User Interface Components

Four view components are available that each replicate coarse-grained areas of’s native user interface functionality. These components are a single reference on your Visualforce page, but they expand to produce many subordinate user interface elements when rendered to users. They are summarized in the following list:

1. listViewsThe listViews component is rendered by on the list page of an object tab when the Enable Enhanced Lists option is disabled for the organization.

2. enhancedListThe enhancedList component consists of a drop-down list of view names and a table of records returned by executing the view.

3. relatedListThe relatedList component renders the records of any one of an object’s child objects.

4. detailThe detail component provides a subset of the native user interface’s detail page for an object.

listViews Component

The listViews component includes the capability to create and edit list views, as well as execute them and render their records. The only required attribute of listViews is type, which binds a database object type to the component.

enhancedList Component

The enhancedList component is a more modern version of the listViews component. It has the same functionality but also includes drag-and-drop reorderable columns, sortable columns, and results pagination with dynamic page sizes. It appears in the native user interface only when Enable Enhanced Lists is enabled for the organization.

The required attributes of enhancedList are height (the height of the component in pixels) and either type (the database object type displayed by the component) or listId (the unique identifier of the list view).

relatedList Component

The relatedList component renders a list of child records. It is the same component that appears in the native interface below the detail for a record. It is paginated and allows related records to be edited, deleted, and created, depending on the object permissions of the current user.

The required attributes of relatedList are list, the name of the child relationship to be rendered in the list, and subject, an expression language reference to the parent record on the controller (defaults to the id parameter of the page if not provided). Both Master-Detail and Lookup relationships are supported by relatedList.

detail Component

The detail component replicates the functionality of the native user interface on the detail page of a record. It respects the page layout of the record, including page layouts defined per record type. It also supports in-line editing for the edit mode of an object.

Like the relatedList component, detail requires a subject or it attempts to read a record identifier from the page’s id URL parameter. By default, all related lists are rendered below the detail section unless the relatedList parameter is set to false.

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