Confidence and Tolerance Intervals



When θ is an unknown parameter and an estimator inline is applied, the precision of the estimator inline can be stated in terms of its sampling distribution. With the aid of the sampling distribution of an estimator we can determine the probability that the estimator θ lies within a prescribed interval around the true value of the parameter θ. Such a probability is called confidence (or coverage) probability. Conversely, for a preassigned confidence level, we can determine an interval whose limits depend on the observed sample values, and whose coverage probability is not smaller than the prescribed confidence level, for all θ. Such an interval is called a confidence interval. In the simple example of estimating the parameters of a normal distribution N(μ, σ2), a minimal sufficient statistic for a sample of size n is (inlinen, inline). We wish to determine an interval (μ (inlinen, inline), inline(inlinen, inline)) such that

(6.1.1) numbered Display Equation

for all μ, σ. The prescribed confidence level is 1 − α and the confidence interval is (μ, inline). It is easy to prove that if we choose the functions

(6.1.2) numbered Display Equation

then (6.1.1) is satisfied. The two limits of the confidence interval (μ, inline) are called the lower and upper confidence limits. Confidence limits for the variance σ2 in the normal case can be obtained from the sampling distribution of inline. Indeed, since inline. The lower and upper confidence limits for σ2 are given by

(6.1.3) numbered Display Equation

A general method to derive confidence intervals in parametric cases is given in Section 6.2. The theory of optimal confidence intervals is developed in Section 6.3 in parallel to the theory of optimal testing of hypotheses. The theory of tolerance intervals and regions is discussed in Section 6.4. Tolerance intervals are estimated intervals of a prescribed probability content according to the unknown parent distribution. One sided tolerance intervals are often applied in engineering designs and screening processes as illustrated in Example 6.1.

Distribution free methods, based on the properties of order statistics, are developed in Section 6.5. These methods yield tolerance intervals for all distribution functions having some general properties (log–convex for example). Section 6.6 is devoted to the problem of determining simultaneous confidence intervals for several parameters. In Section 6.7, we discuss two–stage and sequential sampling to obtain fixed–width confidence intervals.


We discuss here a more systematic method of constructing confidence intervals.

Let inline = {F(x;θ), θ inline Θ } be a parametric family of d.f.s. The parameter θ is real or vector valued. Given the observed value of X, we construct a set S(X) in Θ such that

(6.2.1) numbered Display Equation

S(X) is called a confidence region for θ at level of confidence 1 − α. Note that the set S(X) is a random set, since it is a function of X. For example, consider the multinormal N(θ, I) case. We know that (Xθ)′ (Xθ) is distributed like χ2[k], where k is the dimension of X. Thus, define

(6.2.2) numbered Display Equation

It follows that, for all θ,

(6.2.3) numbered Display Equation

Accordingly, S(X) is a confidence region. Note that if the problem, in this multinormal case, is to test the simple hypothesis H0: θ = θ0 against the composite alternative H1: θθ0 we would apply the test statistic

(6.2.4) numbered Display Equation

and reject H0 whenever T(θ0) ≥ inline[k]. This test has size α. If we define the acceptance region for H0 as the set

(6.2.5) numbered Display Equation

then H0 is accepted if X inline A (θ0). The structures of A(θ0) and S(X) are similar. In A(θ0), we fix θ at θ0 and vary X, while in S(X) we fix X and vary θ. Thus, let inline = {A(θ);θ inline Θ } be a family of acceptance regions for the above testing problem, when θ varies over all the points in Θ. Such a family induces a family of confidence sets inline = {S(X):X inline inline} according to the relation

(6.2.6) numbered Display Equation

In such a manner, we construct generally confidence regions (or intervals). We first construct a family of acceptance regions, inline for testing H0: θ = θ0 against H1: θθ0 at level of significance α. From this family, we construct the dual family inline of confidence regions. We remark here that in cases of a real parameter θ we can consider one–sided hypotheses H0: θθ0 against H1: θ > θ0; or H0: θθ0 against H1: θ < θ0. The corresponding families of acceptance regions will induce families of one–sided confidence intervals (−∞, inline(X)) or (θ(X), ∞), respectively.


In the previous example, we have seen two different families of lower confidence intervals, one of which was obviously inefficient. We introduce now the theory of uniformly most accurate (UMA) confidence intervals. According to this theory, the family of lower confidence intervals θα in the above example is optimal.

Definition. A lower confidence limit for θ, θ(X) is called UMA if, given any other lower confidence limit θ* (X),

(6.3.1) numbered Display Equation

for all θ′ < θ, and all θ.

That is, although both the θ(X) and θ* (X) are smaller than θ with confidence probability (1 − α), the probability is larger that the UMA limit θ (X) is closer to the true value θ than that of θ* (X). Whenever a size α uniformly most powerful (UMP) test exists for testing the hypothesis H0: θθ0 against H1: θ > θ0, then a UMA (1 − α)–lower confidence limit exists. Moreover, one can obtain the UMA lower confidence limit from the UMP test function according to relationship (6.2.6). The proof of this is very simple and left to the reader. Thus, as proven in Section 4.3, if the family of d.f.s inline is a one–parameter MLR family, the UMP test of size α, of H0: θθ0 against H1: θ > θ1 is of the form

(6.3.2) numbered Display Equation

where Tn is the minimal sufficient statistic. Accordingly, if Tn is a continuous random variable, the family of acceptance intervals is

(6.3.3) numbered Display Equation

The corresponding family of (1 − α)–lower confidence limits is

(6.3.4) numbered Display Equation

In the discrete monotone likelihood ratio (MLR) case, we reduce the problem to that of a continuous MLR by randomization, as specified in (6.3.2). Let Tn be the minimal sufficient statistic and, without loss of generality, assume that Tn assumes only the nonnegative integers. Let Hn(t; θ) be the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) of Tn under θ. We have seen in Chapter 4 that the critical level of the test (6.3.2) is

(6.3.5) numbered Display Equation

Moreover, since the distributions are MLR, Cα (θ) is a nondecreasing function of θ. In the continuous case, we determined the lower confidence limit θα as the root, θ, of the equation Tn = Cα (θ). In the discrete case, we determine θα as the root, θ, of the equation

(6.3.6) numbered Display Equation

where R is a random variable independent of Tn and having a rectangular distribution R(0, 1). We can express Equation (6.3.6) in the form

(6.3.7) numbered Display Equation

If UMP tests do not exist we cannot construct UMA confidence limits. However, we can define UMA–unbiased or UMA–invariant confidence limits and apply the theory of testing hypotheses to construct such limits. Two–sided confidence intervals (θα (X), inlineα (X)) should satisfy the requirement

(6.3.8) numbered Display Equation

A two–sided (1 − α) confidence interval (θα (X), inlineα (X)) is called UMA if, subject to (6.3.8), it minimizes the coverage probabilities

(6.3.9) numbered Display Equation

In order to obtain UMA two–sided confidence intervals, we should construct a UMP test of size α of the hypothesis H0: θ = θ0 against H1: θθ0. Such a test generally does not exist. However, we can construct a UMP–unbiased (UMPU) test of such hypotheses (in cases of exponential families) and derive then the corresponding confidence intervals.

A confidence interval of level 1 − α is called unbiased if, subject to (6.3.8), it satisfies

(6.3.10) numbered Display Equation

Confidence intervals constructed on the basis of UMPU tests are UMAU (uniformly most accurate unbiased) ones.


Tolerance intervals can be described in general terms as estimated prediction intervals for future realization(s) of the observed random variables. In Example 6.1, we discuss such an estimation problem and illustrate a possible solution. Consider a sequence X1, X2, … of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables having a common distribution F(x;θ), θ inline Θ. A pcontent prediction interval for a possible realization of X, when θ is known, is an interval (lp(θ), up(θ)) such that Pθ [X inline (lp(θ), up(θ ))] ≥ p. Such two–sided prediction intervals are not uniquely defined. Indeed, if F−1 (p;θ) is the pth quantile of F(x;θ) then for every 0 ≤ inline ≤ 1, lp = F−1(inline (1-p);θ) and up = F−1 (1−(1−inline)(1−p);θ) are lower and upper limits of a p–content prediction interval. Thus, p–content two–sided prediction intervals should be defined more definitely, by imposing further requirement on the location of the interval. This is, generally, done according to the specific problem under consideration. We will restrict attention here to one–sided prediction intervals of the form (−∞, F−1 (p;θ)] or [F−1(1−p;θ), ∞).

When θ is unknown the limits of the prediction intervals are estimated. In this section, we develop the theory of such parametric estimation. The estimated prediction intervals are called tolerance intervals. Two types of tolerance intervals are discussed in the literature: pcontent tolerance intervals (see Guenther, 1971), which are called also mean tolerance predictors (see Aitchison and Dunsmore, 1975); and (1 − α) level p–content intervals, also called guaranteed coverage tolerance intervals (Aitchison and Dunsmore, 1975; Guttman, 1970). p–Content one–sided tolerance intervals, say (−∞, Lp(Xn)), are determined on the basis of n sample values Xn = (X1, …, Xn) so that, if Y has the F(x;θ) distribution then

(6.4.1) numbered Display Equation

Note that

(6.4.2) numbered Display Equation

Thus, given the value of Xn, the upper tolerance limit Lp(Xn) is determined so that the expected probability content of the interval (−∞, Lp(Xn)] will be p. The (p, 1 − α) guaranteed coverage one–sided tolerance interval (−∞, Lα, p(Xn)) are determined so that

(6.4.3) numbered Display Equation

for all θ. In other words, Lα, p(Xn) is a (1 − α)–upper confidence limit for the pth quantile of the distribution F(x;θ). Or, with confidence level (1 − α), we can state that the expected proportion of future observations not exceeding Lα, p (Xn) is at least p. (p, 1 −α)–upper tolerance limits can be obtained in cases of MLR parametric families by substituting the (1 − α)–upper confidence limit inlineα of θ in the formula of F−1(p;θ). Indeed, if inline = {F(x;θ);θ inline Θ } is a family depending on a real parameter θ, and inline is MLR with respect to X, then the pth quantile, F−1(p;θ), is an increasing function of θ, for each 0 < p < 1. Thus, a one–sided p–content, (1 − α)–level tolerance interval is given by

(6.4.4) numbered Display Equation

Moreover, if the upper confidence limit inlineα (Xn) is UMA then the corresponding tolerance limit is a UMA upper confidence limit of F−1(p;θ). For this reason such a tolerance interval is called UMA. For more details, see Zacks (1971, p. 519).

In Example 6.1, we derive the (β, 1 − α) guaranteed lower tolerance limit for the log–normal distribution. It is very simple in that case to determine the β–content lower tolerance interval. Indeed, if (inlinen, inline) are the sample mean and variance of the corresponding normal variables Yi = log Xi (i = 1, …, n) then

(6.4.5) numbered Display Equation

is such a β–content lower tolerance limit. Indeed, if a N(μ, σ) random variable Y is independent of (inlinen, inline) then

(6.4.6) numbered Display Equation

since inline and inline. It is interesting to compare the β–content lower tolerance limit (6.4.5) with the (1 − α, β) guaranteed coverage lower tolerance limit (6.4.6). We can show that if β = 1 − α then the two limits are approximately the same in large samples.


Let inline be the class of all absolutely continuous distributions. Suppose that X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. random variables having a distribution F(x) in inline. Let X(1) ≤ ··· ≤ X(n) be the order statistics. This statistic is minimal sufficient. The transformed random variable Y = F(X) has a rectangular distribution on (0, 1). Let xp be the pth quantile of F(x), i.e., xp = F−1(p), 0 < p < 1. We show now that the order statistics X(i) can be used as (p, γ) tolerance limits, irrespective of the functional form of F(x). Indeed, the transformed random variables Y(i) = F(X(i)) have the beta distributions β (i, ni + 1), i = 1, …, n. Accordingly,

(6.5.1) numbered Display Equation

Therefore, a distribution free (p, γ) upper tolerance limit is the smallest X(j) satisfying condition (6.5.1). In other words, for any continuous distribution F(x), define

(6.5.2) numbered Display Equation

Then, the order statistic X(i0) is a (p, γ)–upper tolerance limit. We denote this by Lp, γ (X). Similarly, a distribution free (p, γ)–lower tolerance limit is given by

(6.5.3) numbered Display Equation

The upper and lower tolerance intervals given in (6.5.2) and (6.5.3) might not exist if n is too small. They could be applied to obtain distribution free confidence intervals for the mean, μ, of a symmetric continuous distribution. The method is based on the fact that the expected value, μ, and the median, F−1(0.5), of continuous symmetric distributions coincide. Since I0.5(a, b) = 1 − I0.5(b, a) for all 0 < a, b < ∞, we obtain from (6.5.2) and (6.5.3) by substituting p = 0.5 that the (1 − α) upper and lower distribution free confidence limits for μ are inlineα and μα where, for sufficiently large n,

(6.5.4) numbered Display Equation


(6.5.5) numbered Display Equation

Let F be a log–convex distribution function. Then for any positive real numbers a1, …, ar,

(6.5.6) numbered Display Equation

or equivalently

(6.5.7) numbered Display Equation


(6.5.8) numbered Display Equation

Since F(X) ~ R(0, 1) and −log (1−R(0, 1)) ~ G(1, 1). The statistic G(X(i)) is distributed like the ith order statistic from a standard exponential distribution. Substitute in (6.5.7)

Unnumbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

where Ai = inline ai, i = 1, …, r and X(0) ≡ 0. Moreover,

(6.5.9) numbered Display Equation

Hence, if we define

Unnumbered Display Equation

then, from (6.5.7)

(6.5.10) numbered Display Equation

since 2 inline(ni+1)(G(X(i)) − G(X(i−1))) ~ χ2[2r]. This result was published first by Barlow and Proschan (196).


It is often the case that we estimate simultaneously several parameters on the basis of the same sample values. One could determine for each parameter a confidence interval at level (1 − α) irrespectively of the confidence intervals of the other parameters. The result is that the overall confidence level is generally smaller than (1 − α). For example, suppose that (X1, …, Xn) is a sample of n i.i.d. random variables from N(μ, σ2). The sample mean inline and the sample variance S2 are independent statistics. Confidence intervals for μ and for σ, determined separately for each parameter, are

Unnumbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

respectively. These intervals are not independent. We can state that the probability for μ to be in I1(inline, S) is (1 − α) and that of σ to be in I2(S) is (1 − α). But, what is the probability that both statements are simultaneously true? According to the Bonferroni inequality (4.6.50)

(6.6.1) numbered Display Equation

We see that a lower bound to the simultaneous coverage probability of (μ, σ) is according to (6.6.1), 1 − 2α. The actual simultaneous coverage probability of I1(inline, S) and I2(S) can be determined by evaluating the integral

(6.6.2) numbered Display Equation

where gn(x) is the probability density function (p.d.f.) of χ2[n−1] and Φ(·) is the standard normal integral. The value of P(σ) is smaller than (1 − α). In order to make it at least (1 − α), we can modify the individual confidence probabilities of I1(inline, S) and of I2(S) to be 1 − α /2. Then the simultaneous coverage probability will be between (1 − α) and (1 − α /2). This is a simple procedure that is somewhat conservative. It guarantees a simultaneous confidence level not smaller than the nominal (1 − α). This method of constructing simultaneous confidence intervals, called the Bonferroni method, has many applications. We have shown in Chapter 4 an application of this method in a two–way analysis of variance problem. Miller (196, p. 67) discussed an application of the Bonferroni method in a case of simultaneous estimation of k normal means.

Consider again the linear model of full rank discussed in Section 5.3.2, in which the vector X has a multinormal distribution N(Aβ, σ2I). A is an n× p matrix of full rank and β is a p× 1 vector of unknown parameters. The least–squares estimator (LSE) of a specific linear combination of β, say λ = αβ, is inline = αinline = α′(AA)−1AX. We proved that inlineN(αβ, σ2α′(AA)−1α). Moreover, an unbiased estimator of σ2 is

Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline. Hence, a [1 − α] confidence interval for the particular parameter λ is

(6.6.3) numbered Display Equation

Suppose that we are interested in the simultaneous estimation of all (many) linear combinations belonging to a certain r–dimensional linear subspace 1 ≤ rp. For example, if we are interested in contrasts of the β–component, then λ = inlineαiβi where Σ αi = 0. In this case, the linear subspace of all such contrasts is of dimension r = p−1. Let L be an r × p matrix with r row vectors that constitute a basis for the linear subspace under consideration. For example, in the case of all contrasts, the matrix L can be taken as the (p−1) × p matrix:

Unnumbered Display Equation

Every vector α belonging to the specified subspace is given by some linear combination α′ = γL. Thus, α′(AA)−1α = γL(AA)−1Lγ. Moreover,

(6.6.4) numbered Display Equation


(6.6.5) numbered Display Equation

where r is the rank of L. Accordingly,

(6.6.6) numbered Display Equation

and the probability is (1 − α) that β belongs to the ellipsoid

(6.6.7) numbered Display Equation

Eα (β, σ2, L) is a simultaneous confidence region for all αβ at level (1 − α). Consider any linear combination λ = αβ = γLβ. The simultaneous confidence interval for λ can be obtained by the orthogonal projection of the ellipsoid Eα (β, inline2, L) on the line l spanned by the vector γ. We obtain the following formula for the confidence limits of this interval

(6.6.8) numbered Display Equation

where λ= γLinline = αinline. We see that in case of r = 1 formula (6.6.8) reduces to (6.6.3), otherwise the coefficient (rF1 − α[r, np])1/2 is greater than t1 − α /2[np]. This coefficient is called Scheffés S–coefficient. Various applications and modifications of the S–method have been proposed in the literature. For applications often used in statistical practice, see Miller (196, p. 54). Scheffé (1970) suggested some modifications for increasing the efficiency of the S–method for simultaneous confidence intervals.


We start the discussion with the problem of determining fixed–width confidence intervals for the mean μ of a normal distribution when the variance σ2 is unknown and can be arbitrarily large. We saw previously that if the sample consists of n i.i.d. random variables X1, …, Xn, where n is fixed before the sampling, then a UMAU confidence limit for μ are given, in correspondence to the t–test, by inline ± t1 − α /2[n−1] inline, where inline and S are the sample mean and standard deviation, respectively. The width of this confidence interval is

(6.7.1) numbered Display Equation

Although the width of the interval is converging to zero, as n→ ∞, for each fixed n, it can be arbitrarily large with positive probability. The question is whether there exists another confidence interval with bounded width. We show now that there is no fixed–width confidence interval in the present normal case if the sample is of fixed size. Let Iδ (inline, S) be any fixed width interval centered at inline(inline, S), i.e.,

(6.7.2) numbered Display Equation

We show that the maximal possible confidence level is

(6.7.3) numbered Display Equation

This means that there is no statistic inline(inline, S) for which Iδ (inline, S) is a confidence interval. Indeed,

(6.7.4) numbered Display Equation

In Example 9.2, we show that inline(inline, S) = inline is a minimax estimator, which maximizes the minimum coverage. Accordingly,

(6.7.5) numbered Display Equation

Substituting this result in (6.7.4), we readily obtain (6.7.3), by letting σ → ∞.

Stein’s two–stage procedure. Stein (1945) provided a two–stage solution to this problem of determining a fixed–width confidence interval for the mean μ. According to Stein’s procedure the sampling is performed in two stages:

Stage I:

(i) Observe a sample of n1 i.i.d. random variables from N(μ, σ2).
(ii) Compute the sample mean inlinen1 and standard deviation Sn1.
(iii) Determine

(6.7.6) numbered Display Equation

where [x] designates the integer part of x.

(iv) If N > n1 go to Stage II; else set the interval

Unnumbered Display Equation

Stage II:

(i) Observe N2 = Nn1 additional i.i.d. random variables from N(μ, σ2); Y1, …, YN2.
(ii) Compute the overall mean inlineN = (n1inlinen1 + N2 inlineN2)/N.
(iii) Determine the interval Iδ (inlineN) = (inlineNδ, inlineN + δ).

The size of the second stage sample N2 = (Nn1)+ is a random variable, which is a function of the first stage sample variance inline. Since inline and inline are independent, inline and N2 are independent. Moreover, inlineN2 is conditionally independent of inline, given N2. Hence,

(6.7.7) numbered Display Equation

This proves that the fixed width interval Iδ (inlineN) based on the prescribed two–stage sampling procedure is a confidence interval. The Stein two–stage procedure is not an efficient one, unless one has good knowledge of how large n1 should be. If σ2 is known there exists a UMAU confidence interval of fixed size, i.e., Iδ (inlinen0(δ)) where

(6.7.8) numbered Display Equation

If n1 is close to n0(δ) the procedure is expected to be efficient. n0(δ) is, however, unknown. Various approaches have been suggested to obtain efficient procedures of sampling. We discuss here a sequential procedure that is asymptotically efficient. Note that the optimal sample size n0(δ) increases to infinity like 1/δ2 as δ → 0. Accordingly, a sampling procedure, with possibly random sample size, N, which yields a fixed–width confidence interval Iδ (inlineN) is called asymptotically efficient if

(6.7.9) numbered Display Equation

Sequential fixed–width interval estimation. Let {an} be a sequence of positive numbers such that aninline[1] as n → ∞. We can set, for example, an = F1 − α [1, n] for all nn1 and an = ∞ for n < n1. Consider now the following sequential procedure:

1. Starting with n = n1 i.i.d. observations compute inlinen and inline.
2. If n > aninline/δ2 stop sampling and, estimate μ by Iδ (inlinen); else take an additional independent observation and return to (i). Let

(6.7.10) numbered Display Equation

According to the specified procedure, the sample size at termination is N(δ). N(δ) is called a stopping variable. We have to show first that N(δ) is finite with probability one, i.e.,

(6.7.11) numbered Display Equation

for each δ > 0. Indeed, for any given n,

(6.7.12) numbered Display Equation


(6.7.13) numbered Display Equation

inline as n→ ∞, therefore

(6.7.14) numbered Display Equation

as n→ ∞. Thus, (6.7.11) is satisfied and N(δ) is a finite random variable. The present sequential procedure attains in large samples the required confidence level and is also an efficient one. One can prove in addition the following optimal properties:

(6.7.15) numbered Display Equation

This obviously implies the asymptotic efficiency (6.7.9). It is, however, a much stronger property. One does not have to pay, on the average, more than the equivalent of n1 + 1 observations. The question is whether we do not tend to stop too soon and thus lose confidence probability. Simons (1968) proved that if we follow the above procedure, n1 ≥ 3 and an = a for all n ≥ 3, then there exists a finite integer k such that

(6.7.16) numbered Display Equation

for all μ, σ and δ. This means that the possible loss of confidence probability is not more than the one associated with a finite number of observations. In other words, if the sample is large we generally attain the required confidence level.

We have not provided here proofs of these interesting results. The reader is referred to Zacks (1971, p. 560). The results were also extended to general classes of distributions originally by Chow and Robbins (1965), followed by studies of Starr (196), Khan (1969), Srivastava (1971), Ghosh, Mukhopadhyay, and Sen (1997), and Mukhopadhyay and de Silva (2009).


Example 6.1. It is assumed that the compressive strength of concrete cubes follows a log–normal distribution, LN(μ, σ2), with unknown parameters (μ, σ). It is desired that in a given production process the compressive strength, X, will not be smaller than ξ0 in (1 − β)× 100% of the concrete cubes. In other words, the β–quantile of the parent log–normal distribution should not be smaller than ξ0, where the β–quantile of LN(μ, σ2) is xβ = exp {μ + zβ σ}, and zβ is the β–quantile of N(0, 1). We observe a sample of n i.i.d. random variables X1, …, Xn and should decide on the basis of the observed sample values whether the strength requirement is satisfied. Let Yi = log Xi (i = 1, …, n). The sample mean and variance (inlinen, inline), where inline, constitute a minimal sufficient statistic. On the basis of (inlinen, inline), we wish to determine a (1 − α)–lower confidence limit, xα, β to the unknown β–quantile xβ. Accordingly, xα, β should satisfy the relationship

Unnumbered Display Equation

xα, β is called a lower (1 − α, 1−β) guaranteed coverage tolerance limit. If xα, βξ0, we say that the production process is satisfactory (meets the specified standard). Note that the problem of determining xα, β is equivalent to the problem of determining a (1 − α)–lower confidence limit to μ + zβ σ. This lower confidence limit is constructed in the following manner. We note first that if U ~ N(0, 1), then

Unnumbered Display Equation

where t[ν; δ] is the noncentral t–distribution. Thus, a (1 − α)–lower confidence limit for μ + zβ σ is

Unnumbered Display Equation

and xα, β = exp {ηα, β} is a lower (1 − α, 1 − β)–tolerance limit.        inline

Example 6.2. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables representing the life length of electronic systems and distributed like inline. We construct two different (1 − α)–lower confidence limits for θ.

(i) The minimal sufficient statistic is Tn = ΣXi. This statistic is distributed like inlineχ2[2n]. Thus, for testing H0: θθ0 against H1:θ > θ0 at level of significance α, the acceptance regions are of the form

Unnumbered Display Equation

The corresponding confidence intervals are

Unnumbered Display Equation

The lower confidence limit for θ is, accordingly,

Unnumbered Display Equation

(ii) Let inline. X(1) is distributed like inlineχ2[2]. Hence, the hypotheses H0: θθ0 against H1: θ > θ0 can be tested at level α by the acceptance regions

Unnumbered Display Equation

These regions yield the confidence intervals

Unnumbered Display Equation

The corresponding lower confidence limit is inline[2]. Both families of confidence intervals provide lower confidence limits for the mean–time between failures, θ, at the same confidence level 1 − α. The question is which family is more efficient. Note that θα is a function of the minimal sufficient statistic, while θα is not. The expected value of θα is inline. This expected value is approximately, as n→ ∞,

Unnumbered Display Equation

Thus, E{θα } is always smaller than θ, and approaches θ as n grows. On the other hand, the expected value of θα is

Unnumbered Display Equation

This expectation is about θ/3 when α = 0.05 and θ/4.6 when α = 0.01. It does not converge to θ as n increases. Thus, θα is an inefficient lower confidence limit of θ.        inline

Example 6.3.

A. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. N(0, σ2) random variables. We would like to construct the UMA (1 − α)–lower confidence limit of σ2. The minimal sufficient statistic is Tn = Σ inline, which is distributed like σ2χ2[n]. The UMP test of size α of H0: σ2inline against H1: σ2 > inline is

Unnumbered Display Equation

Accordingly, the UMA (1 − α)–lower confidence limit inline is

Unnumbered Display Equation

B. Let X ~ B(n, θ), 0 < θ < 1. We determine the UMA (1 − α)–lower confidence limit of the success probability θ. In (2.2.4), we expressed the c.d.f. of B(n, θ) in terms of the incomplete beta function ratio. Let R be a random number in (0, 1), independent of X, then θα is the root of the equation

Unnumbered Display Equation

provided 1 ≤ Xn−1. If X = 0, the lower confidence limit is θα (0) = 0. When X = n the lower confidence limit is θα (n) = α1/n. By employing the relationship between the central F–distribution and the beta distribution (see Section 2.14), we obtain the following for X ≥ 1 and R = 1:

Unnumbered Display Equation

If X ≥ 1 and R = 0 the lower limit, θα is obtained from (6.3.11) by substituting (X−1) for X. Generally, the lower limit can be obtained as the average Rθα + (1−R)θα. In practice, the nonrandomized solution (6.3.11) is often applied.        inline

Example 6.4. Let X and Y be independent random variables having the normal distribution N(0, σ2) and N(0, ρσ2), respectively. We can readily prove that

Unnumbered Display Equation

where J has the negative binomial distribution inline. P(j; λ) designates the c.d.f. of the Poisson distributions with mean λ. inline (σ2, ρ) is the coverage probability of a circle of radius one. We wish to determine a (1 − α)–lower confidence limit for inline (σ2, ρ), on the basis of n independent vectors, (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn), when ρ is known. The minimal sufficient statistic is inline. This statistic is distributed like σ2χ2[2n]. Thus, the UMA (1 − α)–upper confidence limit for σ2

Unnumbered Display Equation

The Poisson family is an MLR one. Hence, by Karlin’s Lemma, the c.d.f. P(j; 1/2σ2) is an increasing function of σ2 for each j = 0, 1, …. Accordingly, if inline then P(j; 1/2σ2) ≤ P(j; 1/2inline). It follows that Einline. From this relationship we infer that

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is a (1 − α)–lower confidence limit for inline (σ2, ρ). We show now that inline (inline, ρ) is a UMA lower confidence limit. By negation, if inline(inline, ρ) is not a UMA, there exists another (1 − α) lower confidence limit, inline say, and some 0 < inline′ < inline (σ2, ρ) such that

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The function inline is a strictly increasing function of σ2. Hence, for each ρ there is a unique inverse inline(inline) for inline (σ2, ρ). Thus, we obtain that

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where inline(inline′) < σ2. Accordingly, inline (inline) is a (1 − α)–upper confidence limit for σ2. But then the above inequality contradicts the assumption that inline is UMA.        inline

Example 6.5. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables distributed like N(μ, σ2). The UMP–unbiased test of the hypotheses

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is the t–test

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where inline and S are the sample mean and standard deviation, respectively. Correspondingly, the confidence interval

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is a UMAU at level (1 − α).        inline

Example 6.6. In Example 4.11, we discussed the problem of comparing the binomial experiments in two clinics at which standard treatment is compared with a new (test) treatment. If Xij designates the number of successes in the jth sample at the ith clinic (i = 1, 2; j = 1, 2), we assumed that Xij are independent and Xij ~ B(n, θij). We consider the cross–product ratio

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In Example 4.11, we developed the UMPU test of the hypothesis H0: ρ = 1 against H1: ρ ≠ 1. On the basis of this UMPU test, we can construct the UMAU confidence limits of ρ.

Let Y = X11, T1 = X11 + X12, T = X21 + X22, and S = X11 + X21. The conditional p.d.f. of Y given (T1, T2, S) under ρ was given in Example 4.11. Let H(y| T1, T2, S) denote the corresponding conditional c.d.f. This family of conditional distributions is MLR in Y. Thus, the quantiles of the distributions are increasing functions of ρ. Similarly, H(y| T1, T2, S) are strictly decreasing functions of ρ for each y = 0, 1, …, min (T1, S)> and each (T1, T2, S).

As shown earlier one–sided UMA confidence limits require in discrete cases further randomization. Thus, we have to draw at random two numbers R1 and R2 independently from a rectangular distribution R(0, 1) and solve simultaneously the equations

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where inline1 + inline2 = α. Moreover, in order to obtain UMA unbiased intervals we have to determine ρ, inline, inline1 and inline2 so that the two conditions of (4.4.2) will be satisfied simultaneously. One can write a computer algorithm to obtain this objective. However, the computations may be lengthy and tedious. If T1, T2 and S are not too small we can approximate the UMAU limits by the roots of the equations

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These equations have unique roots since the c.d.f. H(Y; T1, T2, S, ρ) is a strictly decreasing function of ρ for each (Y, T1, T2, S) having a continuous partial derivative with respect to ρ. The roots ρ and inline of the above equations are generally the ones used in applications. However, they are not UMAU. In Table 6.1, we present a few cases numerically. The confidence limits in Table 6.1 were computed by determining first the large sample approximate confidence limits (see Section 7.4) and then correcting the limits by employing the monotonicity of the conditional c.d.f. H(Y; T1, T2, S, ρ) in ρ. The limits are determined by a numerical search technique on a computer.        inline

Table 6.1 0.95—Confidence Limits for the Cross–Product Ratio


Example 6.7. Let X1, X2, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a negative–binomial distribution NB(inline, ν); ν is known and 0 < inline < 1. A minimal sufficient statistic is Tn = inlineXi, which has the negative–binomial distribution NB(inline, nν). Consider the β–content one–sided prediction interval [0, G−1(β ;inline, ν)], where G−1(p;inline, ν) is the pth quantile of NB(inline, ν). The c.d.f. of the negative–binomial distribution is related to the incomplete beta function ratio according to formula (2.2.12), i.e.,

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The pth quantile of the NB(inline, ν) can thus be defined as

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This function is nondecreasing in inline for each p and ν. Indeed, inline = {NB(inline, ν); 0 < inline < 1} is an MLR family. Furthermore, since Tn ~ NB(inline, nν), we can obtain a UMA upper confidence limit for inline, inlineα at confidence level γ = 1 − α. A nonrandomized upper confidence limit is the root inlineα of the equation

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If we denote by β −1(p;a, b) the pth quantile of the beta distribution β (a, b) then inlineα is given accordingly by

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The p–content (1 − α)–level tolerance interval is, therefore, [0, G−1(p;inlineα, ν)].        inline

Example 6.8. In statistical life testing families of increasing failure rate (IFR) are often considered. The hazard or failure rate function h(x) corresponding to an absolutely continuous distribution F(x) is defined as

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where f(x) is the p.d.f. A distribution function F(x) is IFR if h(x) is a nondecreasing function of x. The function F(x) is differentiable almost everywhere. Hence, the failure rate function h(x) can be written (for almost all x) as

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Thus, if F(x) is an IFR distribution, −log (1−F(x)) is a convex function of x. A distribution function F(x) is called log–convex if its logarithm is a convex function of x. The tolerance limits that will be developed in the present example will be applicable for any log–convex distribution function.

Let X(1) ≤ ··· ≤ X(n) be the order statistic. It is instructive to derive first a (p, 1 − α)–lower tolerance limit for the simple case of the exponential distribution inline, 0 < θ < ∞. The pth quantile of inline is

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Let Tn, r = inline (ni + 1)(X(i)X(i−1)) be the total life until the rth failure. Tn, r is distributed like inlineχ2[2r]. Hence, the UMA–(1 − α)–lower confidence limit for θ is

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The corresponding (p, 1 − α) lower tolerance limit is

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Example 6.9. The MLE of σ in samples from normal distributions is asymptotically normal with mean σ and variance σ2/2n. Therefore, in large samples,

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for all μ, σ. The region given by

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is a simultaneous confidence region with coverage probability approximately (1 − α). The points in the region Cα (inline, S) satisfy the inequality

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Hence, the values of σ in the region are only those for which the square root on the RHS of the above is real. Or, for all n > inline[2]/2,

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Note that this interval is not symmetric around S. Let σn and inlinen denote the lower and upper limits of the σ interval. For each σ within this interval we determine a μ interval symmetrically around inline, as specified above. Consider the linear combination λ = a1μ + a2σ, where a1 + a2 = 1. We can obtain a (1 − α)–level confidence interval for λ from the region Cα (inline, S) by determining two lines parallel to a1μ + a2σ = 0 and tangential to the confidence region Cα (inline, S). These lines are given by the formula a1μ + a2σ = λα and a1μ = a2σ = inlineα. The confidence interval is (λα, inlineα). This interval can be obtained geometrically by projecting Cα (inline, S) onto the line l spanned by (a1, a2)); i.e., l = {(ρ a1, ρ a2); −∞ < ρ < ∞ }.        inline


Section 6.2

6.2.1 Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common exponential distribution, G(inline, 1), 0 < θ < ∞. Determine a (1 − α)–upper confidence limit for δ = eθ.

6.2.2 Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common Poisson distribution P(λ), 0 < λ < ∞. Determine a two–sided confidence interval for λ, at level 1 − α. [Hint: Let Tn = Σ Xi. Apply the relationship Pλ {Tnt} = P{χ2[2t + 2] ≥ 2nλ }, t = 0, 1, … to show that (λα, inlineα) is a (1 − α)–level confidence interval, where inline and inlineα = inline.

6.2.3 Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables distributed like G(λ, 1), 0 < λ < ∞; and let Y1, …, Ym be i.i.d. random variables distributed like G(η, 1), 0 < η < ∞. The X–variables and the Y–variables are independent. Determine a (1 − α)–upper confidence limit for ω = (1 + η /λ)−1 based on the statistic inline.

6.2.4 Consider a vector X of n equicorrelated normal random variables, having zero mean, μ = 0, and variance σ2 [Problem 1, Section 5.3]; i.e., X ~ N(0, inline, ), where inline, = σ2(1 − ρ)I + inline J; 0 < σ2 < ∞, inline < ρ < 1. Construct a (1 − α)–level confidence interval for ρ. [Hint:

(i) Make the transformation Y = HX, where H is a Helmert orthogonal matrix;
(ii) Consider the distribution of inline.

6.2.5 Consider the linear regression model

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where e1, …, en are i.i.d. N(0, σ2), x1, …, xn specified constants such that Σ(xiinline)2 > 0. Determine the formulas of (1− α)–level confidence limits for β0, β1, and σ2. To what tests of significance do these confidence intervals correspond?

6.2.6 Let X and Y be independent, normally distributed random variables, X ~ N(ξ, σinline) and Y ~ N(η, inline); −∞ < ξ < ∞, 0 < η < ∞, σ1 and σ2 known. Let δ = ξ /η. Construct a (1 − α)–level confidence interval for δ.

Section 6.3

6.3.1 Prove that if an upper (lower) confidence limit for a real parameter θ is based on a UMP test of H0: θθ0 (θθ0) against H1: θ < θ0 (θ > θ0) then the confidence limit is UMA.

6.3.2 Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. having a common two parameter exponential distribution, i.e., X ~ μ + G(inline, 1); −∞ < μ < ∞, 0 < β < ∞.

(i) Determine the (1 − α)–level UMAU lower confidence limit for μ.
(ii) Determine the (1 − α)–level UMAU lower confidence limit for β.

[Hint: See Problem 1, Section 4.5.]

6.3.3 Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common rectangular distribution R(0, θ); 0 < θ < ∞. Determine the (1 − α)–level UMA lower confidence limit for θ.

6.3.4 Consider the random effect model, Model II, of ANOVA (Example 3.9). Derive the (1 − α)–level confidence limits for σ2 and τ2. Does this system of confidence intervals have optimal properties?

Section 6.4

6.4.1 Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a Poisson distribution P(λ), 0 < λ < ∞. Determine a (p, 1 − α) guaranteed coverage upper tolerance limit for X.

6.4.2 Consider the normal simple regression model (Problem 7, Section 5.4). Let ξ be a point in the range of controlled experimental levels x1, …, xn (regressors). A p–content prediction limit at ξ is the point ηp = β0 + β1 ξ + zpσ.

(i) Determine a (p, 1 − α) guaranteed upper tolerance limit at ξ, i.e., determine lp, α (ξ) so that

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(ii) What is the form of the asymptotic (p, 1 − α)–level upper tolerance limit?

Section 6.5

6.5.1 Consider a symmetric continuous distribution F(xμ), −∞ < μ < ∞. How large should the sample size n be so that (X(i), X(ni+1)) is a distribution–free confidence interval for μ, at level 1 − α = 0.95, when

(i) i = 1, (ii) i = 2, and (iii) i = 3.

6.5.2 Apply the large sample normal approximation to the binomial distribution to show that for large size random samples from symmetric distribution the (1 − α)–level distribution free confidence interval for the median is given by (X(i), X(ni+1)), where inline (David, 1970, p. 14).

6.5.3 How large should the sample size n be so that a (p, γ) upper tolerance limit will exist with p = 0.95 and γ = 0.95?

6.5.4 Let F(x) be a continuous c.d.f. and X(1) ≤ ··· ≤ X(n) the order statistic of a random sample from such a distribution. Let F−1(p) and F−1(q), with 0 < p < q < 1, be the pth and qth quantiles of this distribution. Consider the interval Ep, q = (F−1(p), F−1(q)). Let pr < sn. Show that

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If q = 1 − β /2 and p = β /2 then (X(r), X(s)) is a (1 − β, γ) tolerance interval, where γ is given by the above formula.

Section 6.6

6.6.1 In a one–way ANOVA k = 10 samples were compared. Each of the samples consisted of n = 10 observations. The sample means in order of magnitude were: 15.5, 17.5, 20.2, 23.3, 24.1, 25.5, 28.8, 28.9, 30.1, 30.5. The pooled variance estimate is inline = 105.5. Perform the Scheffé simultaneous testing to determine which differences are significant at level α = 0.05.

6.6.2 n = 10 observations Yij (i = 1, …, 3; j = 1, …, n) were performed at three values of x. The sample statistics are:

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(i) Determine the LSEs of β0, β1, and σ2 for the model: Yij = β0 + β1 xi + eij, where {eij} are i.i.d. N(0, σ2).
(ii) Determine simultaneous confidence intervals for E{Y} = β0 + β1x, for all 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, using the Scheffé’s s–method.

Section 6.7

6.7.1 Let X1, X2, … be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables having a common log–normal distribution, LN(μ, σ2). Consider the problem of estimating ξ = exp {μ + σ2/2}. The proportional–closeness of an estimator, inline, is defined as Pθ {|inlineξ| < λ ξ }, where λ is a specified positive real.

(i) Show that with a fixed sample procedure, there exists no estimator, inline, such that the proportional–closeness for a specified λ is at least γ, 0 < γ < 1.
(ii) Develop a two–stage procedure so that the estimator inlineN will have the prescribed proportional–closeness.

6.7.2 Show that if inline is a family of distribution function depending on a location parameter of the translation type, i.e., F(x;θ) = F0(xθ), −∞ < θ < ∞, then there exists a fixed width confidence interval estimator for θ.

6.7.3 Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. having a rectangular distribution R(0, θ), 0 < θ < 2. Let X(n) be the sample maximum, and consider the fixed–width interval estimator Iδ (X(n)) = (X(n), X(n) + δ), 0 < δ < 1. How large should n be so that Pθ {θ inline Iδ (X(n))} ≥ 1 − α, for all θ ≤ 2?

6.7.4 Consider the following three–stage sampling procedure for estimating the mean of a normal distribution. Specify a value of δ, 0 < δ < ∞.

(i) Take a random sample of size n1. Compute the sample variance inline. If n1 > (a2/δ2)inline, where a2 = inline[1], terminate sampling. Otherwise, add an independent sample of size

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(ii) Compute the pooled sample variance, inline. If n1 + N2 ≥ (a2/δ2)inline terminate sampling; otherwise, add

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independent observations. Let N = n1 + N2 + N3. Let inlineN be the average of the sample of size N and Iδ (inlinen) = (inlineNδ, inlineN + δ).

(i) Compute Pθ {μ inline Iδ (inlineN)} for θ = (μ, σ).
(ii) Compute Eθ {N}.


6.2.2 X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. P(λ). Tn = inlineXiP(nλ)

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The UMP test of H0: λ ≥ λ0 against H1:λ < λ0 is inline (Tn) = I(Tn < tα). Note that P(χ2[2tα + 2] ≥ 2nλ0) = α if 2nλ0 = inline [2tα + 2]. For two–sided confidence limits, we have λα = inline and inlineα = inline.

6.2.4 Without loss of generality assume that σ2 = 1

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where inline < 1, n is the dimension of X, and J = 1n1′n.

(i) The Helmert transformation yields Y = HX, where

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Note that H((1 − ρ)I + ρ J)H′ = diag ((1−ρ) + nρ, (1 − ρ), …, (1 − ρ)).

(ii) Yinline ∼ ((1 − ρ) + nρ )χinline[1] and inline, where χinline and inline[n − 1] are independent. Thus,

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Hence, for a given 0 < α < 1,

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Recall that Fα /2[1, n − 1] = inline. Let

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Since ρ /(1 − ρ) is a strictly increasing function of ρ, the confidence limits for ρ are

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6.2.6 The method used here is known as Fieller’s method. Let U = XδY. Accordingly, UN(0, σ inline + δ2inline) and

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It follows that there are two real roots (if they exist) of the quadratic equation in δ,

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These roots are given by

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It follows that if inline[1] the two real roots exist. These are the confidence limits for δ.

6.4.1 The m.s.s. for λ is Tn = inline Xi. A p–quantile of inline(λ) is

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Since inline(λ) is an MLR family in X, the (p, 1 − α) guaranteed upper tolerance limit is

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where inlineα (Tn) = inline inline [2Tn+2] is the upper confidence limit for λ. Accordingly,

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6.5.1 (i) Since F is symmetric, if i = 1, then j = n. Thus,

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For n = 8, inline = 0.0195. For n = 7, inline = 0.0352. Thus, n =8.


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For n = 10, we get inline = 0.0327. For n = 11, we get inline = 0.0193. Thus, n = 11.


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For large n, by Central Limit Theorem,

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6.7.1 Let Yi = log Xi, i = 1, 2, …. If we have a random sample of fixed size n, then the MLE of ξ is inlinen = exp inline, where inlinen = inline inlineYi and inline2 = inline inline(Yiinlinen)2.

(i) For a given λ, 0 < λ < 1, the proportional closeness of inlinen is

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For large values of n, the distribution ofinline is approximately, by CLT, inline.

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Hence, there exists no fixed sample procedure with PC ≥ γ > 0.

(ii) Consider the following two–stage procedure.
Stage I. Take a random sample of size m. Compute inlinem and inline. Let δ = log (1+λ). Note that δ < − log (1 − λ). If σ were known, then the proportional closeness would be at least γ if

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Accordingly, we define the stopping variable

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If {Nm} stop sampling and use inline. On the other hand, if {N > m} go to Stage II.

Stage II. Let N2 = Nm. Draw additional N2 observations, conditionally independent of the initial sample. Combine the two samples and compute inlineN and inline. Stop sampling with inlineN = exp inline. The distribution of the total sample size Nm = max {m, N} can be determined in the following manner.

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For l = m + 1, m + 2, … let

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