Review today's material by taking this quiz.

Q1: Why are different categories of information required in a UDDI registry?
A1: When you come to search for Web Services, you may know only certain things about them, such as the name of the company that offers the service or the type of interface you expect from the service. By providing business (white pages), category (yellow pages), and technical (green pages) information, UDDI provides a lot of flexibility in the way that you can search for Web Services.
Q2:Do you have to use a JAXM Provider to take advantage of all the different types of interaction between JAXM clients?
A2: No. The use of a Provider adds robustness and extra functionality but is not essential as long as endpoints are defined for both parties in the interaction. All of the following JAXM interactions can be performed without the use of a JAXM Provider:
  • Synchronous information query (response now)

  • Asynchronous information query (response later)

  • Synchronous updates (acknowledgement now)

  • Asynchronous updated (acknowledgement later)

  • Logging (no response or acknowledgement)

Q3:Why might you use IBM's WSTK Client API to access registry information in preference to UDDI4J?
A3: The WSTK Client API provides a higher-level interface to UDDI and WSDL. For example, the developer can use the WSTK Client API to decompose WSDL documents into the equivalent UDDI objects rather than having to perform such low-level manipulation themselves. As such, it is easier to work with XML-based registry information using the WSTK Client API than it is through lower-level APIs such as UDDI4J and WSDL4J.
Q4:What does it mean to be a JAXM client?
A4: A JAXM client is any J2EE component or J2SE application that uses the JAXM API to send or receive SOAP messages. A full JAXM client will use a Provider to send messages and will register with a Provider to receive messages.
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