List of Random Variables

B(n,p) Binomial, with parameters n and p
E(μ) Exponential with parameter μ
EV(λ, α) Extreme value with parameters λ and α
F(v1, v2) Central F with parameters v1 and v2
F(n1, n2;λ) Noncentral F with parameters v1, v2, λ
G(λ,p) Gamma with parameters λ and p
H(M,N,n) Hyper–geometric with parameters M, N, n
N(μ, V) Multinormal with mean vector μ and covariance matrix V
N(μ,σ) Normal with mean μ and σ
NB(inline, v) Negative–binomial with parameters inline, and v
P(λ) Poisson with parameter λ
R(a, b) Rectangular (uniform) with parameters a and b
t[n;λ] Noncentral Student’s t with parameters n and λ
t[n;ξ,V] Multivariate t with parameters n, ξ and V
t[n] Student’s t with n degrees of freedom
W(λ, α ) Weibul with parameters λ and α
β (p,q) Beta with parameters p and q
χ2[n,λ] Noncentral chi–squared with parameters n and λ
χ2[n] Chi–squared with n degrees of freedom
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