
Banishing Boredom

‘Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?’ – Friedrich Nietzsche

When you start a new job, to one extent or another, you learn new things, meet new people and do new tasks.

But even the most exciting job can go a bit stale after a while. Once you get comfortable, it's easy to switch to autopilot, follow the same routines and get bored. Needless paperwork, pointless meetings, meaningless tasks, tedious routines, lack of interesting challenges and time spent waiting for other people to come through with information or resources: these are some of the boring activities many of us are faced with in the workplace.

Right now, you may have to stay in this job. Family commitments, proximity to where you work and financial concerns can often keep you stuck in a job that's boring. Is there anything you can do to stop boredom from dominating your work life when it may not be currently possible to change your job? Yes, there is. It involves finding ways to engage your mind.

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