11. Configuring Page Editor Options

Accessing Page Editor Options

Expression Web is highly configurable and most of its configuration options are packed into a single dialog—the Page Editor Options dialog. To access the Page Editor Options dialog, select Tools, Page Editor Options.

The first thing you notice is the vast array of options spread out among 12 tabs. Instead of covering these options throughout the entire book, I cover most of them in this chapter so you learn how to use these settings effectively.

Exploring Page Editor Options

As mentioned previously, the Page Editor Options dialog consists of 12 tabs, many of which are packed full of options. We cover each of these tabs (with the exception of the AutoThumbnail tab, the Code Formatting tab, and the Code Snippets tab, which are covered elsewhere in the book) in this section.

The General Tab

The General tab (shown in Figure 11.1) contains general options for Expression Web divided into five sections.

Figure 11.1. All general options for Expression Web are located on the General tab.


The following options are available in the first section on the General tab:

Automatically Enclose Form Fields Within a Form—By default, the first form field you insert on a page is automatically wrapped in an HTML <form> tag. You can override this behavior by unchecking this box.



Some controls (such as form controls) use a name attribute instead of an ID attribute. Expression Web always creates a unique name attribute regardless of whether the Make ID Unique on Paste check box is checked.

Assign Unique IDs to New Tables—If you want Expression Web to add an ID attribute to all new tables, check this box. Existing tables are not affected.

Make ID Unique on Paste—When this option is checked, Expression Web ensures that no duplicate control IDs are created when a control is pasted onto a page.

Use <strong> and <em> When Using Bold and Italic Toolbar Buttons—By default, Expression Web uses the <strong> and <em> tags to apply bold and italic formatting, respectively. This method is preferred to the alternative of using <b> and <i> tags, both of which are obsolete.

Automatically Switch Keyboard to Match Language of Surrounding Text—Windows has the capability to use different virtual keyboard layouts for different languages. You can check this box to cause Expression Web to automatically switch your keyboard based on the language of the text surrounding the insertion point.

Automatically Add 'lang' Attributes to International Text—If you enter text in a language other than the language specified for the page, Expression Web adds a 'lang' attribute for the text that you enter. For more information on the 'lang' attribute, see www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/dirlang.html#adef-lang.

Prompt for Accessibility Properties When Inserting Images—Expression Web prompts you for alternative text and long descriptions when inserting images. If you’d prefer not to be prompted, uncheck this box.

image For more information on accessibility settings, see Chapter 12, “Maintaining Compatibility and Accessibility.”

The second section of the General tab provides access to spelling options, most of which are configured by clicking the Spelling Options button, as shown previously in Figure 11.1. When the Spelling Options button is clicked, the Spelling Options dialog shown in Figure 11.2 is displayed so you can configure how Expression Web checks spelling.

Figure 11.2. The Spelling Options dialog provides plenty of options to customize how Expression Web checks your spelling.




Turning off the Prompt for Accessibility Properties When Inserting Images feature makes it more likely that you will forget to add alternative text or long descriptions to your images. If you omit these attributes from your images, your site will not pass accessibility standards.

You can also select a language for spell-checking by clicking the Default Page Language drop-down on the General tab and selecting the language of your choice.

The third section of the General tab contains one check box: Show Paste Options Buttons. This check box is checked by default and causes Expression Web to display the Paste Options button when you paste content onto a page, as shown in Figure 11.3. You can disable the Paste Options button by unchecking the box.

Figure 11.3. The Paste Options button makes it easy to control content pasted into a page. You can disable the button by unchecking the Show Paste Options Buttons check box on the General tab of the Page Editor Options dialog.


The fourth section of the General tab contains options for Code View. The following options are available:

Word Wrap—This check box controls whether word wrap is enabled in Code View.

Auto Indent—This check box controls whether HTML elements are automatically indented underneath the parent element.

Line Numbers—This check box controls whether line numbers are displayed.

Selection Margin—When this check box is checked, a left margin is added in Code View to make selecting code easier.

Highlight Invalid HTML—By default, Expression Web highlights any invalid HTML in a page. By unchecking this box, you can turn off this behavior.

Highlight Incompatible HTML—By default, Expression Web highlights any HTML that is incompatible with the current schema. By unchecking this box, you can turn off this behavior.

The final section of the General tab contains a security setting for ActiveX controls. Expression Web runs Microsoft Silverlight, Windows Media content, and Adobe Flash content without any prompt. However, by default, if you open a page with any other type of ActiveX control, Expression Web prompts you to run the control unless it is signed. By unchecking the Allow Unsigned ActiveX Controls to Be Run and Prompt for Permission to Run Them check box, you can prevent Expression Web from ever running an unsigned ActiveX control.

When you choose to run an unsigned ActiveX control, Expression Web keeps track of the controls you have trusted. If you want to clear the list of trusted controls, click the Clear ActiveX Security Settings button.

AutoThumbnail Tab

The options available in the AutoThumbnail tab are covered in detail in Chapter 9, “Using Graphics and Multimedia.”

Default Fonts Tab

The Default Fonts tab controls the font that Expression Web uses for a particular language when no font is configured in HTML or CSS code (see Figure 11.4).

Figure 11.4. You can control the default font in Expression Web by using the settings in the Default Fonts tab.


Code Formatting Tab

The options available in the Code Formatting tab are described in Chapter 4, “Using Page Views.”



Keep in mind that any font you configure in the Default Fonts tab might not be the font used when visitors to your site see your pages. Unless you explicitly specify a font and the site visitor has that font installed on his computer, the browser decides which font to use.


The CSS tab allows you to control how Expression Web uses CSS styles in your pages (see Figure 11.5).

Figure 11.5. You can override Expression Web’s default CSS behavior using the CSS tab.


image For more information on using CSS with Expression Web, see Chapter 18, “Managing CSS Styles.”

By default, Expression Web automatically adds CSS code to your page when you apply formatting. This behavior is controlled by the following radio buttons in the CSS tab:

Auto Style Application—Expression Web automatically applies CSS styles to formatted text using the CSS technology selected in the series of drop-downs. This is the default setting.

Manual Style Application—Expression Web displays the Style Application toolbar shown in Figure 11.6 to allow you to manually choose how to apply styles.

Figure 11.6. The Style Application toolbar allows you to manually select how styles are applied.


In addition, there are a couple of check boxes to control how Expression Web deals with CSS styles:

Only Reuse Classes with the Prefix “Style”—CSS classes that are added automatically by Expression Web always have a prefix of “style.” By checking this box, you can ensure that Expression Web will not modify any CSS styles that were not auto-generated. This option is available only when the Auto Style Application option is selected.

Use Width and Height Attributes for Images Instead of CSS—By default, Expression Web uses the width and height attributes to specify the width and height of images. By unchecking this box, you can force Expression Web to use CSS styling when specifying the height and width of images.

Color Coding Tab

The Color Coding tab provides precise control over not only text elements, but also user interface elements in Expression Web (see Figure 11.7).

Figure 11.7. You can have highly detailed control over color coding using the Color Coding tab.


By selecting either the Code View Settings or the Design View Settings radio button, you can control which items appear in the Display Items list.

Authoring Tab

The Authoring tab, shown in Figure 11.8, lets you choose what kind of document Expression Web creates by default and also controls schemas for HTML documents.

Figure 11.8. Document schemas are configured in the Authoring tab.


The Default Document Type drop-down configures the type of document that Expression Web creates by default when you click the New Document button on the toolbar or press Ctrl+N on your keyboard. You can choose from HTML, ASPX, CSS, XML, or text file.

The Default HTML File Extension radio buttons allow you to select the file extension that Expression Web uses by default for new HTML files.

The Authoring tab also provides settings for configuring a byte order mark (BOM) for specific file extensions. The first version of Expression Web caused problems for PHP developers because it added a BOM to all PHP pages. Expression Web 4 will not add a BOM to PHP files by default, and it adds control over the BOM for specific file types.

The Document Type Declaration drop-down controls the DOCTYPE declaration included at the top of your pages. The DOCTYPE controls how Expression Web determines what code is valid. If code in the page isn’t valid or compatible with the selected schema, Expression Web warns you with a warning symbol in the status bar as shown in Figure 11.9.

Figure 11.9. Expression Web uses the document schema to determine when invalid code exists in a page. If it finds invalid code, you are notified.


The Schema Version drop-down list contains configuration options for the CSS schema of the document. This setting affects only what appears in IntelliSense for CSS in the document. By selecting the CSS schema you want to target, you ensure that IntelliSense in Expression Web doesn’t display invalid CSS values.

Picture Tab

The Picture tab configures how Expression Web works with images (see Figure 11.10).

Figure 11.10. You control how Expression Web works with image files by using the Picture tab.


The File Type Settings button displays the Picture File Type dialog, as shown in Figure 11.11. This dialog lets you easily configure settings for both GIF and JPEG images.

Figure 11.11. GIF and JPEG options are configured in the Picture File Type dialog.


image For more information on image file formats, see Chapter 9, “Using Graphics and Multimedia.”

Code Snippets Tab

Details on the Code Snippets tab are available in Chapter 3, “Creating Pages and Basic Page Editing.”

Ruler and Grid Tab

The Ruler and Grid tab, shown in Figure 11.12, controls the appearance of the grid and ruler that can be displayed in Design View. You can also choose the unit used for both the grid and the ruler.

Figure 11.12. Control the appearance of the grid and ruler using the Ruler and Grid tab.


The Display Grid section controls the grid that is visible when selecting View, Ruler and Grid, Show Grid. The Snapping Grid section allows you to configure the spacing for the Snap to Grid feature that is accessed by selecting View, Ruler and Grid, Snap to Grid.

image For more information on the grid and ruler, see Chapter 4, “Using Page Views.”

IntelliSense Tab

The IntelliSense tab controls what IntelliSense displays in Code View (see Figure 11.13). You can turn off specific elements in IntelliSense by unchecking the desired check boxes. First introduced in Expression Web 3, PHP IntelliSense options can also be configured from this tab.

Figure 11.13. The IntelliSense feature available in Code View can be controlled using the options available in the IntelliSense tab.




Available only in Code View, IntelliSense displays a context-sensitive drop-down list of choices as you enter code.

Font Families Tab

The Font Families tab, shown in Figure 11.14, lets you easily configure one or more font families for selection in the Font drop-down on the Common toolbar, as shown in Figure 11.15.

Figure 11.14. The Font Families tab is an easy way to configure and arrange font families in Expression Web.


Figure 11.15. Font families are selected from the Font drop-down on the Common toolbar.


image For more information on using font families, see Chapter 3, “Creating Pages and Basic Page Editing.”

You can build a new font family by selecting fonts from the Add Font list and clicking Add. After you’ve created the desired font family, you can arrange the fonts by clicking Move Up or Move Down. You also can remove the font family by selecting it and clicking Remove.

Experiment to Learn More

Numerous options affect the way code is generated by Expression Web. Most of these options won’t affect code that has already been generated. Because of that, it’s important for you to understand how each option affects code so you can make good decisions.

Some of the options covered in this chapter cause subtle changes in the way Expression Web creates code. For example, changes to the Code Formatting or CSS properties may not cause obvious changes in the way Expression Web generates code. The best way to fully understand these options is to create a new page and use it to test how different options affect the code Expression Web creates. By limiting your testing to small amounts of code, changes in Expression Web’s code will be more apparent.

If you’ve experimented with options in the Page Editor Options dialog and want to revert to the original settings, you can click the Reset or Reset Defaults button that exists on many tabs. Note that each tab’s button resets the options only on that particular tab.

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