
Accepting this is What it is

‘Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.’ – Arthur Rubinstein

Acceptance means understanding that things are (or are not) happening.

Mindfulness involves accepting what's happened and what's happening right now. It involves feeling whatever you feel without trying to resist or control those feelings or whatever is happening.

This doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to something, to give in. It means understanding that, at this moment, something is what it is.

Of course, life brings problems and difficulties and it's not easy to manage when you're suffering and wishing those things had never happened. But accepting what has happened means recognizing you cannot change what has already happened.

What could be more futile than resisting what already is? This doesn't mean you can't do anything about what's happening now, but before you do, you need to accept what has brought you to this point, to this present moment.

Once you accept something, rather than react to it (i.e. take impulsive, opposing action) you can respond to it (i.e. act thoughtfully and more favourably).

Acceptance brings a state of calm where you can rest without necessarily needing things to be different.

Acceptance happens in the moment.

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