


About the Author


Part I Pure Fluids

Chapter 1 Scope and Language of Thermodynamics

1.1 Molecular Basis of Thermodynamics

1.2 Statistical versus Classical Thermodynamics

1.3 Definitions

1.4 Units

1.5 Summary

1.6 Problems

Chapter 2 Phase Diagrams of Pure Fluids

2.1 The PVT Behavior of Pure Fluid

2.2 Tabulation of Properties

2.3 Compressibility Factor and the ZP Graph

2.4 Corresponding States

2.5 Virial Equation

2.6 Cubic Equations of State

2.7 PVT Behavior of Cubic Equations of State

2.8 Working with Cubic Equations

2.9 Other Equations of State

2.10 Thermal Expansion and Isothermal Compression

2.11 Empirical Equations for Density

2.12 Summary

2.13 Problems

Chapter 3 Energy and the First Law

3.1 Energy and Mechanical Work

3.2 Shaft Work and PV Work

3.3 Internal Energy and Heat

3.4 First Law for a Closed System

3.5 Elementary Paths

3.6 Sensible Heat—Heat Capacities

3.7 Heat of Vaporization

3.8 Ideal-Gas State

3.9 Energy Balances and Irreversible Processes

3.10 Summary

3.11 Problems

Chapter 4 Entropy and the Second Law

4.1 The Second Law in a Closed System

4.2 Calculation of Entropy

4.3 Energy Balances Using Entropy

4.4 Entropy Generation

4.5 Carnot Cycle

4.6 Alternative Statements of the Second Law

4.7 Ideal and Lost Work

4.8 Ambient Surroundings as a Default Bath—Exergy

4.9 Equilibrium and Stability

4.10 Molecular View of Entropy

4.11 Summary

4.12 Problems

Chapter 5 Calculation of Properties

5.1 Calculus of Thermodynamics

5.2 Integration of Differentials

5.3 Fundamental Relationships

5.4 Equations for Enthalpy and Entropy

5.5 Ideal-Gas State

5.6 Incompressible Phases

5.7 Residual Properties

5.8 Pressure-Explicit Relations

5.9 Application to Cubic Equations

5.10 Generalized Correlations

5.11 Reference States

5.12 Thermodynamic Charts

5.13 Summary

5.14 Problems

Chapter 6 Balances in Open Systems

6.1 Flow Streams

6.2 Mass Balance

6.3 Energy Balance in Open System

6.4 Entropy Balance

6.5 Ideal and Lost Work

6.6 Thermodynamics of Steady-State Processes

6.7 Power Generation

6.8 Refrigeration

6.9 Liquefaction

6.10 Unsteady-State Balances

6.11 Summary

6.12 Problems

Chapter 7 VLE of Pure Fluid

7.1 Two-Phase Systems

7.2 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

7.3 Fugacity

7.4 Calculation of Fugacity

7.5 Saturation Pressure from Equations of State

7.6 Phase Diagrams from Equations of State

7.7 Summary

7.8 Problems

Part II Mixtures

Chapter 8 Phase Behavior of Mixtures

8.1 The Txy Graph

8.2 The Pxy Graph

8.3 Azeotropes

8.4 The xy Graph

8.5 VLE at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures

8.6 Partially Miscible Liquids

8.7 Ternary Systems

8.8 Summary

8.9 Problems

Chapter 9 Properties of Mixtures

9.1 Composition

9.2 Mathematical Treatment of Mixtures

9.3 Properties of Mixing

9.4 Mixing and Separation

9.5 Mixtures in the Ideal-Gas State

9.6 Equations of State for Mixtures

9.7 Mixture Properties from Equations of State

9.8 Summary

9.9 Problems

Chapter 10 Theory of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

10.1 Gibbs Free Energy of Mixture

10.2 Chemical Potential

10.3 Fugacity in a Mixture

10.4 Fugacity from Equations of State

10.5 VLE of Mixture Using Equations of State

10.6 Summary

10.7 Problems

Chapter 11 Ideal Solution

11.1 Ideality in Solution

11.2 Fugacity in Ideal Solution

11.3 VLE in Ideal Solution–Raoult’s Law

11.4 Energy Balances

11.5 Noncondensable Gases

11.6 Summary

11.7 Problems

Chapter 12 Nonideal Solutions

12.1 Excess Properties

12.2 Heat Effects of Mixing

12.3 Activity Coefficient

12.4 Activity Coefficient and Phase Equilibrium

12.5 Data Reduction: Fitting Experimental Activity Coefficients

12.6 Models for the Activity Coefficient

12.7 Summary

12.8 Problems

Chapter 13 Miscibility, Solubility, and Other Phase Equilibria

13.1 Equilibrium between Partially Miscible Liquids

13.2 Gibbs Free Energy and Phase Splitting

13.3 Liquid Miscibility and Temperature

13.4 Completely Immiscible Liquids

13.5 Solubility of Gases in Liquids

13.6 Solubility of Solids in Liquids

13.7 Osmotic Equilibrium

13.8 Summary

13.9 Problems

Chapter 14 Reactions

14.1 Stoichiometry

14.2 Standard Enthalpy of Reaction

14.3 Energy Balances in Reacting Systems

14.4 Activity

14.5 Equilibrium Constant

14.6 Composition at Equilibrium

14.7 Reaction and Phase Equilibrium

14.8 Reaction Equilibrium Involving Solids

14.9 Multiple Reactions

14.10 Summary

14.11 Problems


Appendix A Critical Properties of Selected Compounds

Appendix B Ideal-Gas Heat Capacities

Appendix C Standard Enthalpy and Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction

Appendix D UNIFAC Tables

Appendix E Steam Tables


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