
Building Your Courage

‘Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.’ – John Wayne

Courage. Now there's an old-fashioned word. In medieval times, courage, along with prudence, justice and temperance, was considered one of the four cardinal virtues. It brings to mind fierce determination, or fighting against all odds.

The word ‘courage’ comes from the French word coeur, which means ‘heart’. Courage is a state of the heart. It's the ability to do what feels right, even if it scares you.

Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables you to face difficulty despite your fear and concerns. Courage gives you the ability to do something that frightens you. It is strength in the face of pain, hostility or intimidation.

Whether it's leaving your job or a relationship, moving to a new town, standing up for yourself or someone else, courage is what makes you brave and helps you take action.

Each day there may be situations where you need to make a courageous choice. You may need courage to present a new idea at work, to stand up for yourself or to make a decision that others won't like.

Courage often requires you to act as if you're confident, whatever you actually feel. Confidence and courage come through acting as if you are unafraid, even when you are.

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