
3G Handsets, 355, 358

60 Minutes, 164

90-day forecast, retailers and, 210

A&R department, 61

A.C. Nielsen, 82

Abstract images, music videos and, 269

Accessible, market segments and, 21

Account Advertising, 67, 76

Acquistion, decision-making process, 30

Actual pricing of product, 219

Add date, 140

ADI – Area of Dominant Influence, 33

Administered distribution systems, 13

Adopters, consumers and, 5

Advances, 313

Advertising, 67–68

artist relations, 191

basics of, 181–182

choosing media and, 189–190

co-op advertising and, 187–188

comparison of media options for advertising, 182–183

coordinating with the publicity department, 187

determining costs and effectiveness, 186

formulas for print and broadcast, 185

How advertising effectiveness is measured, 185

marketing recorded music and, 186–191

media planning and, 184

No Depression rate card, 190

promotional partners and, 191

sample Radio buy, 192

sample TV advertising buy, 192

target markets, 189

timing and, 190–191

trade advertising, 182–186

urgency of frontloading the advertising, 191

Advertising budgets, 188–189

Aerosmith, 318

Affect, 33

Affiliates, marketing through and, 298–299


Personal demographics, 23

RIAA reports, 42

Agent, definition of, 313

Airplay, independent promotion and, 155–158

Airplay Monitor, 145–146

The Album Network, 186

Album Art, 69, 76

Alternative evaluation, decision-making process, 30

Alternative music stores, 224

AM stations, numbers of, 125

American Bandstand, 268

American Marketing Association, 327

Amusement Business, 68

Analysis of data, 333–334

Annual sales trends, 40

Anti-piracy efforts, 290

AQH (average quarter-hour), 132


audience shares by radio format, 129

Distribution of AQH radio listeners, 128

Example Arbitron book, 135

hour-by-hour listening, 127

How to keep an Arbitron diary, 133

radio listeners and, 126

web sites, 139

weekday Listening, AQH Rating, 128

Arbitron Portable People Meter system, 139

Archives, SoundScan and, 90

Area of dominant influence (ADI), 22


impact of new releases and, 171

music video promotion and, 274

Artist and Repertoire (A&R) department, 3

Artist development, 61

Artist development/relations, 57

Artist history, 106–107

Artist image, publicity and, 169

Artist manager

advances and, 309

touring and, 309

Artist promotion, 68, 76

Artist relations, 191

Artist, getting started and, 53–54

Artist’s website, protocols for, 247

Atlanta radio stations, chart for, 141

Atreyu, retail exclusives and, 323

Attitude, research and, 334

Automatic splash pages, 246

Average quarter-hour (AQH), 140

AVI, 276

Award shows, 177

Azoff, Irving, 349

Backstreet Boys, 44, 46

Backward vertical integration, 13

Baldrica, Tom, 179

Balter, Dave, 234

Bandwidth, 244, 263, 350, 358

Banner, 263

Banner exchange, 254–255, 263

Bar code, 121

The Beatles, 56

Behavioral segmentation, 27, 33

Benefits sought, products and, 27

Benson, Ed, 179

Berkman, Ben, 312

Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG), 283

The Best of the Sauce Boss, 259

Beyonce, 44

Big 4, 206

market share of major distributors, 204

BigChampagne, P2P usage, 343

Billboard, 68, 143–146, 186

chart designations, 146

heat seekers and, 147

Hot 100, 147

MarketWatch, 342

music sales and, 50

number one songs and, 155

Pop 100 chart, 148

pop and rap singles and, 365

sales sources and, 3

Top 200 chart, 147

Billboard Publications (BPI), 82

Billboards, advertising and, 183

Bio, 178

Blackshaw, Pete, 234

Blog, 263

Bloggers, 239

BMG Bertelsmann Music Group, 51

tour sponsoring and, 311

Bone Thugs-n-Harmony, 322

Bono, 245

Bookmarks, website traffic and, 249

Boom, Benny, 392

Borman, Gary, 316

Boston Consulting Group, 6–7

Bots, 263

Bounceback cards, 338

Box lot, 226

Box lot discount, 217

Brady, Paul, 301

Branded CDs, 315, 325

Branding, 245, 263

Break-even point, 73

Breaking, 121

Brick-and-mortar stores, 226, 325

Bricks and clicks, 226

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 294

Broadband, 277

Broadcast Data Systems (BDS), 82, 145–146

charting and, 144

digital pattern technology, 341

Bronfman, Edgar, 283, 349

Brooks & Dunn, tour promotion and, 311

Brooks, Garth, 41

Brunman, Glen, 320

Bulletin boards, 257

Burnout, 160

charting and, 147

Business affairs department, 54–55, 61

Business climate and predictors, 111–112

Business-to-business (B2B) sites, retail buyers and, 202

Buyers, 226

BzzAgent, 234

Canadian Music Network magazine, 144

Card price, 63, 75

Cash Cow, Growth-Share Matrix, 7

Cashbox magazine, 143

Catalog, 51

Catalog sales, 49–50

CD price splits, IFPI measures, 285


illegal peer-to-peer (P2P) services, 39

music downloading and, 39

replacement cycle and, 37

Censorship, 303

2004 Super Bowl, 294

Chain stores, 121, 224, 226

Channel intermediaries, 12

Channels of distribution, 11, 16, 184

Charles, Ray, 316

Chart History Report, 108–110

Chart position, importance of, 144


Billboard chart designations, 146

Billboard’s Pop 100, 148

independent promotion, 155–158

label marketers and, 149

MediaBase 24/7, 146

radio promotion and, 149–155

Chat, 263

Chat rooms, 257

Christman, Ed, music sales and, 50

CIMS, 325

Clark, Dick, 268

Clear Channel, 137

Clear Channel Communications, 157

Click-and-mortar retailers, 210

Client Help Desk, web sites and, 246, 252

Clippings, 178

Clothing and costume consultants, 170

CMA Awards Show, 192

CMJ Network, charting and, 148

CMT, submitting a video, 275

Co-op advertising, 67, 187, 188, 214, 226

free goods and, 221

Coalition of Independent Music Stores (CIMS), 323

Coaxial cable, 351, 358

Coding, 333, 344

Cognition, 34

Cognitive vs.emotional decisions, 30–31

Collaborative filtering software, 357–358

Columbia Records and Switchfoot, 235

Commercial research firms, 342–343

Communication flow, 348

Communications Act, 153

Community antenna television (CATV), 351

Compass Records, customer reply card for, 337

Compatibility, innovation and, 6

Competition, marketing strategy and, 222

Competition-based pricing, 9–10,

Compilations, 319–322, 325

Complexity, innovation and, 6

Computerized ordering process, 226

ComScore, 342

Conation, 34

Concept testing, 344

focus groups and, 336

Concerts, 261–262

Configurations, format configurations, 44–45

Conglomerate distribution company structure, national retail accounts and, 199

Consolidation and market share, 204

Consumer advertising: the media buy, 188

Consumer behaviors, 28–31, 34

Consumer Generated Media, 234

Consumer marketing plans, 361

Consumer traits, rate of adoption and, 4

Consumer-based pricing, 16


cognitive vs.emotional decisions, 30–31

converting browsers to buyers, 32–33

decision-making process, 30

involvement decision-making, 29

needs and motives and, 32–33

Contemporary hit radio (CHR), 22

Content, 347

Contest Promotions, 151

Contests, web sites and, 249

Contractual distribution systems, 13

Contribution for overhead, 76

Convergence, 358

Converting browsers to buyers, 32–33

Cookies, 263

Cooperative advertising (co-op), 193

Corporate systems, distribution and, 13

Cost of sales, 66, 75

Cost per rating point (CPP), 185

Cost per thousand (CPM), 184–185, 189, 193

Cost-based pricing, 16

Growth-Share Matrix, 8

Counting Crows, retail exclusives, 323

Country label organizationchart, 159

Cover letters, 169

Creative services department, 58, 61, 178

Credit card services, 248

Creed, 299

Cross-marketing, 236

Cross-promoting, soundtracks and, 321

Cross-promotion, 325

Cultural imperialism, 293, 303

Cultural restrictions, 293–294

Cume, 140

programming and, 132

Cumulus Media, 157

Curry, Adam, 138

Custom research, 343

Cut-by-cut, 178

Dannen, Fred, 155

Data analysis, 344

Data collection, 332

Dayparts, 193

Decision-making process, 30

Decline, sales and, 4


2nd phase marketing posts, 390–392

marketing plan for, 368–392

Phase 1 Marketing Plan, 368–374

Phase 2: Visibility, 382

Phase 3 : Added Value Promotions, 383

Phase I: Creating the buzz at retail, 382

touring and, 384

Demographic trends, 42–44

Departments involved in the marketing plan, 362

Descriptive research, 330, 344

Design of research project, 330

Designated market area (DMA), 22

Designated marketing area (DMA), 121

Destiny’s Child, 44

tour sponsorship and, 324

Dickey, Lew, 157

Diffusion of innovations, 4, 16, 231

Digital distribution, 205

revenues from $.99 download, 205

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 353

Digital radio, 137

Digital rights management (DRM), 353, 356, 358

Dion, Celine, 320

Direct contact concept, Music distribution, 196

Direct Mail, advertising and, 183

Directories, 263

Dirty Vegas, 318

Discography, 178

Discount and dating, 227

Discounts, 64

Discussion groups, 257

Distribution, 227

consolidation and market share, 204

digital distribution and, 205

music distribution and, 195–206

national retail accounts and, 199

national structure and, 200–201

One sheet and, 202–203

retail-chain home office location, 201

role of, 198–200, 198

Sales timetable, 202

supply to retailers and, 197–198

timeline and, 201–202

U.S. map of distributor locations, 200

vertical integration, 196–197

vertical integration of conglomerates, 197

Distribution chain, 13

Distribution channels, music retailers and, 225

Distribution fees, 64–65, 75

Distribution systems, 12

three basic types of, 13

Distribution value, 206

Distribution-centered concept, 196

Dixie Chicks, 44

DMA (Designated Marketing Area), 34

DMA chart, 89

DMA index, 105

DMA Title Reports, 101–102

DMAs and market efficiencies, 116–117

Dogs, Growth-Share Matrix, 7

Dollar value, 51

Domain names, 243–244, 263

Domestic music piracy levels, 290

Domestic piracy level, IFPI measures, 285

Dominant market area, 96

Down Beat, 186

Dr. Tandem, web sites and, 244

Drop ship, 227

DVDs, sales of, 272

E-commerce, 247–248

statistics for, 241

E-store, 263

E-zine, 263

E-zines, 258–259

EAN (European Article Numbering system), 16

Early adopters, market share and, 5

Early majority, market share and, 6

Economies of scale, 206

Edison Media Research, 342

Educational level, Personal demographics, 23

Electronic article surveillance (EAS), 213

Electronic data interchange (EDI), 212, 227

Electronic hardware penetration, IFPI measures, 285

Electronic superstores, 121, 224, 227

Elliott, Missy, 245, 364

Email addresses, 258

Email distribution lists, 252

Email newsletters, 259

Emerging markets, 303

comparison of top ten markets and, 286–287

EMI Electrical and Mechanical Industries, 51

four major labels and, 282–283

Eminem, special products and, 319

End caps, 214, 227

Enderle, Rob, 353

Enetercom, 157

Entertainment news shows, publicity and, 175–176

Enya, 42, 44

Exclusives, 325

Executive summary, 344

Experiments, 344

marketing research and, 330

Exploratory research, 343

Exploratory/secondary research, 329

Exports, transshipments/exports, 300–301

Factors influencing purchases, 233

Family Circle, 283

Fan websites, 258

Fan-based promotions, 260–261

Fanzines, 172

Federal Trade Commission, cooperative advertising and, 187

Fernandez, Alejah, 324

Fill-in business, music retailers and, 225

Fill-ins, 206

Floor designs, 227

Floor plans, 222

FM radio stations, numbers of, 125

Focus groups, 332, 336, 344

Format, 140

Format analysis, IFPI measures, 285

Format configurations, 44–45

Forrester Research, 342

Forward vertical integration, 13

Free goods, 227

co-op advertising and, 221

Freelance publicists, 166

Frequency, 193

advertising and, 184

Friday Morning Quarterback, 186

Gavin magazine, 143

Geffen Records, Bounceback cards, 338


music sales and, 43–44

Personal demographics, 23

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 296, 303

Generation X, 26

Genre placement, 222

Geographic growth areas, music industry and, 295

Geographic segmentation, 21–22, 34

Gibson, Sara, 255

Gladwell, Malcolm, 233

Global market share of majors, 282

Gottlieb, Steve, 319

Grady, John, 310

Grassroots marketing, 231–239

factors influencing purchases, 233

guerilla marketing and, 237–239

power of word of mouth, 231–235

sniping and, 236

street teams and, 235–237

Green Day

sales of American Idiot album, 119–120

special products and, 319

Grey Goose Music Tour, 322

Groban, Josh, special products and, 319

Gross impressions (GI), 185, 193

Gross margin before recording costs, 66, 75

Gross margins, 67, 75

Gross rating point (GRP), 193

Atlanta market, 192

Gross rating points (GRP), 184–185

Gross sales, 64, 75

Gross sales after fee, 65, 75

Growth-Share Matrix, 6–7

Cash Cow, 7

Cost-based pricing, 8

Dogs, 7

price, 8

problem child, 7

stars and, 7

Guerilla marketing, 237–239

Hair stylists, 170

Haley, David, 321

Hallmark Gold Crown stores, specialty markets and, 316

Harvesting, 258, 263

Hear Music, web site and, 316

Heatseekers, Billboard magazine, 147

Heavy rotation, 140

Hendrix, Jimi, 318

Herrick, Ann, 316

Hill, Faith, 316

Hilly, Jed, 299, 303

Hit Men, 155

HITS magazine, 186

Hollywood Reporter, soundtracks and, 321

Homepage, 264

Horn, Bob, 268

Host provider, 264

Hot 100 Singles chart, 88

Hot links, 264

Houston, Whitney, 320

Howe, Neil, 26

Hull, Geoffrey, 144

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 264

I-search Digest, web sites, 254

IFPI measures

anti-piracy efforts, 290

piracy and, 289

sales and, 285

Illustrated songs, 277

IM Instant text messaging, 358

Image, music retailers and, 222

Impressions, Radio & Records, 149

In-store event, 214

In-stores, 313

Inc., 283

Income, Personal demographics, 23

Independent label tour support, 310–311

Independent music retailers, 224

Independent promotion, 155–158

critics of, 157

Label record promotion and, 155

Independent Promotion and Publicity, 68–69, 76

Independent publicist, 178

Independent video promotion, 274

Index number, 121

Index report, 104

Indexes, 254

Indie, 160

Indie labels, international markets and, 299

Indie stores, 227

INDIEgo on promotional touring, 313

Industry concentration, 50

Informa Media Group, growth in music industry and, 295

Information search, decision-making process, 30

Initial orders or I.O., retailers and, 210

Innovators, market share and, 5

Insite Media, trading links and, 255

Insite Media, trading links and, 255

Instrument, 344

Intelliseek, word-of-mouth advertising, 234

Interest, consumer’s level of involvement and, 29

Internal marketing audit, 14

International Federation of Phonographic Industries (IFPI), 280, 303

International recording industry consolidation process and, 280–282

countries included in regional analysis, 284

georgraphic growth areas and, 295–296

marketing issues and challenges, 288–29

marketing overseas and, 297–302

marketing strategies and, 302

markets and, 283–288

nature of oligopolis and, 280–283

new technologies and, 296

opportunities and, 295–297

opportunities for growth in the, 295

trade agreements and, 296–297, 296

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, 297

transshipments/exports, 300–301

World Trade Organization (WTO), 297

International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), 83, 121

International Trade Organization (ITO), 297

Internet advertising and, 183

online retail stores, 248

word-of-mouth marketing, 234

Internet marketing

artist’s website address and, 242

Banner exchange/link exchange/reciprocal linking,, 254

concerts and, 261–262

Directing customers to online retailers, 259–26

domain names and, 243–244

E-Commerce, 247–2

Fan websites, 258

fan-based promotions, 260–261

integrating offline and online promotions, 261

marketing plan and, 242

most popular search engines and, 253

music directories, 254

promotional materials and, 242

sales and, 225–226

Viral marketing, 249–2550, 255–256

visitor registration and, 250–251

web hosting, 244–245

Webrings, 255–256

website as your home base and, 243–252

website design and, 246–247

website promotion on the site, 248–249

Internet radio, 138

Internet sales and distribution, 301

Inventory management, 227

Inventory management, 211–212

Involvement, 16, 34

buyers and, 5

Involvement decision-making, 29

iPods, 138

U2 promotion, 319

IPSOS, 342

iTunes, 152

Jackson, Janet, 294

Jarvis, Al, 268

Jay-Z, 56

John, Elton

remake of Candle in the Wind, 38

retail exclusives and, 323

Johnson, San, 392

Jones, Norah, 44, 100, 106, 114

Jupitermedia Corporation, 342

Keim, Thad, 300–301

Keith, Toby, 318

Keyes, Alicia, 44, 56

Knab, Christopher, 177, 202

Kodak, disposable cameras and, 27

Kraski, Mike, 237

LA Times

catalog music sales, 49

independent promotion and, 157

Label operations, 53–60

artist & repertoire and, 55–56

artist development/relations, 57

business affairs department, 54–55

creative services department, 58

publicity department and, 58–59

radio promotion, 59–60

sales and marketing department, 60–61

typical record label structure, 54

Label partnerships, 348–350

Label publicity, objective of, 163–165

Label publicity department

artist bio and, 168

cover letters and, 169

image of artist and, 169–170

photos and video, 169

press releases, 167–168

tools of, 166–171

Label record promotion, independent promoters and, 155

Label Share Marketing Report, 91

Label staffing, music videos and, 273–274

Laggards, market share and, 6

Late Show with David Letterman, 163

Latifah, Queen, 245

Lava, retail exclusives and, 323

Lead time, 178

Leader pricing, 9

Led Zepplin, 318

Leno, Jay, 176

Letterman, David, 176

Levinson, Conrad, 237

Licensing, 292, 300

Licensing of recordings, 303

Life, 183

Life cycles, 112–116

Lifestyle, special products and, 315–316

Lifestyle/Cross-marketing, Malign Records, 385

Lifetime, release dates and, 210

Light rotation, 140

Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz, 319, 322

Lillith Fair, 42

Link exchange, 254–255

List directory, 257

Listening stations, 214, 227

Location and visibility, 221

Logarithmic scale, 51

Logos, 245

Lombard, Ken, 316

Look, 183

Loose, 227

Loss leader pricing, 9, 16, 217, 227

Loss prevention

product and, 213

source tagging, 213

Ludacris, 56

Lurking, 257, 264

Macy, Amy, 267

Madonna, 245

Magazines, advertising and, 182

Main study, gathering data and, 333

Major label tour support, 309–310

Malign Records

2 nd phase marketing posts, 390–392

Lifestyle/Cross-marketing, 385

Phase 1 Marketing Plan, 368–374

Phase 1: Creating the buzz at retail, 382

Phase 2: Visibility, 382

Phase 3: Added Value Promotions, 383

street teams and, 385

timeline and, 386–389, 386

Manipulation, Marketing Research and, 339

Margin, 228

Margin and markup, pricing and, 219

Margin of error, research samples and, 328

Market, definition of, 34

Market saturation, 303

Market segmentation, 20–27, 34

Market share, 51

Comparison of all and current albums, 48

consolidation and market share, 204

Market share of major distributors, 204

Market share of the majors, 46–4

Marketing, 16

4 P’s and, 210–225

affiliates and, 298–299

censorship and, 294–295

click-and-mortar retailers, 210

comparison of emerging markets and, 284–285

comparison of top ten markets and, 286–287

consumer behaviors, 28–31

credibility of the sources and, 234

cross-marketing and, 236

cultural restrictions and, 293–294

currency exchange rates and, 292–293

definition of, 1

Distributor One Sheet, 202–203

factors influencing purchases, 233

global market share of majors, 282

grassroots marketing and, 231–239

guerilla marketing and, 237–239

how markets are evaluated, 284

IFPI measures and, 285

international markets and Indie labels, 299

internet marketing and, 241–262

internet marketing and sales, 225–226

Internet sales and distribution, 301

label operations, 53–60

major markets and trends, 287–288

market segmentation, 20–27

marketing recorded music and, 186–191

music retail environment, 209–225

music videos and, 272–273

one-hundred marketing weapons, 238

plan for a holiday release and, 198

power of word of mouth, 231–235

project efficiency and effectiveness and, 70–71

quest for cool and, 26

quotas and, 294

sales trends and, 37–40

satellite radio promotion, 158

seasonality and record sales, 111

street teams, 235–237

target marketing and, 171–175

Universal Buzz case study, 235

Marketing and the music retail environment, 209–221

Marketing costs, 67–69, 75

break-even examples and, 74

list prices and, 74

percentages of, 72

Marketing Information Bank (MIB), 135

Marketing mix, 16

four p’s and, 2

Marketing Plan, 16, 361–364

DeMand and, 368–392

departments involved in the marketing plan, 362

timing and, 364–365

Marketing Reports, 91–98

Marketing representatives, 239

Marketing Research

analysis of data and, 333–334

application of research principles and, 335–338

Bounceback card for Geffen Sampler Buy Product, 339

commercial research firms, 342–343

confidence level and margin of error, 335

overview of, 327–33

research sources for record labels, 340–341

Sample consumer survey, 331

samples and, 328

six stages to the research process, 329–334

syndicated vs. custom research, 328

Trade association research services, 342

Triangulation, 332

use of syndicated research and, 340–343

validity of, 334–335

variables and, 339

Marketing strategy, 14–16

Marketing texts, four P’s and, 150

Marketing: Relationships, Quality, Value, 15

MarketWatch, 342

Markup, 228

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 32–33

Mass merchants, 121, 206, 225, 228

Matchbox Twenty, 56

Mature market, 303

Maven Strategies, corporate brands in music, 322

Mayer, John, 115

Mayne, Bill, 179

McBride, Martina, 316

McDonald’s, World Children’s Day, 324

McVay Media, web sites, 132

McVay, Mike, 132

Measurable, market segments and, 20

Measurement scales, 344

Media and target examples, 172

Media consultant, 178

hiring of, 170

Media fragmentation, 193

Media Metrix, 342

Media options, advertising and, 182–183

Media partner, definition of, 313

Media planning, 184, 193

Media relations department, 165

Media Travel, 69, 76

MediaSource, 152

media database management, 166

Medium, 181, 194

Message boards, 264

Meta tags, 253–254, 264

MIDEM conference, 279–280

Millennial generation, 26

Min/max systems, 228

Minimum advertised price (MAP), 10

Moblogs, 239

Mom & Pop retailers, 224

Montreux Jazz Festival, 341

Movie soundtracks, 42

cross-promoting and, 321

evolution of, 320

MPEG, 277

MTV, submitting a video to, 275

Multivariable segmentation, 24


global sales of recorded music, 280

market share of the majors, 46–48

Music delivery systems, 347

Music directories, 254

Music distribution

consolidation and market share, 204

digital distribution and, 205

direct contact concept, 196

distribution pathways and, 197

distribution value and, 206

distribution-centered concept, 196

national retail accounts and, 199

national structure and, 200–201

One sheet and, 202–203

retail-chain home office location, 201

role of, 198–200

sales timetable, 202

supply to retailers and, 197–198

timeline and, 201–202

U.S. map of distributor locations, 20

vertical integration of conglomerates, 196–197

Music Forecasting, 342

Music genre trends, 41–42

Music industry

combined market share of majors, 298

comparison of emerging markets and, 284–285

four major labels and, 282–283

global market share of majors, 282

Licensing and, 292

major markets and trends, 287–288

Top Ten music markets retail value 2003, 288

trade agreements and, 296–29

Music pusher, 178

Music retailers

distribution channels and, 225

fill-in business and, 225

four P’s and, 209

independent music retailers, 224

internet marketing and sales, 225–226

inventory management and, 211–212

Mom & Pop retailers, 224

NARM and, 209–210

placement of product, 221–225

pricing and, 217–221

promotion and, 213–217

purchasing music for the store, 210

retail store layout and, 223

sales forecasting grid, 215

sample distribution pricing schedule, 221

sample Rack Jobber P&P program and costs, 216

sample retail chain P&P costsandprograms, 216

Turns and returns, 212–213

where the money goes, 220

Music videos considerations to making and, 269

creating a budget for, 270

elements of, 269

future of, 276

history of music videos and, 267–268

independent video promotion, 274

label staffing and, 273–274

producing and, 261

sales and, 272–273

shipments of, 272

submitting a video, 275

three functions of, 267

top music video channels, 275

uses for, 271–27

video channels and, 274–275

video production and promotions, 267–276

Music-to-mobile (M2M) market, 353, 359

Music-to-mobile services, 296

MusicDish Industry e-journal, One sheet and, 202

Musiq Soulchild, 322

Napster, 152, 355

National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM), 209, 228

Research Briefs and, 342

turn rate and, 212

web sites, 210

National retailer, distribution and, 199

National Sales Summary Report, 99

National Security Retail Survey, shoplifting and, 213

Navigation (nav bar), 264

Nazzaro, Mike, 234

Needs and motives, 32–33

Negative consequences, consumer’s level of involvement and, 29

Nelly, 364

Nelson, Kathy, 321

Net Generation, 354

Net sales after return reserve, 65, 75

New Media

attributes of new media, 352

DeMand and, 380

Fixed vs. streaming media, 352

New media concepts, 350–352

New media department, 242

News shows, publicity and, 175–176

News weeklies, 172

Newsgroups, 257


advertising and, 182

shotgun advertising, 189

Nickelodeon, submitting a video to, 275

Night Flight, 268

No Charge Records, 69, 76

No Depression rate card, 190

Now! Series, soundtracks and, 321

The NPD Group, 342

N’Sync, 44, 46

O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 42, 310

O’Brien, Conan, 176

Observability, innovation and, 6

Offline retailers, 260

Oligopolies, 280, 303

nature of, 280–283

pricing by, 281–282

Olivia-Hendon, Thelma, 380

One sheet, 198, 202–203, 206, 228

Buck 65, 203

Olivia and, 366

One-hundred marketing weapons, 23

Online, 359

Online and offline content, 351

Online retail stores, 248

directing customers to, 259–260

Online services, development of, 350–351

OnStar, 158

Oprah, 271

Opt-in, 264

web pages and, 251

Opt-out, 264

web pages and, 251

Orbison, Roy, 320

OTX, online consumer research, 343

Outlets, 45–46

Overhead, contribution to, 69–70

Ozzfest, 365

P-1 listeners, 132, 140

P2P (Peer-to-peer), definition of, 51

Parallel imports, 291–292, 304

timing and, 301

Payola, 153, 160

PayPal, 248

Peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing services, 355

People, 172

Perceived risk, consumer’s level of involvement and, 29

Performance videos, 269

Personal demographics, 23, 34

Phat Farm, 322

Philbin, Regis, 176

Phone lines vs. Cable, 351

Photos and video, publicity and, 169

Piracy, 288

anti-piracy efforts, 290

composition of pirated product in 2003, 289

consumption of pirated product, 289

domestic music piracy levels, 285, 290

domestic piracy level, 285

Piracy levels, 287

Pitch kit, 169

Pitch letters, target marketing and, 173

Pittman, Bob, 135

Place, channels of distribution, 11

Placement of product

genre placement, 222

location and visibility, 221

Placement of product, 221–225

Playlist, 140, 160

Plays, charting and, 147

Podcasting, 138–139

Point-of-purchase (POP) materials, 214, 228

Point-of-sale (POS), 121, 228

Pollstar, 68

Portable People Meter system, 139

Post-purchase evaluation, decision-making process, 30

Prairie Home Companion, 341

Pre-testing phase, gathering data and, 333

Predictor equation, 72

Press kit, 178, 262

artist bio and, 168

Press releases, 178

anatomy of, 167–168

Previous experience, consumer’s level of involvement and, 29

Price, Growth-Share Matrix, 8

Price and positioning, 214, 228

Price fixing, 9, 17


10% discount to retailer, 221

actual pricing of product, 219

Box lot discount, 217

margin and markup, 219

minimum advertised price (MAP), 10

oligopolies and, 281–282

sample distribution pricing schedule, 221

where the money goes, 21

Pricing and positioning (P&P), 214

Pricing strategies, 49, 184, 228

Prince of Egypt, 41

Print advertising, 214

Private labels, 325

Problem child, Growth-Share Matrix, 7

Problem identification, research and, 329

Problem recognition, decision-making process, 30


actual pricing of product, 219

benefits sought and, 27

characteristics that influence the rate and level, 6

loss prevention and, 213

marketing mix and, 2

placement of product, 221–225

retail considerations and, 210–213

turns and returns, 212–213

user status and, 27–28

Product class, 17

Product configuration, 52

Product development department, 57

Product form, 17

Product life cycle (PLC), 3–4, 17, 112–116, 121

Product positioning, 3, 17

Product usage, 27

Profit & loss (P&L) statements, 55, 63, 75

Good vs. Bad Project, 77–79

predictor equation and, 72

Program director (PD), 140


description of, 10

end caps, 214

In-store event, 214

listening stations and, 214

point-of-purchase (POP) materials, 214

pricing and positioning (P&P), 214

print advertising, 214

sales forecasting grid, 215

uses for the music video, 271

Promotion department, 61

organizational chart, 159

Promotional partners, 191

Promotional Touring DeMand, 384

direct financial support for a tour, 308–309

independent label tour support, 310–311

major label tour support, 309–310

payoff for record labels, 312

Tour sponsors, 311

Psychographic segmentation, 24–25, 34


artist bio and, 168

Award shows and, 177

budgets for money and time, 173–175

comparing publicity and record promotion, 177

cover letters and, 169

historical perspective of, 164–165

Label publicity and, 163–165

label publicity department, 165–1

Media and target examples, 172

news shows and, 175–176

Staffing the publicity department and, 165–166

talk-entertainment shows, 176

television appearances and, 175–177

Publicity campaigns, evaluation of, 171

Publicity department, 58–61

coordinating with and, 187

Publicity plan goals and, 173

target marketing and, 171–175

Publicity timeline

Indie artist and, 174

major label and, 174

Published price to dealer (PPD), 292

Pull strategy, 17

Purchase, decision-making process, 30

Purchase behavior, research and, 334

Purchasing power parity theory, 293

Push strategy, 17

Push vs. pull marketing strategy, 10–11

Queen, 268

retail exclusives and, 323

Quotas, 294

R.E.M, retail exclusives, 323

Race, personal demographics, 23

Rack jobbers, 198, 206, 215, 228

Radio advertising and, 183

audience shares by radio format, 129

business and, 123–124

distribution of AQH radio listeners, 128

Example Arbitron book, 135

Format clock and, 131

Formats and target demographics, 130

gender formatting and, 131

getting airplay and, 137

How to keep an Arbitron diary, 133

industry revenues and, 125

Internet radio, 138

morning drive time and, 127

new technology and, 137–139

news/talk format, 129

programmers and, 132

programming research and, 135–137

radio broadcasting industry and, 124–126

ratings research and, 132–135

religious broadcasting and, 129

sample Radio buy, 192

Satellite radio, 138

Spanish language formats, 129

statistics and, 123

targets of radio formats, 130–131

time spent listening by age group, 127

time spent listening by season, 126

weekday Listening, AQH Rating, 128

Radio & Records, 68, 116, 143, 146, 186

compiling charts and, 341

impressions and, 149

number one songs and, 155

web sites, 152

Radio formats and impressions, 129–131, 149

Radio promotion, 59–60, 149–155

getting a recording on the radio, 154–155

satellite radio and, 158

Radio station groups, 124

Radio station staffing, 125–126

Rappers 8Ball and MJG, products in music and, 322

Rating, 194

Rating point (a rating of 1%), 194

Ratings research, radio and, 132–135

Reach, 194

advertising and, 184

Reciprocal linking, 254–255, 264

Record promotion

at industry conventions, 156

comparing publicity and record promotion, 177

history of, 153

Record promotion to radio, four questions and, 151–152

The Recording Industry in Numbers, 342

Recording costs, 66–67

Recording Industry

collaborative filtering software, 357

communication flow, 348

consumer interest in 3G uses, 355

development of online services and, 350–351

Digital rights management, 353

future of, 347–3

label partnerships and, 348–350

label/channel relationship model, 350

label/receiver relationship model, 349

new markets and, 354–356

new media concepts and, 350–352

new music model and, 356–357

online and offline content, 351

technology diffusion and convergence, 352–353

universal mobile device, 353–354

Recording Industry of America Association (RIAA)

age and, 42

CD sales and, 38

CD shipments and, 37

genre market share and, 42

top genres and, 41

Total Dollar Value and, 39

Recoupable expense, definition of, 313

Recurrents, 160

Regionals, promoters and, 155

Relative Advantage, rate of adoption and, 6

Rent, profitability and, 222

Repertoire origin, IFPI measures, 285

Replacement cycle, 52

Research and Development (R&D), 3

Research design, 332

Research report, 344

Research sources for record labels, 340–341

ResearchMusic, online music service, 343

Responsiveness, market segments and, 21

Retail marketing, music retail environment, 209–225

Retail considerations

4 P’s and, 210–225

product and, 210–213

Retail exclusives, 322–323

Retail products, 262

Retail-chain home office location, 201

Retailers, 13–14

click-and-mortar retailers, 210

independent music retailers, 224

internet marketing and sales, 225–226

Mom & Pop retailers, 224

placement of product, 221–225

pricing and, 217–221

promotion and, 213–217

Purchasing music for the store, 210

sample Rack Jobber P&P program and costs, 216

sample retail chain P&P costsandprograms 216

Turns and returns, 212–213

where the money goes, 220

Return percentage, 70

Return provisions, 65, 75

Returns, 212–213, 228

Returns reserve opp/(risk), 65, 75

Revenues from a $0.99 download, 205

Rhapsody, 152

downloading services and, 357

Rhymes, Busta, Pass the Courvoisier single, 322

Ringtones, 359

Ringtunes, 359

Robinson-Patman Act (1936), 10, 187

Rogers, Everett, 231

Rolling Stone, 163, 181, 194, 338

Rome, Tony, 322

Rotation, 160

Salamon, Ed, 135

Sales catalog sales, 49–50

combined market share of majors, 298

comparison of emerging markets and, 284–285

comparison of top ten markets and, 286–287

currency exchange rates and, 292–293

DVDs and, 272

global market share of majors, 282

global sales of recorded music, 280

how markets are evaluated, 284

IFPI measures and, 285

industry concentration and, 50

international markets and Indie labels, 299

internet marketing and sales, 225–226

Internet sales and distribution, 301

major markets and trends, 287–288

market share of the majors, 46–48

music videos and, 272–273

outlets and, 45–46

parallel imports, 291–292

payoff for record labels, 312

seasonality and record sales, 111

turns and returns, 212–213

where the money goes, 220

Sales and marketing department, 60–62

Sales Book, 207

Sales Book Copy, 201

Sales by genre, IFPI measures, 285

Sales forecast, 229

Sales forecasting grid, 215

Sales timetable, 202

Sales trends, 37–40

Sample, 343

Sample design, marketing research and, 333

Sampling frame, 333

Satellite radio promotion, 138, 158

Saturday Evening Post, 183

Saturday Night Live, 176, 271

Sauce Boss guest book, 251

Scarpulla, Madelyn

artist & repertoire and, 55

product managers and, 57

Schaidler, Jennifer, 319

Scratch videos, 269

Screenagers, 354

Search engines, 264

most popular and, 253

Seasonality and record sales, 111

Sebastian, John, 135

Secondary research, 343

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 248, 264

Security, loss prevention and, 213

Sell Off Percentage, 71

Sell-through, 207

Sellman, Patricia, 315

Serletic, Matt, 56

Share, 140

Sherman Act (1890), 10

Shoplifting, National Security Retail Survey, 213

Shotgun advertising, 189

Shrinkage, 229

Shure Vocal Competition, 341

Simmons, Russell, 322

Simpson, Ashley, 176

Simpson, Jessica, 41

tour sponsorship and, 324

Singles activity for top 5 albums, 365

Sirius Satellite Radio, 138, 158

Situation, consumer’s level of involvement and, 29

Situation analysis, 17

“Six Simple Principles of Viral Marketing”, 256

Slotting allowance, 67

Slotting fees, 14

Slow boil affect, 122

Slug, 178

Snader, Louis, 268

Sniping, 236, 239

Social visibility, consumer’s level of involvement and, 29

Solicitation page, 201

Solicitation period, 207

Sony BMG, four major labels and, 282–283

Sony Music Entertainment (SME), 52, 283

Soundie, 268, 277

SoundScan, 71–72, 81–83, 152

% Sales by DMA/Genre album, 117

% sales by DMA/genre album, 97

archives and, 90

business climate and predictors, 111–112

Chart History Report, 108–110

charts and, 83–90

deeper look at, 110–119

DMA chart, 89

DMA index, 105

DMA sales and, 102–103

DMAs and market efficiencies, 116–117

DVD sales and, 273

Green Day’s “American Idiot” album, 119–120

Hot 100 Singles chart, 88

impact of advertising and, 186

Index report, 104

jazz sales markets and, 118

label share–units, 92

looking at data and, 83–90

marketing reports and, 91–98

music video sales and, 273

National Sales and, 101

National Sales Summary Report, 99

over-the-counter sales and, 204

share summary–units, 95

store demographics and, 104

Title lookup, 100

Top Current Album chart, 85

Top Current Albums, 90

Top Singles chart, 87

Year-To-Date Album chart, 86

YTD Percentage of Sales by DMA/Genre, 96

YTD Sales by Format/Genre Album, 91

Soundtracks, see Movie soundtracks Source tagging, 213, 229

Spam, 250, 258–259, 265

Spears, Britney, 41, 44, 46

Special Markets and Products, 315–324

benefits and, 316

compilations and, 319–322

enhancing careers and, 318

lifestyle and, 315–316

product extensions and, 318–319

products in the music, 322

retail exclusives, 322–323

tour sponsorship and, 323–325

Spellman, Peter, 172

Spice Girls, 44

Spin, 160, 338

Spins, charting and, 147

Spitzer, Eliot, 152, 157

Splash page, 246, 265

Springsteen, Bruce, retail exclusives, 323

Standard Business model vs. Record Label Business model, 9

Standard discount, 75

Starbucks, special products and, 316

Stark, Phyllis, 177, 179

StarPolish, touring and, 312, 179

Stars, Growth-Share Matrix, 7

Stewart, Rod, 268

Stoddart, Rich, 318

Store Demo report, 104

Store target market, 222–223

Storyline videos, 269

Strauss, William, 26

Street Attack, web sites, 237

Street date, 364

Street Teams, 235–239

Malign Records, 385

Streetwise Concepts, web sites, 237

Substantiality, market segments and, 20

Suggested retail list price (SRLP), 63, 75, 217

Super audio compact disc (SACD), 304

Super Bowl, censorship and, 294–295

Superior products, 325

Survey questions and research goals, 330


research questions and, 337

tossback cards, 338

Swearingen, Inga, 341

SWOT analysis, 14–15, 17

Syndicated research, 343

Syndicated vs. custom research, 328

Synergy, 348

Talent bookers, 178

Talk-entertainment shows, 176

Target marketing, 34

budgets for money and time, 173–175

Tastemakers, 359

Taylor, James, 316

Taylor Nelson Sofres, 342

Tear sheets, 178

Technological advancements, 81

Technology diffusion and convergence, 352–353

Telecommunications Act of 1996, radio ownership and, 124

Television appearances, 175–177

advertising and, 182

sample TV advertising buy, 192

Tell-a-friend, Viral marketing and, 249–250

The Future of Music: A Manifesto for the Digital Music Revolution, 354

Theft protection, 229

Third generation (3G) cell phone technology, 353

Thompson, Bill, 354

Thrasher, bounceback cards, 338

Throsby, David, 281

Timberlake, Justin, 324

Time spent shopping (TSS), 222, 229

Timeline, DeMand and, 386–389

Timing, 190–191

Effect of breaking street date on chart position, 364

Marketing Plan and, 364–365

The Tipping Point, 233

Titanic, 42

Title lookup, 100

Title report, artist history and, 106–107

Title report: Store demos, 104

Today Show, 176, 271

Top music video channels, 275

Tossback cards, 338

Total net sales, 66, 75

Tour manager, definition of, 314

Tour Sponsorship, 311, 325

Tour Support definition of, 314

DeMand, 384

direct financial support for a tour, 308–309

independent label tour support, 310–311

major label tour support, 309–310

payoff for record labels, 312

Tour sponsors, 311

Tracking services, 340–341

Trade, 181–182

Trade advertising, 76, 182, 186, 194

Trade association research services, 342

Trade magazines, 143–149

Trade marketing plans, 361

Trade publications, 194

publicity plans and, 171

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 297, 304

Trades, 160

Transshipment, 304

Transshipments/exports, 300–301

Travolta, John, 320

Trialability, innovation and, 6

Triangulation, 332, 344

focus groups and, 336

Trick Pony, Pour Me video, 271

TSL (time spent listening), 133, 140

Turn, 229

turns and returns, 212–213

Twain, Shania, 44

Twista, retail exclusives and, 323

U.S. Census Bureau, marketing strategies and, 340 of distributor locations, 200

U2, 245

How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb release, 319

tour support and, 312

Ultimate band list (IUMA), 254

UNESCO, market power of majors and, 281

Uniform Code Council, 122

web sites and, 83

Uniform resource locator (URL), 243, 265

Units shipped, 52

Universal Buzz case study, 235

Universal Music Group, 52

four major labels and, 282–283

Universal Product Code (UPC), 17, 82, 122, 212, 229

retailing and, 14

SoundScan and, 83

USA Network, Night Flight and, 268

Use, decision-making process, 30

Use clauses, retailers and, 222

Usenet, 265

User status, 27–28, 34

Validity, 344

research and, 334

VALS2 (values and lifestyles) segmentation, 25

Value-adds, 325

Value-based (consumer-based) pricing, 10

Variables, Marketing Research and, 339

Variety, 68

mobile phones and, 354

soundtracks and, 321

Vehicles, 181, 194

Vertical integration, 13, 207

music distribution and, 196

VH1, submitting a video, 275

VHS music videos, 272

Video bloggers, 239

Video channels, 274–275

Video deejay, 277

Video pool, 277

Video production and promotions, 68, 76, 267–276


music placement in, 357

publicity and, 169

Viral marketing, 249–250, 255–256, 265

Visitor guest book sign in, 252

Visitor registration, 250–251

Visual records, 277

The Waifs, 301

Walker, Jeff, 179

Wallace, Todd, 135

Wangers, Gordan, 318

Warehousing, music products and, 198

Warner Music Group (WMG), 283

four major labels and, 282–283

The Warped Tour, 365

WEA (Warner, Elektra, Atlantic), 52

Web hosting, 244–245

Web sites

Arbitron, 139

Client Help Desk, 246, 252

domain names and, 243–244

Dr. Tandem, 244

GATT agreements, 297

Guerilla Marketing, 237

Hear Music, 316

I-search Digest, 254

Insite Media, 255

McVay Media, 132

Meta tags, 253–254

most popular search engines and, 253

NARM and, 210

online retail stores, 248

R&R, 152

Street Attack, 237

Streetwise Concepts, 237

Uniform Code Council, 83

VALS2, 25

website as your home base and, 243–252

Weblogs, 239

Webrings, 255–256, 265

Website design, 246–247

West, Kayne, 56

Whalley, Tom, 319

White, Erik, 392

Wholesale, 229

Wholesale price, 217

Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity), 359

Willis, Amy, publicity and, 59

Wilson, Ralph F., 256

Word of mouth (WOM), 231–235

Word-of-mouth, credibility of the sources and, 234

World Trade Organization (WTO), 297, 304

XM Satellite Radio, 138, 158, 316

Year-to-date (YTD), 122

YTD Percentage of Sales by DMA/Genre, 96

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