23.4.11. Class Deposit

Class Deposit (Figs. 23.3423.35) derives from Transaction and represents a deposit ATM transaction. Figure 23.34 contains the Deposit class definition. Like derived classes BalanceInquiry and Withdrawal, Deposit declares a constructor (line 13) and member function execute (line 14)—we discuss these momentarily. Recall from the class diagram of Fig. 23.11 that class Deposit has one attribute amount, which line 16 implements as an int data member. Lines 17–18 create reference data members keypad and depositSlot that implement the associations between class Deposit and classes Keypad and DepositSlot modeled in Fig. 23.10. Line 19 contains the function prototype for a private utility function promptForDepositAmount that we’ll discuss shortly.

 1   // Deposit.h
 2   // Deposit class definition. Represents a deposit transaction.
 3   #ifndef DEPOSIT_H
 4   #define DEPOSIT_H
 6   #include "Transaction.h" // Transaction class definition
 7   class Keypad; // forward declaration of class Keypad
 8   class DepositSlot; // forward declaration of class DepositSlot
10   class Deposit : public Transaction
11   {
12   public:
13      Deposit( int, Screen &, BankDatabase &, Keypad &, DepositSlot & );
14      virtual void execute(); // perform the transaction
15   private:
16      double amount; // amount to deposit
17      Keypad &keypad; // reference to ATM's keypad
18      DepositSlot &depositSlot; // reference to ATM's deposit slot
19      double promptForDepositAmount() const; // get deposit amount from user
20   }; // end class Deposit
22   #endif // DEPOSIT_H

Fig. 23.34. Deposit class definition.

 1   // Deposit.cpp
 2   // Member-function definitions for class Deposit.
 3   #include "Deposit.h" // Deposit class definition
 4   #include "Screen.h" // Screen class definition
 5   #include "BankDatabase.h" // BankDatabase class definition
 6   #include "Keypad.h" // Keypad class definition
 7   #include "DepositSlot.h" // DepositSlot class definition
 9   static const int CANCELED = 0; // constant representing cancel option
11   // Deposit constructor initializes class's data members
12   Deposit::Deposit( int userAccountNumber, Screen &atmScreen,
13      BankDatabase &atmBankDatabase, Keypad &atmKeypad,
14      DepositSlot &atmDepositSlot )
15      : Transaction( userAccountNumber, atmScreen, atmBankDatabase ),
16        keypad( atmKeypad ), depositSlot( atmDepositSlot )
17   {
18      // empty body
19   } // end Deposit constructor
21   // performs transaction; overrides Transaction's pure virtual function
22   void Deposit::execute()
23   {
24      BankDatabase &bankDatabase = getBankDatabase(); // get reference
25      Screen &screen = getScreen(); // get reference
27      amount = promptForDepositAmount(); // get deposit amount from user
29      // check whether user entered a deposit amount or canceled
30      if ( amount != CANCELED )
31      {
32         // request deposit envelope containing specified amount
33         screen.displayMessage(
34            " Please insert a deposit envelope containing " );
35         screen.displayDollarAmount( amount );
36         screen.displayMessageLine( " in the deposit slot." );
38         // receive deposit envelope
39         bool envelopeReceived = depositSlot.isEnvelopeReceived();
41         // check whether deposit envelope was received
42         if ( envelopeReceived )
43         {
44            screen.displayMessageLine( " Your envelope has been received."
45               " NOTE: The money deposited will not be available until we"
46               " verify the amount of any enclosed cash, and any enclosed "
47               "checks clear." );
49            // credit account to reflect the deposit
50            bankDatabase.credit( getAccountNumber(), amount );
51         } // end if
52         else // deposit envelope not received
53         {
54            screen.displayMessageLine( " You did not insert an "
55               "envelope, so the ATM has canceled your transaction." );
56         } // end else
57      } // end if
58      else // user canceled instead of entering amount
59      {
60         screen.displayMessageLine( " Canceling transaction..." );
61      } // end else
62   } // end function execute
64   // prompt user to enter a deposit amount in cents
65   double Deposit::promptForDepositAmount() const
66   {
67      Screen &screen = getScreen(); // get reference to screen
69      // display the prompt and receive input
70      screen.displayMessage( " Please enter a deposit amount in "
71         "CENTS (or 0 to cancel): " );
72      int input = keypad.getInput(); // receive input of deposit amount
74      // check whether the user canceled or entered a valid amount
75      if ( input == CANCELED )
76         return CANCELED;
77      else
78      {
79         return static_cast< double >( input ) / 100; // return dollar amount
80      } // end else
81   } // end function promptForDepositAmount

Fig. 23.35. Deposit class member-function definitions.

Deposit Class Member-Function Definitions

Figure 23.35 presents the Deposit class implementation. Line 3 #includes the Deposit class definition, and lines 4–7 #include the class definitions of the other classes used in Deposit’s member functions. Line 9 declares a constant CANCELED that corresponds to the value a user enters to cancel a deposit. We’ll soon discuss how the class uses this constant.

Like class Withdrawal, class Deposit contains a constructor (lines 12–19) that passes three parameters to base class Transaction’s constructor using a base-class initializer (line 15). The constructor also has parameters atmKeypad and atmDepositSlot, which it assigns to its corresponding data members (line 16).

Member function execute (lines 22–62) overrides pure virtual function execute in base class Transaction with a concrete implementation that performs the steps required in a deposit transaction. Lines 24–25 get references to the database and the screen. Line 27 prompts the user to enter a deposit amount by invoking private utility function promptForDepositAmount (defined in lines 65–81) and sets data member amount to the value returned. Member function promptForDepositAmount asks the user to enter a deposit amount as an integer number of cents (because the ATM’s keypad does not contain a decimal point; this is consistent with many real ATMs) and returns the double value representing the dollar amount to be deposited.

Line 67 in member function promptForDepositAmount gets a reference to the ATM’s screen. Lines 70–71 display a message on the screen asking the user to input a deposit amount as a number of cents or “0” to cancel the transaction. Line 72 receives the user’s input from the keypad. The if statement in lines 75–80 determines whether the user has entered a real deposit amount or chosen to cancel. If the user chooses to cancel, line 76 returns the constant CANCELED. Otherwise, line 79 returns the deposit amount after converting from the number of cents to a dollar amount by casting input to a double, then dividing by 100. For example, if the user enters 125 as the number of cents, line 79 returns 125.0 divided by 100, or 1.25—125 cents is $1.25.

The if statement in lines 30–61 in member function execute determines whether the user has chosen to cancel the transaction instead of entering a deposit amount. If the user cancels, line 60 displays an appropriate message, and the member function returns. If the user enters a deposit amount, lines 33–36 instruct the user to insert a deposit envelope with the correct amount. Recall that Screen member function displayDollarAmount outputs a double formatted as a dollar amount.

Line 39 sets a local bool variable to the value returned by depositSlot’s isEnvelopeReceived member function, indicating whether a deposit envelope has been received. Recall that we coded isEnvelopeReceived (lines 7–10 of Fig. 23.23) to always return true, because we are simulating the functionality of the deposit slot and assume that the user always inserts an envelope. However, we code member function execute of class Deposit to test for the possibility that the user does not insert an envelope—good software engineering demands that programs account for all possible return values. Thus, class Deposit is prepared for future versions of isEnvelopeReceived that could return false. Lines 44–50 execute if the deposit slot receives an envelope. Lines 44–47 display an appropriate message to the user. Line 50 then credits the deposit amount to the user’s account in the database. Lines 54–55 will execute if the deposit slot does not receive a deposit envelope. In this case, we display a message to the user stating that the ATM has canceled the transaction. The member function then returns without modifying the user’s account.

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