
Practising Compassion

‘My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive and to do so with passion, some compassion, some humour and some style.’ – Maya Angelou

Compassion is what you feel for a person – or animal – who has been struck by misfortune. It motivates you to do something to help. Compassion reflects the idea that everything is related to everything else. Compassion allows you to be aware of the connection you have with everyone and everything.

When you are centred on yourself and focused on your own concerns, it's difficult to have compassion for others, to look beyond yourself and notice other people who are struggling in some way.

Compassion is mindful. It requires you to actively look for – to be aware and notice – positive ways to reach out to help and support someone who is suffering or finding it difficult to cope.

As the Dalai Lama says, ‘The true aim of the cultivation of compassion is to develop the courage to think of others and to do something for them.’

Although compassion expects no reward or recognition, doing something to benefit someone else can make you and the person you are helping feel good. This can create a bond between you. It can help you to develop empathy and bring a fresh perspective to your own life and circumstances.

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