1.7. C++11 and the Open Source Boost Libraries


C++11 (formerly called C++0x)—the latest C++ programming language standard—was published by ISO/IEC in 2011. Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, expressed his vision for the future of the language—the main goals were to make C++ easier to learn, improve library building capabilities and increase compatibility with the C programming language. The new standard extends the C++ Standard Library and includes several features and enhancements to improve performance and security. The major C++ compiler vendors have already implemented many of the new C++11 features (Fig. 1.22). Throughout the book, we discuss various key features of C++11. For more information, visit the C++ Standards Committee website at www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/ and isocpp.org. Copies of the C++11 language specification (ISO/IEC 14882:2011) can be purchased at:


Fig. 1.22. C++ compilers that have implemented major portions of C++11.

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