
Please note that index links to approximate location of each term.


; (semicolon), 18

// (comment), 17

|| (or) operator, 63

/* */ (comment), 17

== (equal) operator, 61

> (greater than) operator, 73

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 73

< (less than) operator, 73

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 73

= (make equal to) operator, 61

!= (not equal) operator, 61

! (not) operator, 62

~ (tilde) pins, 12, 38

&& (and) operator, 6263

µF (microfarads), 51

Ω (ohms), 2627


A (amperes), 25

AC (alternating current), 25

Adafruit Industries

ordering from, 5, 227, 229

Pro Trinket, 236

touchscreens, 211212

Adafruit Motor Shield library

installing, 259

in sketches, 259261, 264266, 270271, 273275

Adding and Displaying Time and Date with an RTC (project), 352356

Addressing Areas on the Touchscreen (project), 213215

algorithms, 24

alternating current (AC), 25

amperes or amps (A), 25

Analog Devices, TMP36 temperature sensor, 79

analog inputs, 12, 70

analog signals, 6970

analog thermometer building project, 244246

analogRead() function, 70, 74

analogReference() function, 75

analogWrite() function, 38

and (&&) operator, 6263

anodes, 29


about, 910

community, 14, 393

suppliers, 45

Arduino boards and alternatives. See also Arduino Uno; Creating Your Own Breadboard Arduino (project), 233239

Arduino IDE (integrated development environment). See also Serial Monitor window

board type selection, 233

error messages, 20

installation and configuration, 57

libraries, 133, 134135, 193194

screen layout, 1416, 20, 90

Arduino Store USA, 5

Arduino Uno

about, 2, 235

analog inputs, 70

AREF pin, 7475

connecting to, 17

hardware, 1014

I2C bus pins, 338

interrupt monitoring, 149150

pulse-width modulation (~) pins, 38

remote control of, 375379

in schematic diagrams, 4647

serial buffer, 94

SPI pins, 346

AREF (analog reference) pin, 7475

arithmetic operations, 73

array elements, 113

arrays, 112114

ASCII chart, 165

Atmel ATmega328 microcontroller IC

EEPROM memory, 331332

pins, 229230

in schematic, 226227

uploading sketches to, 231232

attachInterrupt() function, 150

audio amplifier circuits, 7576

Autoscroll box, 90


B (base) pins, 40, 48

backing sheets, 246

batteries, 227228, 248

battery holders, 248249, 256

battery snaps, 227228, 256

battery testing project, 7072

baud, 90

BC548 transistor, 3940

BCD (binary coded decimal) conversion, 355

binary numbers

display project, 107109

for pixel presentation, 172

quiz game project, 110112

working with, 104106, 355

bits, 104

blinkLED() custom function, 84, 8586, 8889

Board menu item, 233

boards. See also Arduino Uno; breadboards; ProtoShields

Arduino Uno alternatives, 234239

choosing, 233234

IDE type selection, 233

boolean variable, 62

Boolean variables, 62, 68

bootloaders, 227

bounce phenomenon, 54

breadboards. See also ProtoShields, 3132

breakout boards, 212

Building an Analog Thermometer (project), 244246

Building an Arduino Dialer (project), 385388

Building an Arduino Texter (project), 388389

Building a Remote Monitoring Station (project), 369373

Building and Controlling a Robot Vehicle (project), 254261

buttons. See push buttons

buzzers, 7778

byte variables, 105106

bytes, 104


C (collector) pins, 40, 48


ceramic, 51

electrolytic, 52

using, 5051, 75

card readers. See memory card modules; RFID readers

cathodes, 29

cellular communications

project hardware, 382385

projects, 385388, 388389, 390393

using, 381382

ceramic capacitors, 51

CHANGE interrupt mode, 150

char statement, 175

character displays

with LED Matrix modules, 160166

with LedControl library, 157

character LCD modules

defining customer characters, 172173

demonstration sketch, 169171

hardware, 167169

chassis models, 255

CheapStepper library

download, 252

in sketches, 253254

chip resistors, 27

circuit diagrams. See schematic diagrams


building with schematics, 5659

graph paper layouts, 130131

higher-voltage, 4142

properties, 2425

with sketch example, 3335

classes in sketches, 188

clock pin, 108

clock projects. See also real-time clock projects

GPS-based, 284286

CNC plotter project (Michalis Vasilakis), 34

code systems

capacitor values, 51

resistance values, 2627

schematic diagrams, 4650

Sony infrared signals, 316, 318

Teleduino status, 377

coil schematic symbol, 48

collector (C) pins, 40, 48

collision sensing techniques, 262266

colour tables, 175

COM (common) schematic symbol, 48

comments in sketches, 17

common-cathode modules, 115

comparison operators, 61, 6263, 73

conditions in loops, 37

constructors, 188, 189

Controlling the Motor (project), 248250

Controlling Traffic (project), 6468

Controlling Two Seven-Segment LED Display Modules (project), 119122

.cpp (source) files, 187, 188189

Creating an Accurate GPS-Based Clock (project), 281284, 284286

Creating an Arduino Tweeter (project), 373375

Creating a Blinking LED Wave (project), 3335

Creating a Custom Shield (project), 129133

Creating a Digital Thermometer (project), 122123

Creating an Electronic Die (project), 101104

Creating a Function to Repeat an Action (project), 84

Creating a Function to Set the Number of Blinks (project), 8586

Creating an IR Remote Control Arduino (project), 318321

Creating an IR Remote Control Robot Vehicle (project), 321324

Creating a Keypad-Controlled Lock (project), 207209

Creating an LED Binary Number Display (project), 107109

Creating a Quick-Read Thermometer (project), 7982

Creating a Quick-Read Thermometer That Blinks the Temperature (project), 8689

Creating an RFID Control with “Last Action” Memory (project), 333336

Creating an RFID Time-Clock System (project), 360365

Creating a Simple Digital Clock (project), 356359

Creating a Simple RFID Control System (project), 328331

Creating a Single-Cell Battery Tester (project), 7072

Creating a Single-Digit Display (project), 117119

Creating a Stopwatch (project), 146149

Creating a Temperature History Monitor (project), 181184

Creating a Temperature-Logging Device (project), 142144

Creating a Three-Zone Touch Switch (project), 218221

Creating a Two-Zone On/Off Touch Switch (project), 215218

Creating a Wireless Remote Control (project), 293298

Creating Your Own Breadboard Arduino (project), 224233

crystal oscillators (“crystals”), 225226

CS (chip select) pin, 346


Arduino board limits, 39

with electric motors, 247, 250

in Ohm’s law (I), 30

properties, 2425


Darlington transistors. See also TIP120 Darlington transistor, 247


logging and log files, 143144, 365

serial buffer, 9395

writing to memory cards, 140142

data buses. See also I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus; SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) bus, 337

data display projects. See also numeric data displays

LCD graphics, 181184

web pages, 369373

data out pin, 108

DC (direct current), 25

DC electric motors. See electric motors

DC socket terminal blocks, 252

debounce circuits, 55

debugging, 92

DEC (decimal) parameter, 141

default: section, 207

#define statement, 187

Defining Custom Characters (project), 172173

delay() function, 19, 150

Demonstrating a Digital Input (project), 5561

Demonstrating PWM (project), 3839

detachInterrupt() function, 150

Detecting Robot Vehicle Collisions (projects)

with infrared distance sensor, 269271

with microswitch, 262266

with ultrasonic distance sensor, 273275

dialer-building project, 385388


digital rheostats, 348


port expanders, 343

digital input/output pins

Arduino board, 12, 38, 39

port expanders, 343

timing state change, 145146

digital inputs

about, 53

demonstration project, 5561

digital rheostats

connecting, 348349

testing, 349350

using, 348

digital signals, 69

Digital Stopwatch (project), 158160

digital storage oscilloscopes, 54

digitalRead() function, 60, 69

digitalWrite() function, 19, 69

diodes, 40, 250

direct current (DC), 25

Displaying the Temperature in the Serial Monitor (project), 9192

do-while statements, 93

Due (Arduino) board, 238239

duty cycles, 3738

Dyn (redirection service), 369, 373


E (emitter) pins, 40, 48

Edit menu, 15

EEPROM (electrically erasable read-only memory)

in comparison chart, 234

external, 339342

internal, 331333

in projects, 333336

EEPROM library sketches, 331, 333336

electric motors. See also stepper motors

controlling project, 248250

using, 247248

electrical isolation, 41


Arduino board limits, 39

properties, 2425

wall-power, 43

electrolytic capacitors, 52

electronic components. See also specific components

about, 25

fundamental, 2530, 3941

in schematic diagrams, 4650

else. See if-else statements

emitter (E) pins, 40, 48

equal (==) operator, 61

error messages, 20

Ethernet library sketches, 370, 373374

Ethernet shields

hardware, 13, 126

in projects, 238, 367368, 371


FALLING interrupt mode, 150

farads, 51

FastLED library installation, 135135

feature creep, 24

File menu, 15, 17


Arduino library requisites, 187190

logs, 143144, 286289

writing to memory cards, 141142

fixed values, 60

flash memory, 234

float variables, 72, 73, 142

for loops, 3637


433 MHz receiver shield, 295

Eleven board, 235

EtherMega board, 238

LCD & Keypad Shield, 281

pin labels, 229

frequency bands, 299

Fritzing application, 50

FTDI cables, 232233

function creation

accepting values, 8586

example sketch, 84

overview, 83

returning values, 86

function libraries. See libraries


GND (ground)

and current, 25

in schematic diagrams, 49

Google Maps, 283284, 290

GPS (Global Positioning System), 278, 283284

GPS data

logging positions, 286288

mapping with, 289290

receiving, 282283

sentence conversion, 281

time data, 284285

GPS receiver modules, 278

GPS receivers

building project, 281284

using, 278, 280

GPS sentences, 281

GPS shields

connecting, 278

in projects, 282283, 284285

testing, 280281

using, 126, 127, 278, 279

GPS Visualizer, 290

graph paper printing program, 130

graphic LCD modules

background color, 174175

connecting, 173174

graphic functions, 177180

projects, 181184

text functions, 175177

greater than (>) operator, 73

greater than or equal to (>=) operator, 73

ground. See GND (ground)


.h (header) files, 187188

hardware suppliers, 45, 239

HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor, 271272

header (.h) files, 187188

heat sinks, 225

Help menu, 15

hexadecimal numbers, 321

horns, 241242


I (current), 30

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus, 337, 338339, 352

IC (Integrated Circuit) extractors, 230231

IDE. See Arduino IDE (integrated development environment)

if-else statements, 61

if-then statements, 6061

#ifndef statement, 187

#include statement, 189, 190

instance creation, 188, 190

int variables, 3536

interrupt handlers, 149


about, 149150

demonstration project, 151152

modes and functions, 150

in robot vehicle projects, 264

interrupts() function, 150

IP addresses, 369, 371, 372

IR (infrared) distance sensors

in robot vehicle collision detection project, 269271

testing, 267269

uses, 266

wiring, 266267

IR (infrared) remote controls

building project, 318321

operations, 315316

Sony TV remotes, 316317, 318, 321

test sketch, 317318

IR receiver modules, 316

IR receivers, 316

IRremote library

download, 316

in sketches, 317, 320321, 321324

ISPs (internet service providers) and IP addressing, 369


junction dots, 49, 51


kΩ (kiloohms), 26

Kennedy, Nathan, 375

Keypad library

download, 204

in sketches, 205206, 207209

keys, array conversion, 375

KEYWORDS.TXT definition files, 187, 189190

kiloohms (kΩ), 26

KIM-1 emulator (Oscar Vermeulen), 3


L LED, 12

L293D Motor Drive Shield, 257258

latch pin, 108, 109

lc.clearDisplay function, 157

lc.setChar() function, 157

lc.setDigit() function, 157

lc.setIntensity() function, 157

lc.shutdown() function, 157

LCDs (liquid crystal displays). See also character LCD modules; graphic LCD modules; LiquidCrystal library

about, 167

number display, 171

text display, 170171

lcd.begin() function, 170

lcd.clear() function, 170

lcd.createChar() function, 172

lcd.print() function, 171

lcd.setCursor() function, 170

lcd.write() function, 172

least significant bit (LSB), 104

LEDs (light-emitting diodes). See also LED projects; MAX2179 LED Driver IC; seven-segment LED display modules

on Arduino board, 12, 16

brightness control effects, 3738

connecting, 2930

and resistors, 25

in schematic diagrams, 48

in sketch example, 1821

LED matrix modules

connecting, 160161

using, 162166

LED projects

with Arduino built-in LED, 84, 8586

binary number display, 107109

Blinking LED Wave, 3335, 3637, 3839, 4950

circuit building demonstration, 5561

controlling traffic, 6468

electronic die-throwing, 101104

LedControl() function, 157

LedControl library

download, 155

sketches, 156157, 158159

LEDMatrixDriver library

download, 161

sketches, 162164

less than (<) operator, 73

less than or equal to (<=) operator, 73

libraries. See also specific libraries

about creating, 185186

custom demonstrations, 195197, 197201

downloading and installing, 134136

installing custom, 190194

requisite files, 187190

using, 133

Library Manager, 136135

Lilypad, 237

linear variable resistors, 7576

linear voltage regulators, 224225

Linux, Arduino IDE installation, 7

liquid crystal displays. See LCDs (liquid crystal displays)

LiquidCrystal library sketches, 169170, 282283, 284285, 357359, 361364

lmd.setEnabled() function, 164

lmd.setIntensity() function, 164

logarithmic variable resistors, 7576

logging and log files, 143144, 286289

long variables

defined, 95

using, 9597

loop() function, 18

LoRa library

download, 299

in sketches, 302304, 306309, 310313

LoRa shields

in projects, 304305, 309314

using, 298299, 300

LOW interrupt mode, 150

LSB (least significant bit), 104

LSBFIRST parameter, 109, 116


MAC addresses, 372


Arduino IDE installation, 6

ZIP file creation, 192193

Making a Binary Quiz Game (project), 110112

map() function, 218, 221

main-secondary devices

I2C addressing, 338

SPI device connections, 346

MAX7219 LED driver IC. See also LedControl library

in Digital Stopwatch project, 158160

and LED numeric display modules, 154155, 160

package types, 153154

Maxim DS3231 RTC module, 351352

Mega 2560 (Arduino) board, 237238

memory. See also EEPROM

memory card modules. See also SD card library

connecting, 138139

testing, 139140

memory cards

about, 137138

formatting, 137

in GPS coordinates project, 286288

testing, 139140

writing data to (projects), 140142, 142144, 286290, 360365

message window area, 16

Microchip Technology

24LC512 EEPROM, 339, 340

MCP4162 digital rheostat, 348350

MCP23017 port expanders, 343345


Arduino, 11

ATmega328p-PU, 226227, 229230

comparison chart, 234

removing and inserting, 230231

microfarads (µF), 51

micros() function, 145

microSD card shields, 126, 127

microSD cards. See memory cards

microswitches, 262263

milliamps (mA), 25

millis() function, 145

Mini CNC Plotter (Michalis Vasilakis), 34

MISO (main in, secondary out) pin, 346

modulo functions, 120

MOSI (main out, secondary in) pin, 346

most significant bit (MSB), 104

motor shields, 257258

MSB (most significant bit), 104

MSBFIRST parameter, 109

multimeters, 28

Multiplying a Number by Two (project), 9495


Nano (Arduino) board, 236237

NC (normally closed) schematic symbol, 48

network cables, 369

New icon, 16

No-IP (redirection service), 369, 373

No Line Ending menu item, 94

NO (normally open) schematic symbol, 48

noInterrupts() function, 150

not (!) operator, 62

not equal (!=) operator, 61

NPN-type transistors, 48

numeric data display. See also MAX7219 LED driver IC; seven-segment LED display modules

on LCD screens, 171

LED binary number project, 107109

numeric keypads

connecting, 204205

in keypad-controlled lock project, 207209

using, 203204

numeric keypads. See keypads


ohms (Ω), 2627, 47

Ohm’s law, 30

Open icon, 16

open source hardware, 239

or (||) operator, 63

oscilloscopes, 54

output enable pin, 108


picofarads (pF), 51

piezoelectric (piezo) elements

about, 7778

demonstration project, 7879

pin labels, 229230

pinMode() function, 18, 60

pinout, 40


Arduino Uno, 12

ATmega328P-PU microcontroller IC, 229

graphic LCD modules, 174

I2C bus connectors, 338

keypads, 205

LCD modules, 168169

LED matrix modules, 160161

LED numeric displays, 155

memory card modules, 139

seven-segment display modules, 115116

shift registers, 107108

Teleduino digital, 378379

touchscreens, 212

pixels, 172


card readers, 327


Ethernet shields, 367

IR modules, 316

LoRa shields, 299

ordering from, 5, 227

port expanders, 343

RF Link modules, 291

RTC ICs, 351

PNP-type transistors, 48

polarization, 29

port expanders, 343345

port forwarding, 373

port type, 17

potentiometers, 7577


defined, 25

resistor ratings, 28

power connector, 11

power sockets, 12

private: section, 196


ideas and examples, 14, 10

parts list download, 5

planning, 24

safety, 8, 43

Proto-ScrewShields, 356357, 360


about, 125

testing, 133

using, 128, 129132, 352

public: section, 188

pull-down resistors, 55

pulse-width modulation. See PWM (pulse-width modulation)

push buttons

in controlling traffic project, 6468

demonstration project, 5561

using, 53, 54

in wireless remote control project, 293297

PWM (pulse-width modulation), 3739, 250


Q (transistor) schematic symbol, 48


R (resistance), 30

radio frequency (RF) modules. See RF Link modules

random() function, 100

random numbers

generating, 100101

in projects, 101104, 179181

real-time clock projects, 352356, 356359, 360365

Recording the Position of a Moving Object over Time (project), 286290

rectifier diodes

about, 4041

in circuit example, 4142

in schematic diagrams, 47

reference voltages, 7375


about, 41

in circuit example, 4142

in schematic diagrams, 48

Remote Control projects

with infrared, 321324

over internet, 375379

over LoRa wireless, 299304, 304309

with radio frequency transmitters, 293298

with text messaging, 390393

remote monitoring projects, 369373

Repeating with for Loops (project), 3637

RESET button, 13

reset power sockets, 12


measurement and values, 2628

in Ohm’s law (R), 30


about, 2528

pull-down, 55

in schematic diagrams, 47

variable, 7577

in voltage dividers, 7475

RF Link modules

using, 291293

in wireless remote control projects, 293298

RFID (radio-frequency identification)

devices, 326328

operations, 325

RFID readers

connecting, 327

in projects, 328330, 333336, 360365

testing, 327328

using, 326327

RFID tags, 326, 328

RGB color tables, 175

rheostats. See digital rheostats

RISING interrupt mode, 150

robot vehicle projects

building and controlling, 254261, 321324

detecting collisions, 262266, 266269, 269271, 271273, 273275

rotational range, 242

RTC (real-time clock) IC modules. See also real-time clock projects

connecting, 352

using, 351

RX LED, 12


Save as menu item, 17

Save icon, 16

schematic diagrams

building circuits from, 5659

drawing application, 50

and ProtoShields, 128

using, 4649

SCK (serial clock) pin, 346

SCL (clock line), 338

screw shields, 282, 286

SD card library sketches, 140142, 142144, 286288, 361364

SD card modules. See also memory card modules, 138

SD memory cards. See memory cards

SDA (data line), 338

seeds, 100

Seeing the Graphic Functions in Action (project), 179181

Seeing the Text Functions in Action (project), 176177

semicolon (;), 18

Sending Remote Sensor Data Using LoRa Wireless (project), 309314

serial buffer, 9395

Serial Monitor icon, 16

Serial Monitor window

debugging with, 92

using, 16, 8990

serial ports

Arduino Uno pins, 12

software, 279

Serial.available() function, 94, 150

Serial.begin() function, 90

Serial.flush() function, 95

Serial.print() function, 90

Serial.println() function, 90

SerialGSM library

download, 388

in sketches, 388389

Servo library sketches, 243244


in analog thermometer project, 244246

connecting, 243

demonstration sketch, 243244

using, 241242

Setting Up a Remote Control for Your Arduino (project), 375379

Setting Up an SMS Remote Control (project), 390393

setup() function, 18

seven-segment LED display modules

in projects, 117119, 119122, 122123

using, 114116

74HC595 shift register IC, 106109

7805 linear voltage regulator, 224225

Sharp infrared analog sensor, 266

shields. See also specific shields

custom building project, 129133

stacking, 127, 128

using, 1314, 125, 126127

shift registers

in LED binary display sketch, 109

pins, 108

schematic, 107

with seven-segment LED display modules, 115116, 116119, 119122

using, 106107

shiftOut() function, 109, 116

signals, digital vs. analog, 69

SIM cards, 382, 383

SIM5320 shield, 382

Sketch menu item, 15

sketches. See also functions; libraries

comments in, 17

debugging, 92

IDE window, 1416

modifying, 21

uploading and running, 20, 230233

verifying, 20

writing, 1619

SMS (short message service) text messaging, 382

software. See Arduino IDE (integrated development environment); libraries; sketches

software serial ports, 279

SoftwareSerial library

using, 279

in sketches, 282283, 284285, 286288, 327328, 329330, 384385, 387388, 391393

soldering, 131132

solderless breadboards. See breadboards

Sony TV remotes, 316317, 318, 321

source (.cpp) files, 187, 188189

SparkFun Electronics

ordering from, 5, 227

RF Link modules, 291

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) bus, 337, 346347

SPI data bus library sketches, 302, 304, 346347, 349350

SPI.begin(), 347

SPI.setBitOrder(), 347

SPI.transfer(), 347

spreadsheets, 144

SRAM, 234

SS (secondary select) pin, 346

ST7735 TFT LCD module, 173174, 181

stacking shields, 126, 127, 128

stall current, 247

stepper motor controller boards

connecting, 251252

demonstration sketch, 253254

stepper motors, 251

Stern, Becky, Wi-Fi Weather Display, 23

stopwatch projects, 146149, 151152, 158160

String() function, 176

strlen() function, 297

surface-mount resistors, 27

switch bounce, 54, 55

switch case statement, 206207


Teleduino library download, 377

Teleduino service

in projects, 375379

using, 375

temperature-sensing and display projects

analog display, 244246

in custom library demonstration, 197201

digital display, 122123

historical display, 181184

logging, 142144

quick-read thermometer, 7982, 8689

sending remote data, 309314

Serial Monitor display, 9192

temperature sensors. See TMP36 temperature sensor

terminal blocks, 252

terminal shields, 262

text displays, 170171, 174177

text messaging

building a texter, 388389

remote control with, 390393

using SMS, 382

TFT graphics LCD library sketches, 174176, 176178, 179180

TFTscreen.background() function, 174

TFTscreen.begin() function, 174 function, 178

TFTscreen.fill() function, 178

TFTscreen.line() function, 178

TFTscreen.nofill() function, 178

TFTscreen.point() function, 178

TFTscreen.rect() function, 178

TFTscreen.setTextSize() function, 175

TFTscreen.stroke() function, 175

TFTscreen.text() function, 175, 176

thermometer projects. See temperature-sensing and display projects

3G GSM shields

connecting, 383384

testing, 384385

using, 382

time data. See also real-time clock projects; stopwatch projects

creating a GPS-based clock, 284286

elapsed time recording, 144146

TinyGPS library

download, 281

in sketches, 282283, 284285, 286288

TinySine 3G GSM shields, 382

TIP120 Darlington transistor

about, 247248

in projects, 248249

TMP36 temperature sensor. See also temperature-sensing and display projects, 7981, 82

toCharArray() function, 176

tokens (Twitter), 373

Tools menu, 15, 233

torque, 242


addressing and mapping, 213215, 218

connecting, 212

in touch switch projects, 215218, 218221

using, 211

transceivers, 298


about, 3940

in circuit example, 4142

Darlington, 247

in schematic diagrams, 48

transmitters and receivers (TX/RX)

in Freetronics Eleven board, 235

RF Link sets, 291293

trimpots (aka trimmers), 7677

true/false. See Boolean variables

Trying Out a Piezo Buzzer (project), 7879

Twitter and tweets, 373375

Twitter Arduino library

download, 373

in sketches, 373374

Two-Wire Interface (TWI) bus. See I2C bus

TX LED, 12


ultrasonic distance sensors

in collision detection project, 273275

connecting, 272

testing, 272273

using, 271272

units of measure conversion charts, 51

Uno. See Arduino Uno

unsigned long variable, 145

Upload icon, 16, 20

USB programming cables. See FTDI cables

USB (Universal Serial Bus) connector, 11, 12

USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface

sockets, 12, 235

uploading sketches with, 231232

Using a Digital Rheostat (project), 348350

Using an External EEPROM (project), 339342

Using Interrupts (project), 151152

Using LED Matrix Modules (project), 160166

Using long Variables (project), 9597

Using a Port Expander IC (project), 343345


V (volts), 25, 30

variable resistors, 7577


displaying contents of, 91

private, 196

public, 188

using, 3536

Vasilakis, Michalis, Mini CNC Plotter, 34


in IDE toolbar, 16

using, 20

Vermeulen, Oscar, KIM-1 emulator, 3

VirtualWire library

download, 293

in sketches, 296298

Vishay TSOP4138 IR receiver, 316

void function type, 86


Arduino Uno limitation, 2930

and capacitors, 51

measurement, 25

in Ohm’s law (V), 30

reference, 7375

voltage dividers, 7475


W5100 controller chip, 367

weather display project, 23

web browsers, controlling Arduino from, 375379

web pages

creating, 369373

viewing, 373

while statements, 93

Wi-Fi Weather Display (Becky Stern), 23


Arduino IDE installation, 7

ZIP file creation, 190191

Wire library sketches, 338339, 341342, 345, 353355, 357359, 361364

Wire.begin() function, 338

Wire.beginTransmission() function, 339

Wire.endTransmission() function, 339 function, 339

Wire.requestFrom() function, 339

Wire.write() function, 339

wireless modules. See LoRa shields; RF Link modules


breadboard, 31, 32

in schematic diagrams, 4849

Writing Data to the Memory Card (project), 140142


ZIP file creation

Mac OS X, 192193

Windows, 190191

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