23.3. Incorporating Inheritance into the ATM System

We now revisit our ATM system design to see how it might benefit from inheritance. To apply inheritance, we first look for commonality among classes in the system. We create an inheritance hierarchy to model similar (yet not identical) classes in a more efficient and elegant manner that enables us to process objects of these classes polymorphically. We then modify our class diagram to incorporate the new inheritance relationships. Finally, we demonstrate how our updated design is translated into C++ header files.

In Section 22.4, we encountered the problem of representing a financial transaction in the system. Rather than create one class to represent all transaction types, we decided to create three individual transaction classes—BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit—to represent the transactions that the ATM system can perform. Figure 23.8 shows the attributes and operations of these classes, which have one attribute (accountNumber) and one operation (execute) in common. Each class requires attribute accountNumber to specify the account to which the transaction applies. Each class contains operation execute, which the ATM invokes to perform the transaction. Clearly, BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit represent types of transactions. Figure 23.8 reveals commonality among the transaction classes, so using inheritance to factor out the common features seems appropriate for designing these classes. We place the common functionality in base class Transaction and derive classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit from Transaction (Fig. 23.9).


Fig. 23.8. Attributes and operations of classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit.


Fig. 23.9. Class diagram modeling generalization relationship between base class Transaction and derived classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit.

The UML specifies a relationship called a generalization to model inheritance. Figure 23.9 is the class diagram that models the inheritance relationship between base class Transaction and its three derived classes. The arrows with triangular hollow arrowheads indicate that classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit are derived from class Transaction. Class Transaction is said to be a generalization of its derived classes. The derived classes are said to be specializations of class Transaction.

Classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit share integer attribute accountNumber, so we factor out this common attribute and place it in base class Transaction. We no longer list accountNumber in the second compartment of each derived class, because the three derived classes inherit this attribute from Transaction. Recall, however, that derived classes cannot access private attributes of a base class. We therefore include public member function getAccountNumber in class Transaction. Each derived class inherits this member function, enabling the derived class to access its accountNumber as needed to execute a transaction.

According to Fig. 23.8, classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit also share operation execute, so base class Transaction should contain public member function execute. However, it does not make sense to implement execute in class Transaction, because the functionality that this member function provides depends on the specific type of the actual transaction. We therefore declare member function execute as a pure virtual function in base class Transaction. This makes Transaction an abstract class and forces any class derived from Transaction that must be a concrete class (i.e., BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit) to implement pure virtual member function execute to make the derived class concrete. The UML requires that we place abstract class names (and pure virtual functions—abstract operations in the UML) in italics, so Transaction and its member function execute appear in italics in Fig. 23.9. Operation execute is not italicized in derived classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit. Each derived class overrides base class Transaction’s execute member function with an appropriate implementation. Figure 23.9 includes operation execute in the third compartment of classes BalanceInquiry, Withdrawal and Deposit, because each class has a different concrete implementation of the overridden member function.

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