
Taking Control of Anger

‘Anger is an acid which can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.’ – Mark Twain

You're angry. The whole world narrows down. Your heart races. Your breathing is fast and shallow. Your muscles are tense.

It's not wrong to feel angry. Anger is a normal emotion, a natural response to feeling wronged, offended, threatened or attacked in some way.

The problem is it's easy to become irrational and illogical when you're angry because the anger has overwhelmed and shut down your rational mind. So, whatever your anger is about, it can cause you to do things you will regret.

Keeping calm is not easy, but in order to think straight you need to get a grip. It's just like putting your own oxygen mask on in a damaged aeroplane before helping those around you. If you pass out, you can't help anyone. And, if when you're angry, you lose control, you are no good to yourself or anyone else. If you are cool, calm and collected, on the other hand, you will be ready and able to think clearly and respond appropriately.

So, you need to reduce the possibility of losing control and increase your ability to think more clearly. A mindful response can occur in the same time as an angry reaction, but the outcome will be totally different.

Using mindful techniques won't mean you never get angry, but they are a good start to slowing everything down and giving you a chance to think more clearly and then respond more appropriately.

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