
Optimizing Your Time

‘Who forces time is pushed back by time; who yields to time finds time on his side.’ – The Talmud

Many time management tips don't work. Some are inefficient or only useful in certain situations. Some seem to work well for other people but not for you.

Is there a way to manage your time that does work for you? Yes. What can help is to know your optimal times of the day. These are when your physical energy and concentration levels are at a maximum and conditions are at their best.

Some tasks (e.g. studying or writing bids) need all your focus and concentration. However, it's not a good use of time and energy if you try to do these things at a time of day that doesn't work for you. Attempt a task when your mind is wandering and the law of diminishing returns kicks in: each minute of effort produces fewer and fewer results.

That's because trying to get something done at your least-optimal time of day takes more and more effort, energy and concentration, with the result that things end up being done badly or not at all. It's difficult to be mindful – focused and engaged – because you're more easily distracted.

Conversely, getting things done at your most optimal time of day will take less effort and energy because it's easier to be present: focus and concentrate on what's happening and what needs doing.

It's all very well planning what you need to do but you also need to take your physical and mental focus and energy into account.

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