types of EJB available

  • Take a look at how EJBs are applied

  • Explore the structure of one of the EJBs that forms part of the case study to see how the different parts fit together

  • Deploy and use some of the EJBs from the case study

  • Write a simple client for an EJB

First, you need to understand why you would use EJBs.

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