
Being Thankful

‘Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel.’ – Unknown

Gratitude, like mindfulness, is a way of noticing and relating to life. Gratitude typifies mindfulness. It involves being aware and acknowledging the positive things in your life.

Instead of appreciating what you have, it's easy to be dissatisfied and focus on what you haven't or what's ‘wrong’ with your life.

As the Tibetan saying goes, ‘The moment we are content, we have enough. The problem is that we think the other way round, that we will be content only when we have enough.’

Even if you get to the end of the day feeling that not much went right, gratitude helps you see life through a positive lens. It turns what you do have into enough.

Just pausing to identify what you are thankful for can have a positive impact. When you focus your attention on the positive things, events and people in your life right now, you encourage your own happiness and well-being.

The smallest things in life can make the biggest difference too. Much of life is made up of small things and moments, one thing following another. Gratitude happens best when you notice the small pleasures around you, the things that often go unnoticed or unappreciated. It helps put everything into perspective and brings you into the moment.

And, during difficult and challenging times when you feel sad, frustrated or fearful, gratitude can be transformative. Appreciating even one little thing – like the sound of the rain, a good cup of tea or the comfort of your bed – can help reassure you.

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