
Spending Time with Positive People

‘Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.’ – Oprah Winfrey

It's not difficult to spot positive people. Positive people are people you feel good being around. They're people you can be yourself with.

A positive person could be the person who supports you when you're down and is fun when you're up. They could be someone who provides wisdom and advice when you're lost and confused, someone who sees your strengths even when you don't.

A positive person could be someone you know who is open-minded, kind, compassionate and generous. They could be someone you know who is courageous about following their dreams; he or she inspires you.

Imagine a fish that grows in proportion to its environment. If you keep it in a pail of water, it only grows a couple of inches. But if you place it in a lake, it can grow up to two feet. Are you like a fish that has been kept in a pail?

When you spend time with positive people, the boundaries of what is possible expand. Which, in turn, gives you the ability to consider new ideas and new possibilities.

You become like the company you keep. So choose carefully.

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