
Absolute pressure, 155, 160

Access fitting, 322323

Accessible switches and sockets, 516

Access to drains, 322326

Acidity in water, 21

Acoustic detector, 639, 642

ACPO alarm policy, 637

Activated carbon filter, 256

Active infra-red detector, 639, 644

Adiabatic humidification, 296

Aerobic bacteria, 348

Air admittance valve, 319

Air changes per hour, 189, 237238, 241, 263, 299

Air compressor, 63

Air conditioning, 273311

Plant sizing, 299300

Air curtain/door, 260

Air diffusion, 258259, 285

Air eliminator, 147

Air filters, 254256

Air flow

In ducting, 257, 262266

Flow resistance, 269270

Air gap, 53, 88, 265, 387

Air heating, 186, 534

Air infiltration, 236

Air mixing, 298

mixing unit, 281

Air permeability, 298

Air processing/handling unit, 275276, 297

Air, as refrigerant, 285

Air source heat pumps, 306

Air test

on drains, 342

on sanitary pipework, 429

Air valve, 86, 166, 172

Air velocity, 261, 264, 269

Air volume flow rate, 262265

Air washer, 276277

Alarm gong, sprinklers, 597598

Alarm installations, 637

Alarm switches and sensors, 639

Alarm systems, 619622, 639646

Alkalinity in water, 21

Alternate wet and dry sprinkler system, 595, 598

Alternative energy, 665686

Ammonia, 285

Anaerobic bacteria, 346

Anaerobic digestion, 669, 670

Annular duct flue system, 477

Anodic protection, 132

Anti-flood devices, 332333

Anti-siphon device, 381

Anti-siphon trap, 418, 427

Anti-vacuum valve, 8687

Approved Documents, 10

Archimedes’ spiral, 2

Armoured cable, 523

Artesian well, 20

Asbestos, 5, 7, 330

Aspect ratio, 249, 256270

Association of Chief Police Officers, 638

Atmospheric pollution, 236

Attenuators, 247, 253

Automatic air valve, 510

Automatic bypass, 174177

Automatic flushing cistern, 382, 407

Axial flow fan, 251

Backdrop manhole, 326

Back flow/siphonage, 5356, 388

Background ventilation, 239241

Back inlet gully, 315

Back pressure, 417

Bag-type air filter, 254

Balanced flue, 463467

Ball float steam trap, 162

Ball valve, 36

Base exchange process, 4647

Basement car parks, ventilation, 247

Basins, 397, 400402, 412, 420427

Baths, 394, 400402, 412, 420427

Bedding factors, 327328

Bedding of drains, 327328

Bedpan washer, 408

Belfast sink, 395

Bernoulli’s formula, 7677, 269270

Bib tap, 34

Bidet, 387

Bifurcated fan, 251, 256

Bi-metal coil heat detector, 616

Bi-metal gas thermostat, 456

Biodisc sewage treatment plant, 347

Biogas, 669, 670

Biological filter, 348

Biomass/fuel, 210, 211, 667, 682

appliances, 212213

solar hot water and heating

system, 212

Black polythene, 39

Bleach, 23

Blue polythene, 39

Boiler, 101105, 173177, 208209, 232233

interlock, 173176

rating, 123, 193, 201

thermostat, 173176

types, 102105, 176, 232233, 253

Bonding of services, 503

Boning rods, 321

Boosted cold water systems, 6264

Boyle’s law, 485487

BRE daylight protractor, 555556

Break-pressure cistern, 6263

Break tank, 6264

British Board of Agrément, 4, 16

British Standard float valve, 33

British Standards, 4, 14

Bucket type steam trap, 162

Building Act, 4, 10

Building fire hazard classes, 596

Building Regulations, 10, 236

Building related illnesses, 309311

Building Research Establishment, 4, 15

Busbar, 528530

Butterfly valve, 37

By-laws, 4, 11

Cable rating, 526

Calorific values, 207, 216, 229230, 233

Calorifier, 85, 94, 96, 107, 163

Candela, 539541

Canteen kitchen ventilation, 238

Capillary action, 417

Capillary joint on copper pipe, 3738

Capita, 17, 130

Captured water, 26

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), 13, 684

Carbon dioxide emissions, 131

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, 627, 630

installation, 611

Carbon dioxide, as refrigerant, 285

Carbon monoxide detector, 631633

Cast iron, 330

Cell type air filter, 254

Central plant air conditioning, 275

Centrifugal fan, 251

Centrifugal pump for drainage, 336

Centrifugal refrigeration power unit, 284

Cesspool, 344

Change of state, 157

Charles’ law, 486487

Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering, 17, 87

Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, 4, 16, 294

Check valve, 5455

Chemical, foam fire extinguisher, 627, 630

Chezy’s formula, 363364, 367

Chilled beams and ceilings, 282

Chlorine, 23, 133134

Chlorofluorcarbons (CFCs), 286

Circuit protective conductor (cpc), 520


cold water storage, 59

materials, 57

room, 57

section of, 58

type electric water heater, 108109

Clean Air Act, 4, 12, 206

Climate Change Act, 13

Cleaners’ sink, 396

Cleaning eye, 423424

Clarkes scale, 4445

Clock control of heating systems, 172173

Closed carbon cycle, 211

Closed circuit, 620

Coanda effect, 258

Code for Sustainable Homes, 354

Coefficient of linear expansion, 170

Coefficient of performance, 302

Cold water

feed cistern, 41, 8485, 94

storage capacity, 61

storage cistern, 42, 5759, 8485, 9496

supply, 26, 31

Cold water pipes, protecting against freezing, 56

Colebrook and White formula, 371

Collar boss fitting, 422

Collective control of lifts, 567

Column type radiator, 139

Combination boiler, 105, 176

Combined drainage, 314

Combined heat and power, 131, 168, 676

Combustion, 212

Common abbreviations, 688693

Communication pipe, 2930

Compact fluorescent lamps, 546

Compartment floor, 435, 661

Compartment wall, 435, 621, 661

Compensated circuit, 183

Compressor, 283, 293, 302303

Computerised energy control, 184

Concentric duct, 477

Condensate receiver, 444

Condensation, 282, 301

tank, 161

Condenser, 283, 288, 293, 302304

Condensing gas boiler, 102104, 467

Condensing water heater, 114

Conduction, 157

Conduit tubing, 521

Constant level controller oil, 224

Construction Design and Management Regulations, 56

Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, 56

Construction site electricity, 537538

Consumer Protection Act, 4, 12

Consumer’s unit, 499501, 503, 505508

Contact tanks, 23

Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations, 5, 7

Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations, 5, 8

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, 5, 7

Convection, 138, 157

Convection circulation, 126, 139, 157

Convector heater, 140, 161, 463, 535

Convector skirting heater, 140

Conventional gas flue, 468469

Cooling ponds, 290

Cooling systems, 282293

Cooling towers, 289291


Corrosion inhibitors, 135, 203

Corrosion in hot water systems, 203

Cosine illumination law, 540

Counterweight for lifts, 564565

Crawlway, 659

Crimp and Bruges’ formula, 370

Crossflow fan, 251

Croydon float valve, 33

Cupro-solvency, 132

Cycling wet sprinkler system, 595

Cylinder thermostat, 171172, 175176, 178, 182

‘Cytrol’ valve, 144

D’Arcy’s formula, 7879, 270, 488

Daylight contours, 554

Daylight factor, 554558

Daylight protractor, 555556

Dead legs, 94, 106, 128

Dead lock, 636

Deep well, 20

Dehumidification, 277, 296297, 300

Delayed action float valve, 63, 65

Delta T, 191

Deluge system, 599

Density of air, 269270

Density of water, 78, 82, 269270


fire, 613620

intruder, 639646

Detention pond, 352

Dew point, 274, 276277, 297, 301

Dezincification, 132

Diaphragm float valve, 33

Differential valve, sprinklers, 598

Diffusers, 258

Direct cold water supply, 41

Direct hot water supply, 84


and gradient, 369

pipe materials, 431

pipe sizes, 431, 437

stacks, 420425, 430434

stack sizing, 430, 435439

units, 366367, 436439

Dishwasher waste, 428, 431

Distributing pipe, 42


fuse board, 528530

pipe, 597598, 601

of water, 24

District heating, 165167, 676

Diversity factors, 527

Diverting pulley, 564

Diverting valve, 171172, 183, 232

Domestic filter, 22

Domestic heating pump, 197199

Double check valve, 47, 54, 86, 145146, 154, 176, 232, 288

Double trap siphonic w.c. pan, 386

Drain bedding, 327328

Drain jointing, 337

Drain laying, 321

Drain testing, 342

Drain valve, 32, 4142, 8487


design, 357371

design formulae, 364

fields and mounds, 349350

flow rate, 357363, 365, 367

gradients, 360, 362363, 365, 367

‘K’ factors, 439

pumping, 336337

systems, 312338

ventilation, 318319

Drains under buildings, 329

Draught diverter, 469470, 479

Draught stabiliser, 479

Drencher, 604

Drop fan safety cock, 451

Dry bulb temperature, 274, 294295

Dry pipe sprinkler system, 595, 598

Dry riser, 606

Dry steam, 160

Dual concentric double wall duct, 477

Dual duct air conditioning, 281

Duct conversion, 266268

Duct noise attenuation, 253

Duct sizing, 262264

Ducts for services, 653654, 657674

Duplicated cisterns, 57

Duplicated hot water plant, 107

Duplicated pumps, 6264, 69

Duraspeed sprinkler head, 594

DX coil, 283, 292

DZR/brass, 36

Earth bonding, 30, 503

Earth conductor, 502

Earth connection, 502

Earthing clamp, 449, 502

Earthing systems, 500502, 504

Econa resealing trap, 418

Economy, 11, 531

Economy, 10, 533

Effective pipe length, 7071, 73, 490, 603

Efficacy, 541542, 548549

Electric boiler, 232233

Electric cable, 511, 520521, 523, 526, 652

Electric circuit

fire detectors, 619620

testing, 524525

Electric combination radiators, 633

Electric emitters, 633

Electric heat emitters, 531532, 635

Electric lift installations, 563565

Electric meter, 499500

Electric shower, 389393

Electric space heating, 511513

Electric water heaters, 108111

Electrical earthing, 500504

Electrical symbols, 697


distribution, 497

generation, 168, 496

intake, 499

to an outbuilding, 511

at Work Regulations, 5, 9

Electrochemical series, 132

Electrode boiler, 233

Electrolytic action, 132

Electrostatic air filter, 255

Eliminator plates, 276277


heating, 138140, 190, 203, 535

pipes, 148149, 192

Energy Act, 13

Energy management system, 183185

Energy Performance Certificate, 12

Energy production, 666

Energy recovery, 246, 308

Engineered I beam, 656

Enthalpy, 161, 274, 288, 294

Entropy, 275, 288

Environment Act, 4, 12

EPDM, 37

Escalator, 586587

Escalator capacity, 587

Essex flange, 390

Ethylene glycol, 27

European Standards, 4, 14

Evacuated glass tube collector, 118

Evaporator, 283, 288, 293, 302303


and feed cistern, 85, 94, 141144, 146148, 154

of pipes, 169170

valve, 89, 145, 154, 176, 232

valve refrigeration, 284, 302

vessel, 8687, 96, 110, 114117, 145146, 154155, 172

of water, 82

Exposed pipes, 192

External meter, 30, 445, 499


rating, 628

siting of, 628

Extra-low-voltage-lighting, 550551

Factories Act, 5, 237

Factory wiring installation, 528

False ceiling, 663

Family of gases, 229

Fan assisted gas flue, 479480, 492

Fan characteristics, 265

Fan convector heater, 140

Fan heater, 140, 535

Fan laws, 252

Fan rating, 262, 265

Fan types, 251

Fan-coil unit, 280


and expansion cistern, 85, 94, 141144, 146148, 154, 199

pipe, 4142

and spill cistern, 159

Feed-in tariff, 13, 666, 668

Filament lamps, 542, 547

Filled soakaway, 343

Filter drains, 352


alarms, 613614

dampers, 621622

detection, 612

detection circuits, 619620

group classification, 627

hazard, 596

load, 596

prevention in ductwork, 621622

stops and seals, 434, 621, 663

tube boiler, 101

valve, 218219

ventilation, 624625

Firefighting lift, 580581

Fixed carbon dioxide system, 611

Fixed foam installation, 608

Fixed halon and halon substitute system, 612

Flame failure safety device, 456

Flash steam, 160

Flat plate collector, 117118

Float switch, 62, 336, 338

Float valves, 33

Floor ducts, 653, 657

Floor trench, 659

Flow rate

drainage, 359365, 367, 431, 435440

water, 7073, 79

Flow switch, 232, 389

Flow velocity, 368, 370, 371

Flue blocks, 471

Flue gas analysis, 471

Flue lining, 474

Flue terminals, 227228, 465466, 472478

Fluid flow formulae, 7679

Fluorescent lamps, 542544, 546547, 552

Fluoridation, 23

Fluoride, 23

Flushing cistern, 380, 382, 386, 406

Flushing devices, 380384

Flushing trough, 381

Flushing valve, 383384, 407

Flux, 3839, 133

Foam fire extinguishers, 608609, 630

Foam pipe systems, 608609

Food waste disposal unit, 377

Foul water disposal, 420426

Foul water drainage design, 360367

French or filter drain, 339, 352

Fresh air inlet, 318

Frost thermostat, 180

Fuel bunker, 208

Fuel cell, 673

Fuel oil, 216224

Fuels, 206

Fuse and mcb ratings, 505510

Fuses, 509, 517

Fusible alloy heat detector, 616

Galvanic action, 132

Garage drainage, 335

Garage gully, 335

Garchey system of refuse disposal, 375


appliance flues, 461480, 491493

appliances, 461464

burners, 452

circulator, 112

consumption, 489490

convector heater, 463

external meter box, 445

extraction of, 685

fire extinguishing systems, 610611

flue height, 493

flue size, 491492

ignition devices, 457

installation pipes, 443448, 459

laws, 485486

meters, 449450

pipe sizing, 490

purging, 458

relay valve, 112113, 454455

Safe Register, 9, 130, 174

Safety (Installation and Use)

Regulations, 5, 9, 443

Safety (Management)

Regulations, 5, 9

service pipes, 443448

supply, 443

testing, 459460

thermostat, 453454

thermostatic controls, 453456

water heaters, 112115

Gate valve, 32

Geared traction machine, lifts, 570

Gearless traction machine, lifts, 570

Geo-thermal power, 667, 675676

Glare, 541

Glazing, 636

Global warming, 236

Goose neck, 29

Gravitational distribution of water, 24

Gravity circulation, 126

Gravity steam heating, 161

Gravity tank sprinklers, 600

Grease trap, 334

Green Deal, 13

Grevak resealing trap, 418

Greywater, 26

Grid subsoil drainage, 340

Gully, anti-flood, 332, 333

Gutter and downpipe sizing, 357358

Halon and substitutes, 610

Hard water, 4448

Harvested water, 26, 354

Hazen-Williams formula, 603

Header pipe, 62

Header tank, 96

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, 4, 5, 237

Health and Safety Executive, 3, 9

Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations, 5, 8, 695


detectors, 616

emission from pipes, 192

emitters, 138140, 190, 203, 535

energy transfer, 157

exchanger, 9293, 102, 163, 186, 246, 275276

loss calculations, 187189

output pipes, 192

output radiators, 190

output underfloor, 149

pump, 302304, 305306

recovery, 248, 308

Heating controls, 171185, 536

design, 187196

by electricity, 531536

Herringbone subsoil drainage, 340

HETAS, 17, 130, 174

High temperature hot water heating, 158159

Holing timber joists, 655

Hose reel, 605

Hospital sanitary appliances, 408

Hospital radiator, 139

Hot water

cylinder, 4142, 8488, 9296, 106107, 111

heating, 138139

storage calculations, 124

supply, 82135

system for tall buildings, 9496

thermal storage, 99, 100

Housing Act, 4, 12

Humidification, 277, 296297, 299, 301

Humidifier fever, 311

Hydrants, 606607

Hydraulic fracturing, 685

Hydraulic gradient, 199

Hydraulic jump, 417

Hydraulic lift, 555557

Hydraulic mean depth, 360

Hydraulic valve, 407

Hydraulics, 75

Hydrocarbons, 285

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), 286

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), 286

Illuminance, 541

Immersion heater, 108111, 232, 505, 526527

Imperial units, 702703

radiator, 142

Indirect cold water supply, 42

Indirect hot water supply, 85, 9296

Induced siphonage, 417

Induction diffuser, 280

Induction unit, 279

Industrial gas meter, 450

Inertia detector, 639, 642

Infiltration basin, 352

Infra-red sensor, 549, 618, 639, 644646

Inspection chamber, 318, 341

Instantaneous water heater, 110, 112, 392393

Institution of Electrical Engineers, 4, 16, 496

Insulating pipes, 56

Interceptor trap, 318, 332, 341

Intermediate switching, 512, 514

Internal air gap, 88

Internal electric meter, 499

International Standards, 4, 14

Interval for lifts, 579

Intruder alarms, 637, 639646

Intruder detection systems, 637638

Intumescent collar, 385

Intumescent paint fire damper, 622

Inverse square law, 540

Ionisation smoke detector, 612, 615

Jointing materials, 40

Joints on water mains, 28

Joints on water pipes, 3638

‘K’ factors (drainage), 438439

‘k’ factors, (air flow), 269270

Klargester septic tank, 344

Kutter and Ganguillet formula, 364, 368369

Laminated veneer beam, 656

Lamps, 542543, 546

Landing valve for fire risers, 606607

Laser beam heat detector, 617

Latent heat, 104, 157, 160, 274, 296

Legionnaires’ Disease, 128, 291, 309310

Lift controls, 566568

Lift dimensions, 573

Lift doors, 569

Lift installation, 572

Lift machinery, 570

Lift performance, 678679

Lift planning, 562563

Lift roping systems, 564565

Lift safety features, 571

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations, 5, 8

Lifts, 672685

Lifts, builders’ work, 584585

Lifts, disabled access, 582

Lifts, electricians’ work, 584

Light, 540541

Light fittings, 278, 544

Light fitting extract grille, 544

Light obscuring smoke detector, 617

Light scattering smoke detector, 612, 615

Light sources, 539541


circuits, 512515

controls, 548549

Lightning conductor, 648649

Lightning protection, 648649

Lime and soda process, 52

Line voltage, 496

Linear diffuser, 278

Linear grille, 259

Liquid petroleum gas, 230231

Loading units, 72

Log burning stoves, 212

Log/pellet boiler, 212

London sink, 395

Looping in wiring for lights, 513

Loop vent pipe, 422, 424

Loss of trap water seal, 417

Loss Prevention Certification Board, 4, 15, 596

Low temperature hot water heating, 141156

Lumen method of lighting design, 552

Luminaire, 545

Luminous ceiling, 543

Lux, 539541

Macerator, 426

Machine room for lifts, 570, 572573

Magnesium, 21

Magnetic reed, 639640

Magnetite, 203

Maguire’s rule, 362

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 56

Manhole, 322, 325326

Manifold, 145, 150

Manipulative compression joint, 3738

Manning’s formula, 363364

Manometer, 77, 342, 429, 459460

Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 5, 7

Marscar access bowl, 323

Mass flow rate, 124, 194

Master control switch, 513

Matthew-Hall Garchey refuse system, 375

McAlpine resealing trap, 418

Mechanical steam heating, 161

Mechanical ventilation, 240, 245248

Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, 240, 246

Mercury vapour lamp, 542

Metal flue system, 477


control gas valve, 449, 451

electric, 499550

gas, 449450

water, 30

Metric units, 698699

Micro-bore heating, 145

Micro-combined heat and power, 677

Microgeneration, 677

Micro-switch, 639640

Microwave, detector, 639, 643

Mineral insulated cable, 511, 522

Miniature circuit breaker, 500501, 505506, 517

Mixed water temperature, 405

Mixer/combination taps, 35

Mixing valve, 172, 182184, 232

Moat subsoil drainage, 340

Modular grille, 259

Modulating control, 184

Modulating pump, 198

Moisture content, 274, 294298

Motorised valve, 64, 172, 182184, 232

Mountings for fans, 253

Multi-control sprinkler, 599

Multi-point heater, 113

National Approval Council for Security Systems (NACSS), 638

Natural draught oil burner, 223

Natural gas, 229, 443

Natural ventilation, 236, 239244

Nitrogen pressurization, 158

Non-manipulative compression joint, 3738

Non-return valve, 6264, 66, 106107, 110, 161, 163164, 336337

Notching joists, 655, 656

Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act, 5, 237, 411

Off-peak electricity, 111, 531

Ofgem, 13,

OFTEC, 17, 130, 174


appliance flues, 225228

extraction of, 685

firing, 223224

fuel, 216219

grading, 217

hydraulic lift, 563, 575577

level controller, 224

tank, 218222, 577

One-pipe heating, 141142

One-pipe ladder heating system, 141

One-pipe parallel heating system, 142

One-pipe ring heating system, 141

One-pipe sanitation, 424

One way switching, 512

Open circuit, 619

Open flue, 213215, 225228, 468469

terminals, 227228, 472473

Open outlet, electric water heater, 108

Optimum start control, 183, 536

Overflow/warning pipe, 4142, 53, 57, 60, 154

Overhead busbars, 528

Overhead unit heater, 140, 164

Overload protection, 517

Packaged air conditioning, 292293

Panel heating, 148151, 535

Panel radiator, 138139, 190

Parallel strand beam, 656

Partially separate drainage, 315

Passenger lifts, 583

Passive infra-red detector, 639, 645646

Passive stack ventilation, 239243, 244245

Paternoster lift, 574

Percentage saturation, 274, 294297

Permanent hardness, 45, 52

Permanent supplementary lighting, 553

Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations, 5, 9

Pervious strata, 20

Petrol interceptor, 335

Phase voltage, 496

Photo-electric switch, 549

Photovoltaic systems, 680681

Phragmites, 348, 351

pH values, 21

Physical security, 636

Piezoelectric igniter, 457

Pillar tap, 34

Pipe insulation, 56

Pipe interrupter, 384

Pipe jointing, 3840, 331

Pipeline switch, 62

Pipe sizing

discharge stack, 430431, 435439

drainage, 357367

gas, 488489

heating, 194195

primaries, 124125

rainwater, 357358

water distribution, 7073

Pipe thermostat, 180


abbreviations, 691694

identification, 695696

symbols, 694

Plane of saturation, 20

Plastic piped water supplies, 652

Plate heat exchanger, 308

Platform lift, 583

Plenum, 275, 280

Plenum ceiling, 278, 280, 621

Plumbo-solvency, 132

Pneumatic cylinder, 63

Pneumatic ejector, 337

Pneumatic transport of refuse, 376

Polar curve, 545

Pole’s formula, 488

Polyethylene (polythene) water pipes, 39

Portable fire extinguishers, 627, 630

Portsmouth float valve, 33

Positive input ventilation, 240

Power circuit

radial, 510511, 526

ring, 508, 526

Power shower, 389391

Power sockets, 508509

Pre-action sprinkler system, 595

Pre-mixed foam system, 608

Pressed steel radiator, 138

Pressure filter, 22

Pressure governor, 449450

Pressure jet oil burner, 223

Pressure loss, 73

Pressure mat, 639, 641

Pressure-reducing valve, 63, 8687, 9091, 110, 160

Pressure-relief safety valve, 8485, 110

Pressure switch, 6364, 110

Pressure tank, sprinklers, 600

Pressure testing, 202

Pressure vessel, 157158

Pressurisation of escape routes, 623

Pressurised hot water supply, 157158, 168

Primatic cylinder, 93

Primary circuit pipe sizing, 124125

Primary flow and return circuit, 8487, 124

Primary thermal store water heaters, 97100

Private sewer, 317

Programmer, 172177, 178, 182184, 536

Propellor fan, 251

Properties of heat, 121, 157

Proportional depth, 360

Protected shaft, 448, 661

Protective multiple earth, 501

PTFE tape, 38, 40

Psychrometric chart, 294

Psychrometric processes, 294301

Public sewer, 317

Pumped distribution of water, 24

Pumped drainage systems, 336338

Pumped shower, 389391

Pumped waste, 426

Pump laws, 6869

Pump-operated foam, 608

Pump rating, 67, 127, 195, 197

Pumping set, 62

Pumping station, 336338

Purge ventilation, 239241

Push fit joints on water pipes, 38

PVC insulated cable, 520

Quantity of air, 257, 262265

Quantity of cold water, 7079

Quantity of hot water, 122123

Quantity of gas, 485494

Quantity of waste and foul water, 365367, 430, 435439

Quantity of surface water, 343, 357359

Quarter turn tap, 34

Quartzoid bulb sprinkler head, 594

R numbering, 285

Radial system of wiring, 510511, 529

Radiant panel, 139, 535

Radiant skirting heater, 140

Radiant tube heater, 462

Radiation, 138, 157

fire detector, 618

Radiator output, 191

Radiator sizing, 189190

Radiators, 94, 105, 138139, 141146

Radio sensor, 639, 641

Rain cycle, 20

Rainfall run-off, 357359


attenuation, 356

gully, 314315

harvesting, 353, 354

shoe, 314315

Raised access floor, 662

Recessed ducts, 653, 658

Reciprocating refrigeration power unit, 284

Recirculated air, 248, 275276, 298

Recoil valve, 66

Recycling pre-action sprinkler system, 595

Reduced voltage electricity, 537538, 550551

Redwood scale, 216217

Reed beds, 348, 351352

Reflected light, 555558

Reflection factors, 557558

Refrigerants, 285287, 306

properties of, 287

Refrigeration, 283288

Refrigeration power unit, 284


chute, 372373, 376

disposal, 372376

incineration, 373374

stack, 375

Regulating valve, 138

Relative humidity, 237, 274, 294

Relay gas valve, 112113, 454455

Renewable energy, 667683

Renewable heat incentive. 13

Resealing traps, 418

Reservoir, 24, 600

Residual current device, 500, 506, 511, 518519

Resistances to air flow, 269270

Resistances to water flow, 71

Rest bend, 315, 420, 424425

Retention pond, 352

Reverse acting interceptor, 341

Reynold’s number, 78

Ring circuit, 497

Ring distribution of electricity, 529

Ring final circuit, 506, 508

Ring main water distribution, 24

Rising main

electrical, 530

water, 4142, 47

Rodding point drainage, 316, 322323

Rod thermostat, 172, 453454

Roll type air filter, 254

Room thermostat, 105, 171173, 175176, 178, 182, 184

Rotary screw refrigeration power unit, 284

Rotating sprinkler pipe, 348

Round trip time, 579

Run around coil, 307

Running trap, 427

Saddle, 317

Safety valve, 8490, 110

Sanitary accommodation, 238239, 247, 409412

for disabled, 413415

Sanitary appliances, 380408

space, 412

Sanitary incineration, 374

Sanitation flow rate, 430, 435439

Sanitation traps, 416418

Saturated air, 274

Saturated steam, 160

Screwed joints on steel pipe, 38, 40

Screw fuel conveyor, 208

Scroll refrigeration power unit, 284

Sealed primary circuit, 86, 96, 105, 145146, 154

Secondary backflow, 54

Secondary circuit, 9496, 106

Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB), 638

SEDBUK, 104, 123, 129130, 175

Se-duct, 475, 477

Self-siphonage, 417

Sensible cooling, 296297

Sensible heat, 160, 274

Sensible heating, 104, 296297

Separate drainage, 314

Septic tank, 345346

Service pipe, gas, 443449

Service pipe, water, 29

Service reservoir, 24

Service valve, gas, 443

Servicing valves, 3042, 8485, 106, 384, 407

Settlement tank, 24

Sewage disposal/treatment, 344351

Sewer, 314315, 317318

Shallow well, 20

Shared flues, 475479

Shower, 389393, 400402

Shunt flue, 478

Shutter type fire damper, 622

Sick building syndrome, 236, 310311

Sight gauge, 219220

Sight glass, 161, 163

Sight rails, 321

Signalling systems, 637

Silt trap, 340341

Single automatic lift control, 566

Single feed cylinder, 93

Single-phase supply, 496497

Single-stack system, 420423

Sinks, 395396, 408

Siphonage, 417418

Siphonic W.C. pan, 386

Site electricity, 537538

Sitz bath, 394

Skirting ducts, 653, 657

Skirting heater, 140

Sky component, 554555

Sliding fire damper, 622

Sling psychrometer, 294

Slop sink, 408

Slow sand filter, 24

Sluice valve, 32

Small bore heating, 141144

Small bore pumped waste system, 426

Smart meters, 13, 450


control in shopping malls, 626

detectors, 616617

extraction, 624625

reservoir, 626

test on drains, 342

ventilators, 625

Soakaways, 343, 352

Soda-acid fire extinguisher, 629

Sodium hypochlorite, 23, 25, 27

Sodium vapour lamp, 543

Soft water, 44

Soil and waste disposal systems, 420428


collector, 117118, 678681

collector panel size, 119120

energy systems, 115116

power, 667, 678681

space heating, 156

Solders, 38, 40

Solid fuel, 174, 207215

Solid fuel boiler and flue, 209215

Specialist consultancies, 23

Specialist contractors, 23

Specific enthalpy, 294295

Specification of cables, 501, 508, 510511, 526

Specific heat capacity of air, 121, 189

Specific heat capacity of water, 121, 194

Specific latent heat, 157

Specific volume, 274, 294295

Split load consumer unit, 506

Splitters in ductwork, 247, 253

Spring/night latch, 636

Springs, 20

Sprinkler heads, 593594

Sprinkler head spacing, 601602

Sprinkler pipe sizing, 603

Sprinkler systems, 592603

Sprinkler water supply, 600

Stack effect, 242243

Stack pressure, 243

Stainless steel flue lining, 474

Stainless steel sinks, 395

Stair lift, 589

Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), 130

Statute, 4

Statutory Instrument, 4


heating, 160164

humidifier, 277

pressurisation, 158

traps, 161164

valve, 163164

Step irons, 325

Sterilisation of water, 23

Stop valve, 32


of fuel, 206, 208209, 218222, 230231

heaters, 531532

type gas water heater, 113114

Strainer, 9091, 164

Stub stack, 320

Subsoil drain trench, 339340

Subsoil drainage, 339341

Subsoil irrigation, 345

Sub-station, 497498

Subway, 660

Suction tank for sprinklers, 600

Suction tank for wet risers, 505, 607

Summer valve, 94

Sump pump, 338

Supatap, 34

Superheated steam, 160

Supervisory control of lifts, 568

Supply pipe, 29

Surface water drainage, 357364

Suspended ceiling, 663

Sustainable Urban Drainage

Systems (SUDS), 352

Swales, 352

Swinging type fire damper, 622

Tail end sprinkler system, 595

Tapping of water main, 29

Taps, 34

Taut wiring, 639, 641

Telecommunications, 559

Telephone socket, 516, 559

Temperature, 121, 698, 703

Temperature control valve, 163

Temperature relief valve, 8689

Tempering valve, 404

Temporary hardness, 45, 52

Terminal positions of gas flues, 465466, 469, 471474

Terminal position of discharge stack, 422, 424


of drains, 342

of sanitary pipework, 429

Thermal conductivity, 56

Thermal relief safety valve, 89, 110

Thermal storage heating, 99100, 531532

Thermal store, 97100, 232

Thermal transmittance, 187

Thermal wheel, 308

Thermocouple, 454456

Thermo-electric safety device, 456

Thermostatic control of heating, 171185

of hot water, 144, 173, 175176, 178

Thermostatic mixing valve, 148, 171, 400403

Thermostatic radiator valve, 138, 144, 171176

Thermostatic steam trap, 162

Thermostatic valves, 144, 171176

Thermostats for gas, 453456

Thomas Box formula, 70, 75

Three-phase generator, 496

Three-phase supply, 496499

Time proportional and integral (TPI) control, 179

TN-S and TN-C-S systems, 501

Towel rail, 94, 144

Traction sheave, 564565, 570

Transformer, 180, 496500, 537538, 550551

Trace element, 180


sanitation, 416418

steam, 162

Travelator, 588

Trickle ventilator, 239241, 244

Trunk valves, anti-flood, 333

Trunk water mains, 24

Trunking, 521

TT system, 500

Tundish, 110, 114, 145, 154, 176, 232, 467

Two-pipe heating, 142143

drop heating system, 143

high level return heating system, 143

parallel heating system, 142

reverse return heating system, 142

upfeed heating system, 143

Two-pipe sanitation, 425

Two-way switching, 512514

U-duct, 476, 477

‘U’ values, 187, 189

Ultrasonic detector, 639, 643

Ultra-violet heat detector, 618

Ultra-violet light, 25

Under floor heating, 2, 148153, 531

Underground coal gasification, 683

Underground heating mains, 165167, 676

Underground utilities, 652

Unfilled soakaway, 343

Unified Intruder Alarm Policy, 638

Unvented hot water storage system, 8688

Unventilated stack, 320

Urinals, 406407, 425

Valves, 3234, 66, 8990, 138, 144, 160, 177

Vapour compression cycle, 283, 292

Vapour expansion thermostat, 453

Vapourising oil burner, 223224

Variable air volume a/c, 278

Velocity of water in drains, 359360

Velocity of water in pipes, 7577, 124125, 194, 196

Ventilated one-pipe sanitation, 424

Ventilated light fitting, 278, 544

Ventilated stack, 423

Ventilation, Building Regulations, 237, 239241

Ventilation, 236237

of buildings, 237247

design, 257271

of drains, 318319

duct materials, 250

duct profile, 249

for gas appliances, 481483

heat losses, 189

for oil appliances, 225226

rates, 237238

requirements, 237241

system characteristics, 265

Venturi, 112

Venturimeter, 77

Verifiable backflow preventer, 55

Vibration detector, 639, 642

Viscous air filter, 255

Voltage drop, 526

Walkway, 660

Wall flame burner, 224

Warm air heating, 186, 246, 534

Warning pipe, 4142, 53, 57, 60, 154

Wash basins, 397, 400402, 420427

Wash-down W.C. pan, 385, 420426

Washer for air, 276277

Washing machine waste, 428, 431

Washing trough, 398

Waste disposal unit, 377

Waste pipes, 417, 420428

Waste valve, 419


conditioners, 4851

disinfection, 134

efficient products, 43

hardness, 4448

Industry Act, 4, 11

mains, 2829

meter, 30, 31

power, 667, 674

pressure and head, 70, 73, 701

pressure test, 202

as refrigerant, 285

Regulations Advisory Scheme, 11

seal loss in traps, 417418

softener, 4648

sources, 20

supply for sprinklers, 600

test on drains, 342

treatment, 52, 133135

tube boiler, 101

Wavering out of trap seals, 417

WC pan, 385386

Wet bulb temperature, 274, 294301

Wet pipe sprinkler system, 595, 597598

Wet riser, 607

Wet steam, 160

Whirling hygrometer, 294

Whole-building ventilation, 239241

Wholesome water, 26, 27

Wind power, 667, 673

Wind pressure diagrams, 242, 472

Window casement fasteners and stays, 636

Wireless heating controls, 181

Wiring systems for central heating, 182

Wood pellets, 210

Work at Height Regulations, 5, 8

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, 5, 6, 291, 309, 411

Yard gully, 314315

Zero depletion potential (ODP), 286

Zone controls, 173174, 178

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