
A List Apart site 69, 196

A-Z Index 207

ABBR tag 183, 190

abbreviations 49, 50, 189191 site 77

access by design xviii

accessibility xvii, 18. See also universal design

Accessible Design in the Digital World Conference xi

ACM x, xi

Acrobat Reader 30

ACRONYM tag 183, 190

acronyms 49, 50, 189191

ActiveX 173

Adobe site 133

alert text 158, 160

ALT attribute 28, 7779

alt-text 7783

for image links 152153

for irrelevant/redundant images 8183

providing blank 8183, 201

for relevant images 7780

alternate formats 2324, 28, 166168

alternate text. See alt-text

Amazon site 11, 135

animated images 7677

AnyWho site 35

Association for Computing Machinery x, xi

Atlantic site 63, 100 site 58, 143

audio content 165171

allowing users to control 170171

challenges presented by 163

providing alternate formats for 166168

providing keyboard access to 169170

providing text for 164165

types of 164

aural styles 50

B tag 43, 48, 49

back button 1920, 112, 148, 204

background color 6465, 157

background images 80

background music 170

background patterns 7677

base text size 6061

BBC site 55

Berners-Lee, Tim xi, xiii, 16

bitmap images 85

blank alt-text 8183, 201

BLOCKQUOTE tag 48, 49

Blogger site 60, 215

BODY tag 48

bookmarking 111, 112

BORDER attribute 99

Boxes and Arrows site 47, 196

BR tag 48, 49

branding 195

breadcrumb navigation 150, 151, 204

brightness contrast 156157

Bringhurst, Robert xvi, 23

Bronx Zoo site 90


and CSS 44, 50, 100101

and frames-based pages 111

and graphic text 75

how text is displayed by 6

and layout tables 97

and text size 39

for visual vs. nonvisual users 3

bulleted lists 184

cameras ix

CAPTION tag 9495, 97

captions 62, 8081, 9495, 164, 165

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS

cataloging images 83

CDC site 207

Census Bureau site 94

checkboxes 137, 138

Chicago Manual of Style 201

Chronicle of Higher Education site 107

citations 4849

CNET site 209

color 155161

allowing users to override 160161

background 6465

basic principles regarding 155160

contrast considerations 6465, 155157

conveying information with 6667, 158160

as design tool 155

for links 147, 149

and nonvisual users 6667, 155, 158160

reinforcing with text 159160

for text 6467, 157, 159160

unpredictability of 37

using style sheets to set 6566

and visual users 155, 158160

Color Contrast Analyzer software 156

column headings, table 9394

communication function, Web page 45

compound lists 122123

compression schemes 85

Computer User High-Tech Dictionary site 116

Conference on Universal Usability xi

conferences, Web design xi


allowing quick access to 214

audio (See audio content)

balancing navigation and 203205

encoding with structural tags 49, 6769

grouping related 197

keeping fresh/current 188189

positioning important 213215

providing universal access to 4445

separating presentation and 43, 4447

video (See video content)

content layer, Web design xx

contrast, color 6465, 155157

conventions, design 201203

Copyright site 32

Creative Commons site 82

CSS. See also style sheets

assigning cell widths with 108

benefits of 5052

browser support for 44, 50, 100101

meaning of acronym 44

and navigation design 121

as page layout tool 100101

styling text with 59

vs. HTML 4647

ways of using 4647

CSS Zen Garden site 50, 51

data tables 8995

basic principles of 9093

displaying captions with 9495

drawbacks to 89

identifying columns/rows in 9394

simplifying layouts for 9293

summarizing contents of 9495

when to use 89, 91

design. See also Web design

collaborative 14

defined xxi

fixed 1418, 25

flexible 17, 1821, 25

functional basis for 12

graphic xvi, 14

information xvi

principles (See design principles)

simple vs. flashy 2627

for transformation 18, 3638

universal xviii, 89

user-centered xvii, xviiixix, 15, 39

design principles

audio/video 164171

color 155160

data tables 9093

document structure 4453

editorial style 184189

forms 126129

frames 112114

images 7277

interactivity 175179

layout tables 99103

links 143146

lists 120123

page layout 194208

text 5859

designers xxi–xxii. See also Web designers

Designing the User Interface xix

device independence 4445

dialogue 164. See also audio content

digital cameras ix

digital media 166

Digital Web Magazine site 151

Dignubia site 167

disabilities, Web access for users with xvii, 18. See also universal usability

Disability Status table 95

display resolution 194

DOCTYPE declaration 53

document structure 4355

general principles regarding 4453

how software derives meaning from 67, 48

marking up 4849

separating content and presentation in 4447

writing valid code for 53

document type declaration 53


compatibility problems with 43

dealing with long 92, 191

device-independent format for 43

marking language changes in 189

providing print option for 191

structured 67 (See also document structure)

supporting skimming of 145146, 183, 185186

Dreyfus, Henry xiv

Eastman, George ix site 61

editorial style 183191

basic principles regarding 184189

breaking text into segments 184185

clarity/conciseness in 186

identifying abbreviations/acronyms 189191

marking language changes 189

providing keywords 185186

providing print option 191

using appropriate language/terminology 187

Elements of Style, The 186

Elements of Typographical Design, The 23

embedded media content 170

embedded styles 5455, 59

emphasized words 49

Envisioning Information 26

Epinions site 153

ESPN 15 site 190

Expedia site 175

external style sheets 59

fallbacks 23, 28

Fast Company site 40, 212

FIELDSET tag 131

fixed design 1418, 25

fixed layouts 12, 63, 106107

Flash 30, 133, 173, 175, 180

flexibility, Web page 89, 1114, 25

flexible design 17, 1821, 25

flexible layouts 1114, 64, 106108, 208211

FONT tag 43, 48, 49

footnotes 62

form design 125129

form fields. See also forms

associating related 131

auto-populating fields in 135137

labeling 126, 129131, 137

“form follows function” formula 12

forms 126139

applying logical sequence to elements in 134

associating related fields in 125, 131

auto-populating fields in 135137

avoiding redundancy in 128

basic principles regarding 126129

designing 125128

grouping related elements in 125, 127

labeling fields in 126, 129131, 137

and nonvisual users 130, 134

providing alternate to 126, 128129

providing keyboard access to 132134

purpose of 125

using menu-style elements in 137139

frame titles 114115

frames 111117

avoiding use of 112114

and back button 112

basic principles regarding 112114

and bookmarking 111, 112

browser considerations 111

defined 111

identifying functions of 114115

and nonvisual users 111112, 113, 114115

printing considerations 111, 112

pros and cons of 111112

providing alternative to 115117

FRAMESET tag 114

framesets 112


defining 25

form vs., 12, 10

providing 1021

functional layer, Web design xixxx

GIF images 85

global navigation 204

Google site 20

graphic design xvi, 14

graphic text 5859, 7576

H1-6 tags 7, 43, 49, 213


controlling size/style of 43, 46

placing keywords in 185186

sizing relative to other text elements 62

table column/row 9394

tags for 49, 213 (See also H1-6 tags)


device-independent nature of 43

and page-level interactivity 175176

structural tags 49, 50, 6769

vs. alternate formats 24, 3033

Hubble site 17, 148

hue 157

I tag 48, 49

Iberia site 174

IBM Accessibility Center site 149

IBM Contact form 139

IBM Ease of Use site 38, 184

IBM News site 98

ID attribute 130

image captions 8081

image cataloging 83

image formats 85

image links 141, 144, 152153

image maps 80, 152

images 7187

animated 7677

basic principles regarding 7277

browser considerations 75

commonly used formats for 85

identifying irrelevant/redundant 8183

maintaining catalog of 83

printed vs. Web 71

providing full text description of 8081

providing text alternates for 7783

saving 85

size considerations 8387

using thumbnails for large 8687

when to use 7274

IMG tag 28, 77, 80

information architecture xvi

information design xvi

InformIT site 191, 205

InfoSpace site 130

initialisms 190

inline links 142

inline styles 59

interaction function, Web page 5, 173174. See also interactivity

interactive controls 3335

interactive elements, labeling 3435

interactivity 173181

allowing users to control 176178

basic principles regarding 175179

defined 178

and nonvisual users 178

providing alternate for 180181

providing keyboard access to 178179

using add-ons for 175176

Web support for 173174

interface, allowing users to control 176178

interface design xvi, xviiixix

interface layer, Web design xx

invisible tables 89, 97, 99

Java 30, 175

Java applets 173

JavaScript 133, 135, 175, 176, 180

JAWS 185

Jefferson, Thomas xi, xiii

John F. Kennedy International Airport site 179

JPEG images 84, 85

keyboard access, designing for 3335, 194195

keyboard accessibility

for audio/video content 169170

for forms 132134

and HTML 30

for interactivity 24, 178179

KidsHealth site 36, 141

LABEL FOR tag 35, 130131


form fields 126, 129131, 137

links 35

page elements 3435

LANG attribute 183, 189


accessible 183

marking changes in 189

using appropriate 187

languages, markup 48

layout tables 97108

avoiding complexity in 101103

basic principles regarding 99103

designing for linear access 104106

limiting use of tags in 104

and nonvisual users 98, 102, 104

popularity of 99

and screen reader software 101, 104

using flexible cell widths in 106108

vs. other page layout techniques 97101

layouts. See also page layout

fixed vs. flexible 1114, 6364, 106108, 208211

multicolumn 1114, 91, 102

LEGEND tag 131

legibility 155157. See also readability

Lego site 31

Leonardo’s Laptop xix

line breaks 43, 48

linear access

designing pages for 194197

designing tables for 104106

linked style sheets 5455

links 141153

basic principles regarding 143146

breadcrumb navigation 150, 151, 204

coloring 147, 149

differentiating from other page elements 142, 147148

differentiating visited/unvisited 148150

examples of bad 145

image vs. text 141, 144, 152

importance of 141, 143

labeling 35

and nonvisual users 145, 152

opening in new window 1921

placing keywords in 185186

providing for effective skimming of 145146, 185186

repairing broken 188189

styling 145

using descriptive text with 145146

using underlining to identify 1617, 77, 142, 147148

for Web page navigation 143145

list markup 119, 121122

lists 119123

avoiding compound 122123

basic principles regarding 120123

defined 120

defining relationships between items in 122123

and screen reader software 119

structural tags for 49

using list markup for 121122

ways of using 119

local navigation 204

Lonely Planet site 102

LONGDESC attribute 28, 80

Lynch, Patrick xvi

MapQuest site 126


color 160161

data table 89, 9091, 9395, 101

document structure 5355

editorial style 189191

form 129139

frame 114117

fundamentals 3341

interactivity 180181

languages 48

layout table 104108

link 147153

list 119, 120123

page layout 208215

presentation 44, 48, 50

semantic 49, 91

standards 53

structural (See structural markup)

table 104

text 6769 site 206

media-based content

allowing users to control 170171

challenges of 163

providing alternate formats for 166168

providing keyboard access to 169170

media formats 168

Media Player 168

Medline Plus site 61, 136

Meetup site 177, 199

menu-style form elements 137139

Microsoft site 13, 73, 108

MoMA site 202, 203

Motley Fool site 195, 121

MPEG-4 format 168

multicolumn layouts 1114, 91, 102

music 164, 170. See also audio content

My Yahoo! sign-up form 132

narration 164. See also audio content

NASA site 81

National Air and Space Museum site 103

National Geographic site 86, 168

National Library of Medicine site 136, 188, 207

National Park Service site 12, 105, 136

navbars 119


allowing users to bypass 208

balancing content and 203205

breadcrumb 150, 151, 204

browser-based 111

global 204

as list of links 119

local 204

page 204

providing tools for 207208

navigation design 120121, 207208

navigation links 142, 143, 144, 148

NCES Students’ Classroom site 180

nested lists 119, 122

Netflix site 24

Network for Good site 29, 67, 75

Newell, Alan xi

NextD site 79, 113

NOFRAMES tag 28, 112, 113, 115117

nonvisual users

and alternates/fallbacks 28

and color 6667, 155, 158160

communicating visual information to 197200

and data tables 89

defined 3

and forms 130, 134

and frames 111112, 113, 114115

and image links 141

and images 72, 78

and interactivity 178

and keyboard accessibility 33

and layout tables 98, 102

and links 145, 152

and lists 119, 122

and separation of content/presentation 44

and sequence of page elements 194

and video content 166

Norman, Donald xvi

NOSCRIPT tag 28, 180

Nova site 165, 181

NPR site 91

numbered lists 123 site 78, 150

OBJECT tag 28

Opera browser 40

operability, Web page 78

ordered lists 49, 123

orientation cues 150151

OXO site 34

P tag 43, 48, 49

page layout 193215

balancing content/navigation in 203205

basic principles regarding 194208

consistency in 193194, 201203

designing for linear access 194197

flexibility of 208211

grouping related items in 197, 198199

positioning important content in 213214

providing navigation tools in 207208

and universal usability 194

using style sheets for 211212, 215

page navigation 204. See also navigation

page width 37

paragraphs 49. See also P tag

patterned backgrounds 7677

PDF documents 30

Peet’s Coffee and Tea site 128

photography ix

pixilated text 75

plain text 5859, 76. See also text

plugins 173, 174, 175

PNG images 85

point-and-click interactivity 178, 179

pointing devices 7, 24, 33, 132, 169

Portable Document Format 30

POV site 171


separating content and 43, 4447

using styles sheets for 5052

presentation markup 44, 48, 50

print design xvi

print option 191

product information 72

proximity, communicating related page elements with 198199

QuickTime 168, 169, 173

quoted text 48, 49

radio buttons 137, 138


and color 64, 157

and fixed-width columns 12

and page layout 193

and text/background contrast 157

and text size 60

Real Player 168, 171

relative measurements 62, 108

reports 97

rollovers 180

row headings, table 9394 site 120

SCOPE attribute 9394

screen reader software

and abbreviations/acronyms 190191, 191

and control of media playback 170

and cursor position 177

and data tables 95

and forms 133

and headings 213

and HTML 30

and images 7879, 82, 200

and keywords 185

and language changes 189

and layout tables 101, 104

and links 145, 159, 214

and lists 119

and positioning of page content 197, 213

and structured documents 7, 48, 52, 67

and style sheets 50

and tables 89, 93, 99

scripts 173

search engines

and descriptive link text 145

and HTML 30

and page rankings 159

and positioning of page content 213

and structured documents 67, 48, 67, 99

and text transcripts 165

search function 208

select menus 137, 138

semantic markup 49, 91

Shneiderman, Ben xiii, xvi, xviiixix

Shockwave 30

Shopzilla site 72

Shutterfly site 146, 201

SIGCHI x, xi

simple designs 2627, 193194

SimpleBits site 161

site index 208

site maps 207, 208

skip links 214

Smith & Hawken site 4

Solar System Exploration site 65

sound 164. See also audio content

“speak” style 50

Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction x, xi

spoken narration 164. See also audio content

standards Web xviixviii, 53, 201

Stephanidis, Constantine xi

structural markup 43, 4849, 6769, 175, 200

structural tags 49, 50, 6769

structured documents 67. See also document structure

Strunk, William 186

style sheets. See also CSS

benefits of 44, 5052

browser support for 52

controlling page layout with 211212

designing pages to function without 5253

external 59

and fixed vs. flexible design 15, 18, 211212

linked vs. embedded 5455

and nonvisual attributes 50

setting text color with 6566

styling text with 59

Sullivan Louis H., 12

SUMMARY tag 9495, 97 site 74

tab order, Web page 34, 194

TABINDEX attribute 34

table captions 9495

table markup 89, 9091, 101, 104

TABLE tag 48, 49, 95, 97, 104

tables 89108

basic principles regarding 9993, 99103

designing for linear access 104106

displaying captions with 9495

identifying rows/columns in 9394

misuse of 89, 91

as page layout tool 89, 97101 (See also layout tables)

simplifying layouts for 9293

summarizing contents of 9495

using flexible cell widths in 106108

when to use 89, 91

tabular information 49, 90, 9798. See also tables

tags, structural 49, 50, 6769

TD tag 104

text 5769

allowing users to resize 63

auto-populating form fields with 135137

basic principles regarding 5859

breaking into segments 184185

color considerations 6467, 157

graphic vs. plain 5859, 7576

as lingua franca of Web 6

marking up 6769

printed vs. Web 57, 60

reinforcing color with 159160

reinforcing with images 7172

size considerations 6063

styling with CSS 59

text alternates. See alt-text

text input fields 137

text links 143146. See also links

text size 39

text-to-speech technology 163. See also screen reader software

text transcripts 164, 165, 167

TH tag 93, 97

thumbnail images 8687 site 27

TITLE attribute 114, 190

TITLE tag 7, 48

TR tag 104

Trace Center University of Wisconsin x

transcripts 164, 165, 167

transformation, designing for 18, 3638

travel applications 175

Tribeworks site 158

Tufte, Edward xvi, 26

typography 57. See also text


underlining 1617, 77, 142, 147148

UNICEF site 159

Universal Access in the Information Society xi

universal design xviii, 89

universal usability

and audio/video control 170171

best-practices guidelines for xx–xxi

conference xi

defined xix

designing Web sites for 10, 2341

and forms 132, 134

goal of 21

and graphic text 7576

and HTML vs. alternate formats 24, 3033

and images 72

importance of xii

and interactivity 173174

and links 143

and page layout 194

risks associated with xiixiii

and Web markup 24

University of Wisconsin x

unordered lists 49

U.S. Census Bureau site 94

usability, universal. See universal usability

user-centered design xvii, xviiixix, 15, 39

user control

of color 160161

of cursor position 177178

of media-based content 170171

of user interface 3941, 176178

of window size 176, 178

user-defined styles 52, 58

user interface allowing users to control 3941, 176178

User Interfaces for All xi


defined xxii

partnering with 14

visual vs. nonvisual 3

Vanderheiden Gregg xxi

video content 165171

allowing users to control 170171

challenges presented by 163

and nonvisual users 166

providing alternate formats for 166168

providing captions with 165

providing descriptions for 166

providing keyboard access to 169170

visibility 1112

visited links 142, 148150

visual users

and color 155, 158160

and data tables 89

defined 3

and layout tables 9798

and links 145

and lists 119, 122

and sequence of page elements 194

vocabulary 187

W3C 53

W3Schools site 37, 92

Wall Street Journal site 64


attributes of 69

defining best practices for xv

dynamic nature of xv

flexibility of 89, 1114, 106108

global audience for 183, 187

as hypertext system 173

imposing established conventions on 16

improving usability of x (See also universal usability)

popularity of ix, xii

setting type on 57

as software application 173

universality of xi

writing for 183

Web accessibility xvii, 18. See also universal design

Web Accessibility Initiative 18

Web audio. See audio content

Web browsers. See browsers

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group xi

Web design

basic principles of 2341 (See also design principles)

challenges of xix 197198

collaborative nature of 14

conferences xi

consistency in 193194, 201203

cost/benefit considerations 1114

evolution of xvixviii

layers of xixxx

making informed decisions about 1014

recognized experts in xvi

standards 201

text size considerations 6063

and universal usability xiixiii, 23

Web designers xxii, 193

Web documents. See documents

Web forms. See forms

Web images. See images

Web pages. See also specific page elements

basic functions of 45

building to standards 53

controlling nonvisual attributes of 50

defining base text size for 6061

designing (See Web design)

determining audience for 23

frames-based 111112 (See also frames)

laying out (See page layout)

“optimal” dimensions for 194

positioning important content in 213215

readability of (See readability)

tab order for 34

Web sites

designing (See Web design)

ensuring functionality of 23

frames-based 111112 (See also frames)

maintaining/updating 188189

navigation design for 120121 (See also navigation)

Web standards xviixviii, 201

Web Style Guide site 196

Web users. See users

Web video. See video content

Westciv site 144

White, E. B. 186

White House site 164

Wikipedia site 45, 46, 142, 185

window size, allowing users to control 176, 178

Wired site 19, 25, 101

World Wide Web. See Web

World Wide Web Consortium 18, 53

Wright Brothers site 103, 198

writing style 186, 187. See also editorial style


“you are here” cues 150151 site 156

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