Storing Student Grades in an array in Class GradeBook

Figure 7.14 shows the output that summarizes the 10 grades we store in an object of the next version of class GradeBook (Figs. 7.157.16), which uses an array of integers to store the grades of 10 students for a single exam. This eliminates the need to repeatedly input the same set of grades. array grades is declared as a data member in line 28 of Fig. 7.15—therefore, each GradeBook object maintains its own set of grades.

Welcome to the grade book for
CS101 Introduction to C++ Programming!

The grades are:

Student  1:  87
Student  2:  68
Student  3:  94
Student  4: 100
Student  5:  83
Student  6:  78
Student  7:  85
Student  8:  91
Student  9:  76
Student 10:  87

Class average is 84.90
Lowest grade is 68
Highest grade is 100

Grade distribution:
60-69: *
70-79: **
80-89: ****
90-99: **
  100: *

Fig. 7.14. Output of the GradeBook example that stores grades in an array.

 1   // Fig. 7.15: GradeBook.h
 2   // Definition of class GradeBook that uses an array to store test grades.
 3   // Member functions are defined in GradeBook.cpp
 4   #include <string>
 5   #include <array>
 7   // GradeBook class definition
 8   class GradeBook
 9   {
10   public:
11      // constant -- number of students who took the test
12      static const size_t students = 10; // note public data
14      // constructor initializes course name and array of grades
15      GradeBook( const std::string &, const std::array< int, students > & );
17      void setCourseName( const std::string & ); // set the course name
18      string getCourseName() const; // retrieve the course name
19      void displayMessage() const; // display a welcome message
20      void processGrades() const; // perform operations on the grade data
21      int getMinimum() const; // find the minimum grade for the test
22      int getMaximum() const; // find the maximum grade for the test
23      double getAverage() const; // determine the average grade for the test
24      void outputBarChart() const; // output bar chart of grade distribution
25      void outputGrades() const; // output the contents of the grades array
26   private:
27      std::string courseName; // course name for this grade book
28      std::array< int, students > grades; // array of student grades
29   }; // end class GradeBook

Fig. 7.15. Definition of class GradeBook that uses an array to store test grades.

 1   // Fig. 7.16: GradeBook.cpp
 2   // GradeBook class member functions manipulating
 3   // an array of grades.
 4   #include <iostream>
 5   #include <iomanip>
 6   #include "GradeBook.h" // GradeBook class definition
 7   using namespace std;
 9   // constructor initializes courseName and grades array
10   GradeBook::GradeBook( const string &name,
11      const array< int, students > &gradesArray )
12      : courseName( name ), grades( gradesArray )
13   {
14   } // end GradeBook constructor
16   // function to set the course name
17   void GradeBook::setCourseName( const string &name )
18   {
19      courseName = name; // store the course name
20   } // end function setCourseName
22   // function to retrieve the course name
23   string GradeBook::getCourseName() const
24   {
25      return courseName;
26   } // end function getCourseName
28   // display a welcome message to the GradeBook user
29   void GradeBook::displayMessage() const
30   {
31      // this statement calls getCourseName to get the
32      // name of the course this GradeBook represents
33      cout << "Welcome to the grade book for " << getCourseName() << "!"
34         << endl;
35   } // end function displayMessage
37   // perform various operations on the data
38   void GradeBook::processGrades() const
39   {
40      // output grades array
41      outputGrades();
43      // call function getAverage to calculate the average grade
44      cout << setprecision( 2 ) << fixed;
45      cout << " Class average is " << getAverage() << endl;
47      // call functions getMinimum and getMaximum
48      cout << "Lowest grade is " << getMinimum() << " Highest grade is "
49         << getMaximum() << endl;
51      // call function outputBarChart to print grade distribution chart
52      outputBarChart();
53   } // end function processGrades
55   // find minimum grade
56   int GradeBook::getMinimum() const
57   {
58      int lowGrade = 100; // assume lowest grade is 100
60      // loop through grades array
61      for ( int grade : grades )
62      {
63         // if current grade lower than lowGrade, assign it to lowGrade
64         if ( grade < lowGrade )
65            lowGrade = grade; // new lowest grade
66      } // end for
68      return lowGrade; // return lowest grade
69   } // end function getMinimum
71   // find maximum grade
72   int GradeBook::getMaximum() const
73   {
74      int highGrade = 0; // assume highest grade is 0
76      // loop through grades array
77      for ( int grade : grades )
78      {
79         // if current grade higher than highGrade, assign it to highGrade
80         if ( grade > highGrade )
81            highGrade = grade; // new highest grade
82      } // end for
84      return highGrade; // return highest grade
85   } // end function getMaximum
87   // determine average grade for test
88   double GradeBook::getAverage() const
89   {
90      int total = 0; // initialize total
92      // sum grades in array
93      for ( int grade : grades )
94         total += grade;
96      // return average of grades
97      return static_cast< double >( total ) / grades.size();
98   } // end function getAverage
100  // output bar chart displaying grade distribution
101  void GradeBook::outputBarChart() const
102  {
103     cout << " Grade distribution:" << endl;
105     // stores frequency of grades in each range of 10 grades
106     const size_t frequencySize = 11;
107     array< unsigned int, frequencySize > frequency = {}; // init to 0s
109     // for each grade, increment the appropriate frequency
110     for ( int grade : grades )
111        ++frequency[ grade / 10 ];
113     // for each grade frequency, print bar in chart
114     for ( size_t count = 0; count < frequencySize; ++count )
115     {
116        // output bar labels ("0-9:", ..., "90-99:", "100:" )
117        if ( 0 == count )
118           cout << "  0-9: ";
119        else if ( 10 == count )
120           cout << "  100: ";
121        else
122           cout << count * 10 << "-" << ( count * 10 ) + 9 << ": ";
124        // print bar of asterisks
125        for ( unsigned int stars = 0; stars < frequency[ count ]; ++stars )
126           cout << '*';
128        cout << endl; // start a new line of output
129     } // end outer for
130  } // end function outputBarChart
132  // output the contents of the grades array
133  void GradeBook::outputGrades() const
134  {
135     cout << " The grades are: ";
137     // output each student's grade
138     for ( size_t student = 0; student < grades.size(); ++student )
139        cout << "Student " << setw( 2 ) << student + 1 << ": " << setw( 3 )
140           << grades[ student ] << endl;
141  } // end function outputGrades

Fig. 7.16. GradeBook class member functions manipulating an array of grades.

The size of the array in line 28 of Fig. 7.15 is specified by public static const data member students (declared in line 12), which is public so that it’s accessible to the class’s clients. We’ll soon see an example of a client program using this constant. Declaring students with the const qualifier indicates that this data member is constant—its value cannot be changed after being initialized.

Keyword static in this variable declaration indicates that the data member is shared by all objects of the class—so in this particular implementation of class GradeBook, all GradeBook objects store grades for the same number of students. Recall from Section 3.4 that when each object of a class maintains its own copy of an attribute, the variable that represents the attribute is known as a data member—each object (instance) of the class has a separate copy of the variable in memory. There are variables for which each object of a class does not have a separate copy. That is the case with static data members, which are also known as class variables. When objects of a class containing static data members are created, all the objects share one copy of the class’s static data members. A static data member can be accessed within the class definition and the member-function definitions like any other data member. As you’ll soon see, a public static data member can also be accessed outside of the class, even when no objects of the class exist, using the class name followed by the scope resolution operator (::) and the name of the data member. You’ll learn more about static data members in Chapter 9.

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