

AC excitation, 147–9
AC motors
coordinate transformation, 173–7
three-phase, 168
two-phase, 167
Acceleration, 80
Acceleration test, 121–2
Airgap flux density, 2, 281–2
balanced, 2
induction motors, 264–70
PMS motors, 205–8
unbalanced, 2
Airgap-flux-oriented vector controller, 262, 263
Airgap length, 21, 33, 40, 61
Angular speed, 148
Applications, 14–15
Axial force, 95
Axial gap motors, 321–8
axial position regulation, 322–3
inclination control, 323–5
mechanical structure, 319–20
nonlinear characteristics, 327–8
radial damping control, 325–7
structure, 321–2
Axial position regulation, 322–3


Back electromotive force, 75
Bearing and drive, 8
Bearing motors, 8
Bearingless drives, 4–5
advantages of, 4–5
definitions of, 5
development of, 7–8
vector control theory, 169–73
Bias current, 38, 143
Block diagrams, 43–4, 54, 177–83
Blood pump, 367–70
Bode plot, 50, 53, 59
Brushless DC motors, 5
Bubble bed reactor, 367, 368
Buried permanent magnet motors, 163, 229–37
rotor position control, 232–7
rotor structures, 229–30
specifications, 232
suspension force, 231–2


C-core, 16, 17, 18, 25
unbalance pull force, 41
Canned drives, 361–5
Canned pumps, 361–5
Chopper circuit, 103, 106–7
Coil current, 3
Combined motor-bearing, 8
Common mode rejection ratio, 124
Compact pumps, 365–7
Consequent-pole motors, 279–81
Controllers See (Digital controllers)
Coordinate transformation, 203
DC to AC bearingless machines, 173–7
and torque regulation, 166–9
Coordinates, 86
Corn type motors, 320
bias, 38, 143
coil, 3
equations of, 204–5
and radial force, 38, 141–4
synchronous reluctance motors, 239–40
BPM motors, 231–2
PMS motors, 208–12
Current block, three-phase, 169
Current detectors, 37
Current driver operating area, 119–22
acceleration test, 121–2
Current feedback, 112–22
linear current controller, 113–16
nonlinear current controller, 116–19
Current-originated acceleration, 90
Current regulator, 17, 39


Damping constant, 48
Damping factor, 56
Damping-force command, 17
DC excitation, 145–7
DC motors, coordinate transformation, 173–7
Delay, 65–7
Demagnetization, 212–14
Derivative gain, 57
Design procedure, 351–60
induction motors, 351–6
PMS motors, 356–60
Differential actuator, 26–7
Differential circuit, 334
Digital controllers, 344–50
sample program, 348–50
structure, 94, 344–6
z-domain, 347
Digital signal processing, 6–7
Diodes, 105
Direct drives, 264–70
detection from line voltage and current, 267–9
modulation block suspension current commands, 269–70
search coil method, 264–7
Direct systems, 177, 181
Direction angle error, 68
Displacement, 56
flux distributions, 171
Displacement frequency response, 55
Displacement-originated acceleration, 90
Displacement reference, 53
Displacement response, 55, 57, 58, 64
Displacement sensors, 17, 50, 329–43
improvements in sensitivity, 333–6
differential circuit, 334–6
resonant circuit, 334
inductive and eddy current sensors, 336–8
principles of, 330–3
requirements for, 329–30
sensorless motors, 338–42
Displacement time response, 55
Disturbance force, 56, 78
Disturbance frequency, 56
Drive systems, 284–6
switched reluctance motors, 297–301
Duty cycle, 108
DVD drives, 9
Dynamic stiffness, 53


E-core, 29–33
Eccentric displacement, 78–81
Eddy current sensors, 153, 336–8
Electric equivalent circuit, 17–20, 135, 136
Electromagnetic force, 23, 23–4
and flux density, 23–4
Electromagnetics, 16–44
Electromagnets, 7
structure and operation, 16–17
Electromotive forces, 12
induction motors, 252
Equation of motion, 90–4
Excitation torque, 162
External moment, 87, 92


Feed-forward compensator, 304–7
Feedback radial force, 76
Field orientation misalignment, 185–90
Field oriented control theory See (Vector control theory)
Finite element analysis, 198–200, 231
Five-axis active suspensions, 10, 90–4
requirements of, 95–6
thrust magnetic bearing, 94–5
Fleming’s left-hand rule, 161
Fleming’s right-hand rule, 164, 165
Floating actuator, 8
Flux, 17–20
and radial force, 68
Flux density, 20, 23–4
Flux density detectors, 183
Flux detection, 37
Flux distribution, 135–8, 281–2
Flux linkage, 19, 20
relationship to current, 21
Flux linkage vector, 162, 163
Flux path length, 18
Flywheel drives, 9
Force calculation, 25–6
Force command, 17
Force-current factor, 39
Force-displacement constant, 42, 49
Four-axis systems, 90–4


Gate drive circuits, 122–6
waveform checking and isolation, 125–6
Gauss’ law, 136
Gyroscopic acceleration, 90
Gyroscopic effect, 68, 86–7, 94


H-bridge inverter, 103–4
Hall sensor, 37, 183
Hard disk drives, 9
Hastelloy, 362
High-cut filter, 114
Homopolar magnetic bearing, 274–6
Homopolar motors, 11–12, 14, 276–7
drive system, 284, 285
Hybrid amplifier, 98
Hybrid motors, 278–9
Hysteresis current controller, 116–19


I-core, 18, 25, 29–33
unbalance pull force, 41
Ideal derivative controller, 58
IGBTs, 6, 97, 103, 123
Inclination control, 323–5
Inclination force, 92
Inclination movement, 92
Indirect drives, 257–64
Indirect system, 176, 179
Inductance, 17–20
measurement, 149–58
switched reluctance motors, 290–1
three-phase, 154
Inductance matrix, 138–41
Induction motors, 12, 251–73
design procedure, 351–6
direct drives, 264–70
detection from line voltage and current, 267–9
modulation block suspension current commands, 269–70
search coil method, 264–7
indirect drives, 257–64
primitive controller, 258
rotor structure and suspension
force, 251–7
two-pole motors drive, 271–2
VA requirement, 192–6
Inductive sensors, 336–8
Inertia, 86
Inrush current, 125
Inset motors, 220–8
mutual interference between radial suspension forces, 221–2
rotor position control, 223
specification, 227
structure and features, 220–1
suspension force parameters, 223–8
Integrated motor bearings, 8
Integrator constant, 62
Integrators, 61–5
Interference force, 71
Interference in perpendicular axes, 67–72
Interference transfer function, 72
Interior permanent magnet motors See (Buried permanent magnet motors)
Inverter fault tolerance, 13


Laplace transform, 43, 109
Lateral force motors, 8
Levitated motors, 8
Linear analogue amplifiers, 98
Linear approximation errors, 26
Linear current controller, 101, 113–16
Linear operation, 102
Linear operator amplifiers, 101–3
Linear transistor amplifiers, 99–100
Linearization, 37–9
Load power consumption, 103
Loop transfer function, 50, 60, 64, 65, 70
Low pass filters, 76


Magnetic attraction force, 302–4
Magnetic bearing controllers, 45–84
adjustment of PID gains, 52–67
eccentric displacement, 78–81
interference in two perpendicular axes, 67–72
one-axis magnetic suspension, 45–52
synchronized displacement suppression, 81–4
unbalance force and elimination, 72–8
Magnetic bearings, 1–3
Magnetic centre, 302–4
Magnetic circuit, 19, 31
Magnetic co-energy, 21
Magnetic energy, 20–33
Magnetic equivalent circuit, 19, 31
Magnetic force, 20–33
Magnetic potential, 135–8
Magnetic saturation, 197–200
synchronous reluctance motors, 247–8
Magnetically levitated train, 2
Magnetization curve, 22, 25
Magneto Motive Force (MMF), 14, 17, 132–5
Mathematical models, 16–44
Maximum flux density, 17
Maxwell stress equation, 23
Mechanical dial gauges, 153
Mechanical dynamics, 85–96
four-axis and five-axis systems, 90–4
two-axis system, 85–90
Mechanical structure, 318–20
axial-gap motors, 319–20
radial gap motors, 318–19
Metal oxide silicon field effect transistors See (MOSFETs)
Moment, 88–9
MOSFETs, 6, 97, 103, 123
Motor control system, 245–6
Motor drives, 1–3


Natural angular frequency, 48, 56, 57
Neodymium, 29
Non-linear current controller, 116–19
Non-linear magnetic characteristics, 25
force calculation, 25–6


Object displacement, 22
One-axis magnetic suspension, 45–52
Operating points, 98


P-pole winding, 313–16
(P±2)-pole winding, 313–16
Permanent magnet synchronous motors, 201–19 See also (Inset motors)
airgap flux density, 205–8
control system configuration, 216–19
design procedure, 356–60
equations of voltage and current, 204–5
irreversible permanent magnet demagnetization, 212–14
limits of stator winding MMFs, 214–16
radial suspension force and suspension winding current, 202–4
radial suspension force for unity current, 208–12
rotor structure, 201–2
surface-mounted, 28–9, 163
VA requirement, 196–7
winding configuration, 214–16, 356, 358
Permanent magnets, 12
E- and I-cores, 29–33
positioning, 212–14
thickness, 205–12
VA requirement, 192–6
Permeance, 18, 132–5
switched reluctance motors, 291–4
Phase angle, 50, 54
Phase-lead angle, 58
Phase-lead compensator, 58
Phase margin, 52, 70
Phase shift angle, 187
Phasor diagrams, 240
Position disturbance, 80
Position error, 58–61
Power consumption ratio, 103
Power devices, 122–6
Power electronics, 97–126, 344–50
current feedback, 112–22
gate drive circuits, 122–6
linear operational amplifiers, 101–3
linear transistor amplifiers, 99–100
low cost chopper circuit, 106–7
pulse width modulation, 107–12
switched-mode amplifiers, 103–6
Power factor, 163
Practical derivative controller, 57–61
Proportional gain, 57
Proportional-integral-derivative controllers, 46–7, 61, 344–50
gain adjustment, 56–7
influence of delay, 65–7
practical digital controller, 57–61
sample program, 348–50
steady-state position error, 61–5
z-domain, 347
Pulse width modulation, 97, 107–12
analysis of RL circuit, 109–12
principles, 107–9
Pulse width modulation inverter, 339
Push-pull amplifiers, 97–126
chopper circuit, 103, 106–7
linear operator, 101–3
linear transistor, 99–100
switched-mode, 103–6
Push-pull transistors, 98


Radial damping control, 325–7
Radial displacement, 43
Radial force, 12, 42–3
and current, 38, 141–4
density, 36
errors in direction, 68
synchronous reluctance motors, 241
Radial force generation, 2, 127–30
two-pole bearingless motors, 131–2
Radial force interference, 185–90
Radial gap motors, 318–19
Radial interference, 67–72
Radial magnetic bearings, 34–9, 90, 95
unbalance pull force, 41–2
winding configuration, 309–11
Radial position loops, 188
Radial sensor output, 90
Radial suspension force See (Suspension force)
Recoil permeability, 30
Reluctance, 18, 162
Reluctance torque, 162, 221
Resonant circuit, 334–6
Revolving magnetic field, 147–9
RL circuit, 109–12
Rotary encoder, 344
Rotor magnetic potential, 136–8
Rotor position control
BPM motors, 232–7
inset motors, 223
Rotor radial movement, 92
BPM type, 229–30
induction motors, 251–7, 353, 354
inset type, 220–1
PMS type, 201–2
synchronous reluctance type, 238–9


Salient-pole bearingless motors, 178, 180, 181
Samarium, 30
Satellite reaction wheels, 14
Search coils, 183, 264–7
Self bearing motors, 8
Self-inductance, 31, 36, 41, 152
Semiconductor processing, 371–3
Sensor target, 79
Sensorless motors, 338–42
Short-pitch differential winding, 14
Single-phase inverter, 103–6
Small step acceleration, 190, 191
Speed regulation, 169
Spindle motors, 370–1
Split winding motors, 7, 311–13
Spring-force command, 17
Spring-mass-damper system, 47–52
Squirrel-cage induction motors See (Induction motors)
Static displacement, 48
Static stiffness, 53
Stators, 1–2, 136, 150
core, 150, 152
induction motors, 251–7, 353
inset type, 227
PMS type, 214–16
winding configurations, 13
switched reluctance type, 288–9
synchronous reluctance type, 238–9
Steady-state position error, 61–5
Step disturbance suppression, 189
Step response, 70
Stepping motors, 7
Surface-mounted permanent magnet motors, 28–9, 163
Suspension control system, 244–5
Suspension force, 12, 282–4
BPM motors
mutual interference, 234
nonlinear magnetic characteristics, 234–7
unity current, 231–2
variations in, 232–4
induction motors, 251–7
inset motors, 223–8
mutual interference, 221–2
PMS motors
suspension winding current, 202–4
unity current, 208–12
switched reluctance motors, 288–9, 295–8
Suspension winding current, 202–4
Swinging motors, 15
Switched-mode amplifiers, 103–6
Switched-mode operation, 102–3
Switched-mode PWM amplifier, 98
Switched reluctance motors, 12, 287–308
drive system, 297–301
feed-forward compensator, 302–7
inductances, 290–1
permeances, 291–4
stator windings, 288–9
suspension force and torque, 295–6
suspension force generation, 288–9
Synchronized displacement suppression, 81–4
Synchronous disturbance elimination, 74–8
Synchronous reluctance motors, 12, 182, 238–50
flux paths, 322
magnetic saturation, 247–8
motors control system, 245–7
radial forces, 241
rotor and stator, 238–9
suspension control system, 244–5
test machine, 248–9
torque, 240–1
unbalanced magnetic pull, 242–4
voltage and current, 239–40
System block diagrams, 177–83


Three-phase inverter, 3, 4, 6
Thrust magnetic bearing, 3, 90
five-axis active suspensions, 94–5
Time constant, 49
Tooth flux density, 197, 199
Torque, 12 See also (Vector control theory)
excitation, 162
generation, 11–12
induction motors, 252–3
regulation, 166–9
reluctance, 162, 221
switched reluctance motors, 295–8
synchronous reluctance motors, 240–1
Transfer function, 79
Translational force, 92
Two-axis active magnetic suspension, 9
Two-axis system, 85–90
Two-pole motor drives, 131–2, 271–2
Two stage push-pull amplifier, 100


Unbalance force, 75
Unbalance mass, 73
Unbalance pull force, 40–2
analysis in C- and I-cores, 41
analysis in radial magnetic bearing, 41–2
Unbalanced force, 72–8
Unbalanced magnetic pull, 242–4


Vector control theory, 7, 159, 160–9
bearingless motors, 169–73
induction motors, 261–3
Vibration, 72–8
synchronous disturbance elimination, 74–8
Volt-ampere (VA) requirement, 190–7
induction-type bearingless motors, 192–6
permanent magnet type bearingless motors, 196–7
equations of, 204–5
synchronous reluctance motors, 239–40


Waveform checking and isolation, 125–6
Winding back-EMFs, 190
Winding configuration, 13, 309–17
induction motors, 353
modified radial magnetic bearings, 309–11
P-pole and (P2)-pole, 313–16
PMS motors, 214–16, 356, 358
short-pitch, 14
split winding motors, 311–13
switched reluctance type, 288–9
synchronous reluctance type, 238–9
Winding current, 22
Winding structures, 13–14


z-transform, 347–50
Zero-voltage mode, 105
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