21.4. namespaces

A program may include many identifiers defined in different scopes. Sometimes a variable of one scope will “overlap” (i.e., collide) with a variable of the same name in a different scope, possibly creating a naming conflict. Such overlapping can occur at many levels. Identifier overlapping occurs frequently in third-party libraries that happen to use the same names for global identifiers (such as functions). This can cause compilation errors.

C++ solves this problem with namespaces. Each namespace defines a scope in which identifiers and variables are placed. To use a namespace member, either the member’s name must be qualified with the namespace name and the scope resolution operator (::), as in


or a using directive must appear before the name is used in the program. Typically, such using statements are placed at the beginning of the file in which members of the namespace are used. For example, placing the following using directive at the beginning of a source-code file

using namespace MyNameSpace;

specifies that members of namespace MyNameSpace can be used in the file without preceding each member with MyNameSpace and the scope resolution operator (::).

A using directive of the form

using std::cout;

brings one name into the scope where the directive appears. A using directive of the form

using namespace std;

brings all the names from the specified namespace (std) into the scope where the directive appears.

Image Error-Prevention Tip 21.2

Precede a member with its namespace name and the scope resolution operator (::) if the possibility exists of a naming conflict.

Not all namespaces are guaranteed to be unique. Two third-party vendors might inadvertently use the same identifiers for their namespace names. Figure 21.3 demonstrates the use of namespaces.

 1   // Fig. 21.3: fig21_03.cpp
 2   // Demonstrating namespaces.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using namespace std;
 6   int integer1 = 98; // global variable
 8   // create namespace Example                           
 9   namespace Example                                     
10   {                                                     
11      // declare two constants and one variable          
12      const double PI = 3.14159;                         
13      const double E = 2.71828;                          
14      int integer1 = 8;                                  
16      void printValues(); // prototype                   
18      // nested namespace                                
19      namespace Inner                                    
20      {                                                  
21         // define enumeration                           
22         enum Years { FISCAL1 = 1990, FISCAL2, FISCAL3 };
23      } // end Inner namespace                           
24   } // end Example namespace                            
26   // create unnamed namespace                           
27   namespace                                             
28   {                                                     
29      double doubleInUnnamed = 88.22; // declare variable
30   } // end unnamed namespace                            
32   int main()
33   {
34      // output value doubleInUnnamed of unnamed namespace
35      cout << "doubleInUnnamed = " << doubleInUnnamed;
37      // output global variable
38      cout << " (global) integer1 = " << integer1;
40      // output values of Example namespace
41      cout << " PI = " << Example::PI << " E = " << Example::E
42         << " integer1 = " << Example::integer1 << " FISCAL3 = "
43         << Example::Inner::FISCAL3 << endl;
45      Example::printValues(); // invoke printValues function
46   } // end main
48   // display variable and constant values
49   void Example::printValues()
50   {
51      cout << " In printValues: integer1 = " << integer1 << " PI = "
52         << PI << " E = " << E << " doubleInUnnamed = "
53         << doubleInUnnamed << " (global) integer1 = " << ::integer1
54         << " FISCAL3 = " << Inner::FISCAL3 << endl;
55   } // end printValues

doubleInUnnamed = 88.22
(global) integer1 = 98
PI = 3.14159
E = 2.71828
integer1 = 8
FISCAL3 = 1992
In printValues:
integer1 = 8
PI = 3.14159
E = 2.71828
doubleInUnnamed = 88.22
(global) integer1 = 98
FISCAL3 = 1992

Fig. 21.3. Demonstrating the use of namespaces.

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