
Accounting system examples, 25-27, 37-38

Activity, 56, 83-84

See also Box; Breakdowns

clusters, 188-90, 208-9

defined, 207

layout of, 86, 191

list, 86, 187-90

maximum number of, 9, 86, 115-16

naming convention, 110

quality of, 123

rules for, 107-10

Activity-based costing (ABC) approach, 52, 185

Aerospace industry, 4, 5, 17

Air Force

AFCAM program, 5, 6, 172

computer-aided manufacturing and, 5

ICAM program and, 10, 17

IDEFO and, 7, 17

ManTech Office, 4, 5, 7, 173

modeling method, 7

Air Force Computer-Aided Manufacturing (AFCAM) program, 5, 6, 172

Approval levels

draft, 84, 101

publication, 84, 101, 102, 104

recommended, 101, 102, 134

working, 84, 101, 103

Arrow, 2, 12, 55, 56, 57, 58, 86-87, 207

See also Boundary arrow; Call arrow; Control arrow; IDEFO rules; Input arrow; Mechanism arrow; Output arrow

branches, 58, 72, 114

bundling, 98, 107, 129-31, 134, 193, 208

content, 56, 57, 98-99, 114, 116

data interface, 30

defined, 207

external, 210

flow restriction rule, 114

fog factor and, 124

forced, 203

forks, 59, 62, 87

joins, 59, 62, 87

labeling, 56, 57, 87-88, 107, 113, 124-26, 130, 131, 135

layout rules, 87

parentheses and, 112

pathways, 86, 87

pipeline, 59, 88, 203

plug-compatibility, 110-12

purpose of, 133, 134

railroad-track, 130

raveled-rope, 63

shape of, 57-58, 107, 114-15

syntax, 2, 12, 57-59

tracing, 100-101

AS-IS model, 24ff., 111, 123, 141, 160-65, 179, 183ff.

benefit of, 24ff.

in BPR process, 19, 21, 23

CASE and, 13

defined, 208

DoD and, 18, 19

Assembly code, 4

Author, 22, 24ff., 82, 83, 84, 88, 204

See also Authoring steps; Reader/author review cycle

cost of development and, 141-42

defined, 207

labeling by, 87-88

lead author, 84, 85

mistakes of, 24ff., 134

number of, 84

project scope and, 33

role of, 22, 43, 84-88, 102, 103-5, 128

skills of, 140-41

training for, xx, 10, 13

Authoring steps, 13, 182

for Ben’s Burgers case study, 182

Automatically programmed tool (APT), 5

A0 diagram, 65, 142

A-0 diagram, 57, 64, 85, 133, 207

A-0 statement, 134

Block diagram method, 11, 23

Boeing, 5

Boundary arrow, 57, 69, 70, 107, 110-12, 203

defined, 208

parent diagram and, 203

Box, 2, 4, 11, 12, 43, 55, 56, 107-10, 208

See also IDEFO rules

as action, 2

controls and, 56, 108-9

decomposition and, 110

defined, 208

dominance and, 191

inputs and, 56

layout of, 191

mechanisms and, 56

naming, 56, 59, 107, 109-10, 124-26

numbering convention, 56, 64, 107-8

outputs and, 56, 108-9

parent, 69-70, 86

rules for, 107-10

stairstep position, 49

syntax, 12, 56-57

three-six rule for, 9, 59, 61, 116

Breakage, 16, 20, 23

Breakdown of activities, 9-10, 43-44, 82, 83

See also Decomposition

data models and, 175ff.

forms of, 147-55

organizational, 152

partial SBT, 154-55

purpose of, 82

sequential, 150-51

split-by-type (SBT), 76, 153-54

type of, 82-84

viewpoint of, 82

Bundling, see Arrow bundling; Data bundling

Business process reengineering (BPR), xix, 12, 15, 19, 20ff.

arrows, role of, and, 133

AS-IS model in, 19, 21, 23

business planning and, 19, 25-27

control arrows and, 133

defined, 208

deliverable of, 23

Hammer and Champy approach, 15, 21

IDEFO and, xix, 10, 16-17, 20-21, 23, 25ff.

inductive reasoning and, 15, 21

job loss, threat of, and, 141

management and, 37-38, 140-43

measurement of, 23, 33

reuse of models and, 142

steps in, DoD/CIM, 19

Business rule, 133, 177

as constraint, 133

Call arrow, 56, 67, 71, 73-76, 94, 155, 158

DRE vs., 79-80, 118

mechanism arrow vs., 78-79

subroutine and, 77-78

Call point, 74

Case study

Ben’s Burgers, 179ff.

in process improvement, 25ff.

Champy, Michael, 15, 21

Change implementation, 16, 20, 23

Change planning, 34

Child diagram, 69-70, 208

Cluster, see Activity cluster

C-number, 57, 61, 80, 89, 104

Commenter role in IDEFO project, 84

Computer-aided software engineering (CASE), 10, 12-13

Configuration management

in government bid effort, 27-29

model, 156, 166-71

Constraint, 11, 133

Control arrow, 2-4, 11, 47, 48, 56, 62, 88, 132-33, 204

constraint vs., 133

convention for, 108-9

identification of, 132-33

syntax, 56

Corporate Information Management (CIM) Policy Committee, xx, 16, 17, 19, 173

DoD/CIM 25-Step BPR Process, 19, 21


arrows, 2

bundles, 189-90

list, 85-86, 142, 155, 187-90, 193

-oriented analysis, 7, 23, 53-54

Data flow diagram, 2, 10, 45-49

Decomposition, 9, 10, 45, 83-84, 88-89, 123, 135, 142, 149-50, 151, 155, 158, 199, 203, 209

See also Breakdown

defined, 209

diagram, 61, 65

diagram as, 64

example, 150

importance of, 88-89, 135

interfaces of, 69

sequence, stopping a, 143

in TQM effort, 35

Department of Defense (DoD), xx, 15ff., 21

budget and, 16, 18

CIM office and, xx, 17, 19

defined, 209

hospital example, 136-37

IDEFO choice, 172

OASD and, 15

steps of BPR process, 19, 20, 21, 132-33

Detailed reference expression (DRE), 67-69, 80, 94, 112, 209

call arrow vs., 79-80, 118

syntax for, 68, 94

viewpoints and, 119

Diagram, 2, 11, 13, 95

See also A0 diagram; A-0 diagram; For-exposition-only (FEO) diagram; Node diagram; Schematic diagram; Text

activities, number of, 115-16

authoring steps, 182-205

balance, 86, 158, 159

child, 69-70, 208

constraint and, 107

content-free, 135, 136ff.

data flow diagram vs., 2, 10, 46, 107, 116

as decomposition, 64

as documentation, 23

flow charts vs., 10, 11, 107, 116-17

form, 55, 57, 59-63, 85

function-oriented, 139

levels of, 85

name of, 60

number of, 60-61

parent, 64, 89, 203, 210

production, vii

readability, 114

reader kit and, 104, 105, 203

rules for, 55ff., 107, 115-17

structure, 44, 55, 63

three-six rule for, 43-44, 59, 61

top-level, 21, 23, 49-50, 156-60

Divide-and-conquer approach, 5, 9-10

Documentation, 16, 22, 41, 85

Dominance of boxes, 191

Downsizing, 15ff., 135-37

Egoless environment, 14

Enterprise, 14, 40-41, 156-60, 179-205, 209

model of, 3, 13, 20, 29, 34, 35, 36, 156ff., 160-65

Enterprise engineering, see Business process reengineering

ERDA diagram, 138

Expert, 22, 37, 84, 204

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) PUB 183, 9, 12, 55

input arrows and, 133

Finkelstein, Clive, 53

Fog factor testing, 124

For-exposition-only (FEO) diagram, 62, 63, 82, 95, 97-101, 173, 210

defined, 210

of librarian event, 97-98

raveled-rope, 99, 101

Function modeling, 11, 54, 55, 148, 207

analysis method, 7-8

Gane and Sarson design method, 12

Glossary, see Model glossary

Hammer, Michael, xvii, 15, 21

IDEF methods

series of, 7-8

Users Group, 10, 17, 37

IDEF1X method, 7, 54, 172, 175-78, 210

IDEFO method, xix, xx, 1ff., 4-8, 10-15, 23, 25, 39-54

See also Activity; Arrow; Box; Diagram; ICOM codes; IDEFO rules; Model; Modeling; Project; Pragmatics; Text

benefits of, xix, 4, 6, 11, 12, 18, 20ff., 23, 25ff., 41-42

Ben’s Burgers example, 179-206

BPR and, xix, 10, 16-17, 20-21, 23, 25ff.

CASE and, 10, 11-13

change management and, 41

communication and, 1ff., 15, 16, 20

concepts of, xx, 8, 10-15

configuration-management procedure, 101

costs and, 23, 25, 27-29

criteria for, 16-17

data analysis vs., 53-54

data flow diagramming vs., 2, 10, 45-49

DoD and, xx, 172

do’s and don’ts, 106-44

elements of, 8ff.

features of, 43-45

features excluded, 61, 173

field office example of, 29-33

graphical elements of, 2, 17, 20, 39

history of, 4-8, 11, 17-19, 172-74

IDEF1 and, 7, 172

IDEF1X and, 54, 172, 175-78

IDEF3 and, 7

IDEF2 and, 7, 172

information flow and, 25-27

language of, 8

lessons from use, 13-14, 140-43

life cycle and, 10, 11, 12ff.

management and, 25ff., 37-38, 140-43

methodology and, 7-8, 101

misuses of, xix, 10ff., 106ff.

object orientation and, 12, 14, 174

principles of, 8, 39-40

process improvement and, 15-38

process-oriented analysis, 52

SADT and, 172ff.

scope of, 7, 10-11, 27ff., 37-38, 40-41, 49

semantics, xix, 4, 55-80, 81, 106, 173

standard for, xix, 9, 12, 55, 107, 133

syntax, xix, 2-4, 50, 81, 106, 173

IDEFO rules, xix, 106, 107-22

for arrows, 87, 107, 110-15, 204

for boxes, 107-10

for diagrams, 55ff., 107, 115-17

for flow restriction, 114

language, 107ff.

for layout, 87

for models, 63ff., 107, 117-22

summary of, 107

of three to six boxes, 9, 43, 115-17

for working, 23

Input arrow, 11, 56, 86, 133

control vs., 132-33

convention for, 109

Input-control-output-mechanism (ICOM) codes, 66-70, 107, 112, 116, 210

Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), 5, 6, 10, 13, 16-17, 142, 173

International Society for Enterprise Engineering (BEE), 174

International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 5, 6, 13, 17

Interview, see Modeling interviews

Jacobson, Ivar, 123

Librarian, 84, 88, 102, 104

FEO diagram of, 97-98

Manufacturing, 7, 10, 24ff., 35ff.

agile, 25, 35

example, 7, 24ff., 118ff.

Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Office, 4, 7, 173

Mechanism, 2, 48, 56, 109

arrow, 4, 6, 47, 48, 71-73

arrow branch, 72-73

call arrow vs., 78-79

control vs., 132

levels of, 51-52

multiple, 72

syntax, 3, 56, 67, 71


See also Approval levels; AS-IS model; Decomposition; Modeling; Quality of model; Text; TO-BE model; Viewpoint of model

of activities, 83-84, 86

authoring, 61-62, 82, 83, 84

bad, creation of, 13

boundary, 33

breakdown, 9-10, 81, 82-84

bundling, 82, 86, 98-99

clustering, 82, 86, 142

complexity, 9, 11, 20

for configuration management, 166-71

content-free, 135, 136

of enterprise, 3, 13, 20, 29, 34, 35, 36, 156ff., 160-65

functional, 14

of function vs. process, 147-49, 166

generic, 29, 156-60

glossary, 62-63, 88

level of abstraction, 51-52

library of, 142

migration project, 185, 210

motivational factor, 31-33

presentation of, 82, 97, 105

publication format of, 60, 61, 62-63, 82, 89-91

purpose of, 41, 49, 64, 81, 82-84, 116, 117-18, 123, 128, 135-37, 182ff., 199, 210

purpose statement, 21, 186-87

reuse of, 17, 142

scope of, 7, 10-11, 33, 40-41, 211

strawman, 22

structure of, 31-33, 39, 44, 63-65

types of, 147ff.

validation of, 88-89

Modeling, 12, 17, 23

See also Function modeling; IDEFO rules; Process modeling; Viewpoint of model

case study, 179-206

cost of, 141-43

do’s and don’ts of, 106-44

of function vs. design, 39-40, 134, 137-40

graphical, vii, 6, 17, 20, 23, 82, 86

intermodel tie syntax for, 92

interviews, 20, 22, 82, 84, 85, 179, 180ff.

management and, 140-43

metrics and, 42

reference language for, 66ff.

reviews, 82, 84

rules, 63ff., 107, 117-22

steps in, 182-205

tools, vii, xx, 13, 28, 34, 105, 204

users and, xix, 4, 6, 22, 23

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 9, 12, 14, 174

Node, 65

diagram, 31-33, 65-66, 95-96

number, 60, 64, 65, 66, 104, 107

structure, 65

Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD), 15

Output arrow, 56, 108-9

Parent/child connectivity, 107, 116

Parentheses, arrows and, 112

Parnas design method, 1

Pragmatics, 8-9, 80, 81-105

elements of, 81-82

Process modeling, 10, 19, 24ff., 33ff., 148, 207

Project, 19

budget overruns, 24-25

consensus, 21, 22, 23

deliverables, 23, 35, 36

management, 12ff., 19, 22, 25ff., 37-38, 106, 140-43

personnel, 13, 21, 25-27, 84, 140-41

support for, 25ff., 140-41

Q-label quantification, 173-74

Quality of model, 6, 14, 20-21, 31, 135

arrow bundling and, 129-31

arrow content and, 132

arrow labels and, 124-26, 131

box names and, 124-26

controls and, 132-33

diagram simplicity and, 127-29

draft, 14

fog factor and, 124

measurement of, 106, 122

questions for, 123

reader/author cycle and, 122

recommendations for, 135-40

text and, 134

viewpoint and, 133-34

walkthrough session and, 122

Reader, 211

responsibility, 84, 102, 103-5

selection of, 13, 104, 140, 204-5

Reader/author review cycle, 21ff., 59, 101-5, 122, 134, 140, 182, 203-5

kit for, 84, 88, 103-5, 203, 204

Reengineering, see Business process reengineering

Reference expression, see Direct reference expression

Request for proposal (RFP), 1, 27-29, 128

Requirements definition, 22


committee, 84, 102, 104, 140

management role in, 102, 104

Ross, Douglas T., v, xvii, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 172

Schematic diagram, 82, 95, 96-97, 105

SofTech, Inc., xvii, 5, 172, 173

Software Engineering Institute (SEI) performance assessment, 37

Split-by-type (SBT) structure, 76, 149, 153-55

Staff issues, 4, 12, 13, 16, 22-23, 25ff., 31

Strassmann, Paul, 16, 17-18

Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT), xx, 6-7, 57, 172ff.

activity, 83

BPR and, 16, 33

breakdown, 83

data modeling, 54, 173, 174, 175ff.

feedback from analysis effort and, 20

history of, 172-74

IDEF1X and, 54, 175

IDEFO and, v, 13, 54, 61, 172ff.

principles of, 6

Q-label quantification, 173-74

System, 11, 20, 25-27, 211

development, 10, 11, 12, 24ff.

Systems analysis, xix, 11, 13ff., 20ff.

See also AS-IS method; Data analysis; IDEFO method; Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT)

AS-IS model and, 24ff.

Ben’s Burgers case study, 179ff.

CASE and, 12-13

IDEFO method and, 13-14

Text, 20, 23, 61, 64, 89, 134, 211

TO-BE model, 13, 18, 24, 111, 179, 184ff., 211

in accounting department example, 27

in BPR process, 19, 21, 23

defined, 211

in TQM diagram, 34, 35

Total Quality Management (TQM), 25, 33-36, 176, 186

Traceability, 6

Viewpoint of model, 29-33, 41, 49, 64, 81, 82-84, 92-95, 117ff., 123, 133-34, 166, 182ff.

decomposition of, 122

defined, 211

field office example and, 29-33

financial, 92, 119, 121

human-factors, 29ff.

management, 92, 93, 94, 119

mixed, 118, 134

motivational factor models, 31ff.

quality, 119, 120, 121, 183

table of, 119

technical, 92, 93, 94, 119, 120, 121

Walkthrough session, 85, 96-97, 105, 122-23, 134

schematics used in, 96-97, 105

What-if, 71, 129, 203

Workshop approach, 21ff.

users and, 22

Yourdon design method, 1, 12

Zachman, John, 37

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