
Problem Solving with Creative Thinking

‘Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.’ – Carl Sagan

So often, problems, obstacles and difficulties at work are dealt with in the same old ways using the same methods and procedures.

It's easy to get stuck in habitual thought patterns, basing new ideas on what has or hasn't worked in the past. It can be hard to think outside these patterns and thinking ruts. But sticking to the usual ways of ­thinking can limit your creativity and options.

While mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment, there is an important place for mind wandering.

Sure, mind wandering can be unhelpful when thoughts wander to events and possibilities that are not related to what you're meant to be focusing on. Mindful mind wandering, on the other hand, is deliberate, purposeful and task related. In fact, it's completely necessary for imaginative, creative thinking.

Creative thinking enables you to transcend fixed ideas, rules and ways of doing things and instead create meaningful new ways, ideas and methods for doing things.

Mind wandering for creative problem solving can give you a new perspective and help you to come up with original, unconventional and innovative ideas.

Mindful mind wandering and creative thinking take a beginner's mind approach: you put aside beliefs and conclusions about what has and hasn't worked in the past and open up to new possibilities.

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