Design procedure and examples

Akira Chiba

In this chapter, one example of the bearingless induction motor and one example of the bearingless permanent magnet motor are introduced. In the first section, the sizes, dimensions, winding structure, inductance functions and performance figures of a bearingless induction machine with pole-specific rotor circuits are put forward and the machine is described in detail. In the following section, a bearingless permanent magnet machine, with a consequent-pole rotor, is introduced. The consequent-pole rotor machine is the most straightforward bearingless motor to initially study because rotor angular position feedback is not required for the magnetic suspension system. Also the output torque and radial force are high.

20.1 An induction type bearingless motor [14]

Figure 20.1 shows two cross sections of a bearingless induction motor with geometrical parameters defined for the rotor and stator iron cores. The stator has 24 slots with an outer radius of Rstyko and an inner radius of Rstyki. The rotor has 16 circular holes centred round the radius of Rbar. The outer and inner radii of the rotor iron are R and Rs respectively. In the enlarged figures, several dimensions, as indicated by Tws, Tgs, Tgd, So, SlotOpenRotor, RcIron and airgap g, are defined. Table 20.1 summarizes these parameters.

Table 20.1

Iron design

Shaft radius Rs 12.5 mm
Rotor bar centre radius Rbar 21 mm
Rotor iron outer radius R 24.6 mm
Rotor slot radius RcIron 2.5 mm
Rotor slot open width SlotOpenRotor 1mm
Airgap length g 0.4 mm
Stator inner radius   25 mm
Stator yoke inner radius Rstyki 40 mm
Stator yoke outer radius Rstyko 50 mm
Stator teeth width Tws 3 mm
Stator slot open angle So 3 deg
Stator teeth head thickness Tgd 1mm
Stator teeth neck Tgs 0.5 mm
Stack length of iron lamination Ls 50 mm


Figure 20.1 Iron core design: (a) iron core design; (b) enlarged view

Figure 20.2 shows an enlarged figure of the stator conductor structure. Each stator slot contains a suspension and a motor winding coil-side arranged in two layers. The outer layer coil-side (in the slot bottom), as indicated by circles, is for the 4-pole motor winding; while the inner layer coil-side is for the 2-pole suspension winding. In the figure there are 12 and 3 series-connected coil-turns representing the motor and suspension winding coil-sides. Let us define the number of series-connected coil turns as N4slot and N2slot. However, in reality, one series turn is made of several parallel wires and the numbers of parallel wires (strands-in-hand) for each coil are defined as P4slot and P2slot. Let us also define the wire diameters as D4 and D2 and the total number of conductors in one slot as N4slot P4slot + N2slot P2slot. Table 20.2 summarizes winding design of the test machine. Note that N4slot and N2slot are 30 and 6 for the prototype machine and both the 2-pole and 4-pole wires have a diameter of 0.6 mm. The number of strands-in-hand is two for both windings, and the conductors are connected as shown previously in section 6.9. The area of one stator slot is 78.3 mm2 while the total cross-sectional area of all the conductors for one slot is 20.36 mm2; this is obtained from

Table 20.2

Winding design

Stator design    
 2-Pole series turns per slot N2slot 6 turn
 2-Pole parallel wires P2slot 2
 4-Pole series turns per slot N4slot 30 turn
 4-Pole parallel wires P4slot 2
 2-Pole wire diameter D2 0.6 mm
 4-Pole wire diameter D4 0.6 mm
 One slot area of stator   78.3 mm2
 Conductor area per slot   20.36 mm2
 Conductor slot fill factor   0.26
 2-Pole conductor ratio   0.17
Rotor design    
 Outer radius of coil end conductor Roend 24.11mm
 Inner radius of coil end conductor Riend 12.75 mm
 Rotor bar clearance BarClear 0.02 mm
 Coil end conductor thickness te 3.2 mm
 Coil end insulator thickness ti 3mm


Figure 20.2 Series and parallel wire


which gives a slot fill factor of 0.26. This value can be improved up to 0.3 or 0.35 with tight winding. The cross-sectional area ratio of the 2-pole coil-side with respect to the total conductor area is 0.17 which means that 17% more slot area is required when compared to the original induction motor in order to accommodate the suspension winding.

Figure 20.3(a) shows the coil end conductor structure (end-ring section) for the pole-specific rotor short circuit. The end-ring section outer radius Roend is almost equal to the rotor radius. The rotor bar radius Rc is slightly smaller than the rotor iron slot radius. The end-ring section inner radius Riend is designed so that it has a suitable width; the end-ring cross section should have the same area as the rotor bars. Four end-ring sections are required for one short circuit (which link four bars) in the 4-pole-specific rotor. In total, for a 16-slot rotor, 16 conductors are needed, which are arranged in four short circuits.


Figure 20.3 Rotor structure: (a) rotor coil end conductor; (b) cross sectional view of rotor

Figure 20.3(b) shows a cross-sectional view of the rotor in the axial direction. The shaft is horizontal across the centre of the section and it is surrounded by laminated silicon steel. At both the left and right ends of the rotor are the four layers of the end-ring sections, as illustrated. Two rotor bars are drawn to illustrate the connection of one rotor short circuit. The thickness of the end-ring sections is te and the thickness of the isolation material is ti. The isolation layer thickness is small since the induced voltage in the rotor circuits is low. In some cases, the isolation layer is not really needed because of the metal contact resistance – the oxidized surface of the end-ring sections providing sufficient isolation. In this test machine, the insulation ring is also used to mechanically fix the end-ring sections to the rotor. Table 20.2 lists the parameters for the rotor design.

Table 20.3 summarizes the measured inductances of the test machine. The inductance measurements were carried out before the rotor short circuits were formed so that only the laminated silicon iron was employed as the rotor. Some inductance values were measured across the whole current range to assess the influence of magnetic saturation. The flux density in a stator tooth was measured using search coils with an excitation current of 3.5A so that the tooth flux density was about 1.2 T. The excitation current was supplied at mains frequency and the inductance measurements were carried out with different rotor radial displacements. The measured inductance values were transformed into 2-phase coordinates using a 3-phase-to-2-phase transformation matrix, and the self inductances and mutual inductance derivatives M′ were obtained.

Table 20.3

Measured values


The table also shows the test results of motor and suspension characteristics at a speed of 6000 r/min. At the motor terminals, the line-to-line voltage was 92V while the input power was 840 W at a slip of 0.1 and a line current of 7A. For the magnetic suspension, two bearingless motors generated a magnetic force of 3.3 kgf to match the shaft weight. To generate a force of 3.3 kgf, a current of 0.4 A and a voltage of 0.8V were required at a frequency of 200 Hz, i.e., twice the rotational frequency. These values were measured by an FFT analyser to detect the frequency component. The peak current was 2A and the voltage was 20V. This voltage and current were required to control the vibrations caused by mechanical unbalance and misalignment. About 10 kgf of radial force can be generated by one bearingless unit within the current ratings of suspension windings.

20.2 A permanent magnet type bearingless motor [5,6]

In this section, a consequent-pole bearingless motor is described as an example of a permanent magnet type of bearingless motor. As described in Chapter 14, the consequent-pole rotor does not require rotor angular position feedback in the suspension control which makes it easier to construct.

Figure 20.4 shows the rotor and stator structures. The rotor has four permanent magnets in a laminated silicon steel core. These are identical and pre-magnetized. In this case, the magnet north poles are all on the rotor surface. They are manufactured from NeFeBr and are 5-mm thick. In the stator core there are two sets of 3-phase conductors, arranged in slots. One set is the 8-pole motor winding, N8u, N8v and N8w and the other set is the 2-pole suspension winding, N2u, N2v and N2w. The 3-phase suspension winding has been found to minimize the radial force variation with respect to rotor angular position. Since there are two 3-phase sets there are six wires connecting the bearingless unit to the inverters.


Figure 20.4 Rotor and stator structures: (a) rotor iron and permanent magnets; (b) stator iron core

Table 20.4 summarizes the machine and winding design. The rotor radius is 24.5 mm with an axial length of 50 mm. The product D × L (diameter and the axial length) is 24.5 cm2 and the airgap length is 0.5 mm. In the winding design, the conductor slot fill factor is a rather low value of 0.27 for easy winding installation and the cross-sectional area of suspension conductors occupies 17% of the total conductor area (similar to the bearingless induction motor above).

Table 20.4

Machine design

Iron and PM design    
 Rotor iron outer radius R 24.5mm
 Permanent magnet thickness Lm 5.0 mm
 Permanent magnet arc   45 deg
 PM remanent flux density Br 1.28 T
 Airgap length g 0.5 mm
 Stator inner radius   25 mm
 Stator yoke inner radius Rstyki 38.5 mm
 Stator outer radius Rstyko 47.5mm
 Stator teeth width Tws 3.35 mm
 Stack length of iron lamination Ls 50 mm
Winding design    
 2-Pole series turns per slot N2slot 10 turn
 2-Pole parallel wires P2slot 1
 8-Pole series turns per slot N8slot 25 turn
 8-Pole parallel wires P8slot 2
 2-Pole wire diameter D2 0.6 mm
 8-Pole wire diameter D8 0.6 mm
 One stator slot area   63.4mm2
 Conductor slot fill factor   0.27
 2-Pole conductor ratio   0.17

Figure 20.5 shows a system block diagram of the test machine. In the suspension controller, the radial positioning is detected by displacement sensors and compared with the references. The PID controllers generate radial force commands and, using these commands, the current commands I*x and I*y are generated. Instantaneous 3-phase winding current commands are generated by a 2-phase-to-3-phase transformation, and a current-regulated PWM voltage-source inverter provides the 3-phase currents for the suspension windings.


Figure 20.5 System structure

In the motor controller, the rotor angular position is detected by a rotary encoder which also provides speed feedback. The speed is compared with the speed command so that a motor current command is generated. From the d- and q-axis current commands, 2-phase currents are generated for the 8-pole motor operation. The 3-phase current commands are fed forward to a current-regulated PWM voltage-source inverter to provide the motor currents. It is possible to have sensorless angular position operation since the rotary encoder is needed only for the motor drive.

In constructing a test machine, special attention should be paid to the permanent magnets. Inserting them into the rotor core is not straightforward if they are pre-magnetized rare-earth magnets since there is always a strong attractive force between the rotor core and the permanent magnets; and sintered material is quite brittle. Also, inserting the rotor into the stator core can be tricky, again because of the attractive force between the rotor and stator which can be quite significant. Once inserted, the rotor should be fixed using touch-down bearings so that the shaft is movable within a radius of only about 0.1 mm from the centre position.

The drive inverter should be carefully designed so that there is fast-acting circuit protection for the occasional transient over-current. The current needs to be limited to prevent the permanent magnets from being irreversibly demagnetized (though sintered rare-earth magnets are often very difficult to magnetize and demagnetize – hence the fabrication of the motor with fully magnetized magnets).

Table 20.5 summarizes the measured test data. The voltage, current and power were measured by a digital power meter at the rated load point. The shaft torque is reasonable for the machine dimensions although the efficiency is rather low; however, it can be improved by increasing the slot fill factor and by PM thickness optimization. At the suspension winding terminals, the voltage, current and power were measured at two operating points – one is the zero torque point while the other is the full-load torque point. The radial force was 128 and 96N, while the radial force density DL is 0.53 and 0.4kgf/cm2 and the VA ratio and power ratio between the suspension and motor windings are only 0.08 and 0.03 at zero and full torque, respectively.

Table 20.5

Test results

 Rotational speed 4000 r/min
 Line-to-line voltage 143V
 Line current 4.8A
 Input power 926W
 Shaft torque 1.89 Nm
 Efficiency 85.6%
 Total power factor 0.721
 At no torque (Iq = 0A)  
 Radial force 128 N
 Line-to-line voltage 25.0V
 Line current 2.47A
 Input power 30.3W
 At full torque (Iq = 8A)  
 Radial force 96N
 Line-to-line voltage 25.9 V
 Line current 2.07A
 Input power 30.3W


[1] Takamoto, Y., Chiba, A., Fukao, T., “Test Results on a Prototype Bearingless Induction Motor with Five-Axis Magnetic Suspension”. Proceedings of 1995 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC – Yokohama ’95), Vol. 1, 1995:334–339. [April 7, Pacifico Yokohama].

[2] Chiba, A., Furuichi, R., Aikawa, Y., Shimada, K., Takamoto, Y., Fukao, T., “Stable Operation of Induction-Type Bearingless Motors Under Loaded Conditions”. IEEE Transaction on IA, Vol. 33, No. 4, 1997:919–924. [July/August].

[3] Chiba, A., Yoshida, K., Fukao, T., “Transient Response of Revolving Magnetic Field in Induction type Bearingless Motors with Secondary Resistance Variations”. International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings (ISMB ’98), 1998:461–475. [August 7, Boston, USA].

[4] Suzuki, T., Chiba, A., Rahman, M.A., Fukao, T., “An Air-Gap-Flux-Oriented Vector Controller for Stable Operation of Bearingless Induction Motors”. IEEE Transaction on IA, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2000:1069–1076. [July/August].

[5] Takenaga, T., Kubota, Y., Chiba, A., Fukao, T., “A Principle and a Design of a Consequent-Pole Bearingless Motor”. ISMB-8, 2000:259–264. [August, at Mito].

[6] Kubota, Y., Takenaga, T., Chiba, A., Fukao, T., “Consequent-Pole Type Bearingless Motors”. IEE Japan, The Papers of Joint Technical Meeting on Semiconductor Power Converter and Industry Electric and Electronic Application, SPC-01-102, 2001:49–54.November 8, at Ashikaga (in Japanese)

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