
Managing Change

‘Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine.’ – Robert C. Gallagher

We may not know how or when change is going to show up in our lives, but one thing is for sure: it will show up. And it's not always welcome. Whether it's redundancy, your children growing up and leaving home, your favourite restaurant changing the menu or your town centre streets being turned into a one-way system, changes are never far from your door.

Too often, we resist strange new situations and circumstances. We fight to hold onto people, places and things. We struggle to let go.

But when you resist change, you are simply clinging to the past and fearful of the future.

Of course, not all change is unwelcome – when you get the job, buy the house you want, travel somewhere new and interesting. It's at times like this you notice what you have to gain from change.

The question is, ‘How can you manage change when it's unwelcome and – as far as you can see – uncalled for?’

Mindfulness can help by helping you to let go and accept the new situation, to keep an open mind and accept it will take time to adjust.

Mindfulness can help you to see that everything comes to pass. Nothing comes to stay.

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