
Meeting Deadlines

‘I like deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they go by.’ – Douglas Adams

Too much to do and too little time to do it all. Sometimes it can seem endless.

When you think about what you have to do and the deadlines you have to meet, it's easy to panic and think, ‘I'm never going to be able to get this done in time!’

Working in a job that requires you to meet constant deadlines is demanding. Stress can overtake your mind and prevent you from thinking clearly and staying present.

You feel that everything is urgent, unending and unbeatable. It's not. In fact, some people thrive in this sort of environment. How come? Because they know some of the mindful ways to successfully work towards deadlines. They're completely focused. By planning and prioritizing they're able to create environments – both internal and external – that support the achievement of those tasks. You can learn to do this too.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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