Chapter 18
Smooth Manifolds with a Connection

In the introduction to Part III, we set out the task of developing a theory of differential geometry built upon our earlier study of curves and surfaces, but without having to involve an ambient space. Implicit in this undertaking was the aim of recovering, to the extent possible, the results presented for curves and surfaces. Chapters 14–17 have met significant parts of this agenda. Noticeably absent, however, is a discussion of “covariant derivative” and “metric”. We remedy the first of these deficits in this chapter by adding “connection” to our discussion of smooth manifolds.

18.1 Covariant Derivatives

Let M be a smooth manifold. A connection on M is a map


such that for all vector fields X, Y, Z in images and all functions f in C (M) : [∇1] ∇ (X + Y, Z) =  ∇ (X, Z) +  ∇ (Y, Z).


We refer to the pair (M, ∇) as a smooth manifold with a connection. It is possible for a given smooth manifold to have more than one connection. Thus, a connection is not a fundamental constituent of the manifold in the same way that, for example, the boundary forms part of a smooth manifold with boundary.

In each of the preceding examples, we started with a “derivative” and used it to define a connection. Given a smooth manifold with a connection, we can reverse that process.

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, and let X be a vector Field in images . We define a map




for all vector fields Y in images . It follows from [∇3] and [∇4] that X is m ‐linear, and from [∇4] that


for all functions f in C (M) and all vector fields Y in images . By Theorem 16.2.7, there corresponds a unique tensor derivation


on M, called the covariant derivative with respect to X, where images has been abbreviated to X . In particular, we have

(18.1.1) equation

for all functions f in C (M).

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, and let X be a vector field in images . It can be shown that X is determined pointwise in the following sense: for all points p in M and all vector fields Y in images ,


for all vector fields images in images such that images . For each point p in M and vector v in T p (M), we define a vector v (Y) in T p (M) by

(18.1.4) equation

where X is any vector field in images such that X p  = v . By Theorem 15.1.2, such an X always exists. Since X is determined pointwise, v (Y) is independent of the choice of vector field and is therefore well‐defined. It follows from (18.1.4) that for all vector fields X, Y in images ,

(18.1.5) equation

for all p in M .

By definition, images is the vector space of ‐linear maps from the vector space images to itself. We make images into a ring over by defining multiplication to be composition of maps. Let Θ, ϒ, Ψ be three such maps, and define the bracket of Θ and ϒ by


It is easily shown that with this definition, images is a Lie algebra over . In particular, Jacobi's identity is satisfied:


For vector fields X, Y, Z in images , we have from parts (c) and (d) of Theorem 18.1.2 that X , ∇ Y , ∇ Z are maps in images , hence

(18.1.6) equation

18.2 Christoffel Symbols

In our study of regular surfaces in images , we defined Christoffel symbols and used them to construct the covariant derivative, which we now think of as equivalent to a connection (see Example 18.1.1). Our approach to smooth manifolds with a connection proceeds in reverse: we start with a connection and then use it to define Christoffel symbols.

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth m‐manifold with a connection, let X be a vector field in images , let (U, (x i )) be a chart on M , and let images be the corresponding coordinate frame. It can be shown that restricts unambiguously to the smooth m‐manifold U . For simplicity of notation, let us denote the restriction


Then (U, ∇) is a smooth m‐manifold with a connection, (U, (x i )) is a covering chart on U , and images is the corresponding coordinate frame. We can therefore express images as

(18.2.1) equation

for i, j = 1, …, m , where the images are uniquely determined functions in C (U), called the Christoffel symbols.

We observe that the expressions for X (Y) and X (ω) in parts (a) and (b) of Theorem 18.2.1 involve the α i but not their partial derivatives. In order to compute X (Y) and X (ω) at a given point, all we need to know about X is its value at that point. This is consistent with X being determined pointwise, as was remarked in conjunction with (18.1.4).

In the notation of Theorem 18.2.1, we have as special cases


These formulas tell us that to take the covariant derivatives of Y and ω with respect to /∂x i , we simply add a subscript “; i ” to each of the components in the local coordinate expressions.

We see from Theorem 15.6.3 and Theorem 18.2.3 that, despite appearances, the Christoffel symbols are not the components of a tensor. In classical terminology it is said that the Christoffel symbols “do not transform” like the components of a tensor.

18.3 Covariant Derivative on Curves

The definition of covariant derivative given in Section 18.1 refers to an entire smooth manifold. We now discuss a version of covariant derivative that applies only to smooth curves on a smooth manifold.

The above discussion is devoted to covariant derivatives on smooth curves. We close this section with an application to parametrized surfaces.

Let M be a smooth manifold, let σ(r, s) : (a, b) × (−ε, ε) → M be a parametrized surface, and let V be a vector field in images . For a given point s in (−ε, ε), we define a vector field V s in images by V s (r) = V(r, s), where we recall from Section 14.9 that the longitude curve σ s (r) : (a, b) → M is defined by σ s (r) = σ(r, s). The partial covariant derivative on σ with respect to r is the map


defined by

(18.3.2) equation

for all vector fields V in images . The partial covariant derivative on σ with respect to s is defined similarly. As an example, we have from Theorem 15.1.5 that the vectors fields ∂σ/∂r and ∂σ/∂s are in images . The partial covariant derivatives on σ with respect to r are

(18.3.3) equation

and the partial covariant derivatives on σ with respect to s are defined in a corresponding manner.

18.4 Total Covariant Derivatives

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection. Total covariant derivative (or total covariant differential) is the family of linear maps


defined for r, s ≥ 0 by

(18.4.1) equation

for all tensor fields images in images , all covector fields ω 1, …, ω r in images , and all vector fields X, Y 1, …, Y s in images . An alternative definition in the literature (not adopted here) is to place X last in the sequence of vector fields rather than first:


We say that images is parallel (with respect to ) if images . Let us denote


Let (U, (x i )) be a chart on M , and, in local coordinates, let images have the components images . The components of images are denoted by


(not by images , as might be expected from (18.4.1) and previous notation conventions).

We observe that the notation introduced in (18.2.2) and (18.2.3) is consistent with (18.4.2).

Adopting the notation of Theorem 18.4.7 and using (18.1.1) three times, we obtain

(18.4.3) equation

This shows that in the context of regular surfaces in images is precisely images , the second order covariant derivative of f with respect to X and Y , as given by (12.4.3).

18.5 Parallel Ranslation

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, and let λ : (a, b) → M be a smooth curve. We say that a vector field J in images is parallel (with respect to ) if


for all t in (a, b).

At the beginning of this section, covariant differentiation along a curve was used to define parallel translation. The next result shows that parallel translation can be used to define covariant differentiation along a curve. In this sense, covariant differentiation and parallel translation are equivalent concepts.

18.6 Torsion Tensors

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection. The torsion tensor (field) corresponding to is the map


defined by

(18.6.1) equation

for all vector fields X, Y in images . We say that is symmetric (or torsion‐free) if T = 0; that is,


for all vector fields X, Y in images .

Since T takes values in images , referring to T as a “tensor field”, although usual in the literature, is not consistent with Theorem 15.7.2. We take up this matter in Section 19.5.

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth m‐manifold with a connection, and let (U, (x i )) be a chart on M . In local coordinates, T(/∂x i , /∂x j ) can be expressed as


where the images are uniquely determined functions in C (U).

18.7 Curvature Tensors

In this section, we generalize to smooth manifolds with a connection the Riemann curvature tensor on regular surfaces in images .

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection. The curvature tensor (field) is the map


defined by

(18.7.1) equation

for all vector fields X, Y, Z in images . Since R takes values in images , referring to R as a “tensor field”, although ubiquitous in the literature, presents the same issues of terminology encountered with the torsion tensor in Section 18.6. This concern will be addressed in Section 19.5.

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth m‐manifold with a connection, and let (U, (x i )) be a chart on M . In local coordinates, R(/∂x i , /∂x j )/∂x k can be expressed as

(18.7.2) equation

where the images are uniquely determined functions in C (U).

In the literature, the indexing of images is sometimes defined by


This changes the indexing of certain identities, but has no substantive implications.

Let M be a smooth manifold (with or without a connection), let images be a map, and define


for all vector fields X, Y, Z in images . Thus, (X, Y, Z)ℱ(X, Y, Z) is a sum of terms obtained by permuting X, Y, Z cyclically. Clearly,

(18.7.3) equation

For example, Jacobi's identity for vector fields in images , given by Theorem 15.3.2(e), can be expressed as

(18.7.4) equation

and Jacobi's identity for covariant derivatives in images , defined by (18.1.6), becomes

(18.7.5) equation

For a map images , where k > 3, we use the above notation, but apply the cyclic permutation only to the three arguments specified by the 3‐tuple under the summation sign, leaving the other arguments in place.

18.8 Geodesics

In this section, we introduce a type of “straight line” for smooth manifolds with a connection. A cardinal feature of straight lines in Euclidean space is that they give the shortest distance between distinct points. This is meaningless in the present setting because there is no notion of distance on a smooth manifold with a connection. However, in Newtonian physics, a particle with zero acceleration traces a straight line in Euclidean space. We make this observation our point of departure.

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, and let λ(t) : (a, b) → M be a smooth curve. Recall from Theorem 15.1.3 that the velocity of λ is the vector field /dt in images , and that λ is said to be regular if its velocity is nowhere‐vanishing. The acceleration of λ is defined to be the covariant derivative of the velocity, that is, the vector field (∇/dt)(/dt) in images . We say that λ is a geodesic if it has zero acceleration; that is,


for all t in (a, b); or equivalently, if /dt is a parallel vector field in images .

As an example, consider the straight line in 3 parametrized by λ(t) = (t, t, t) : ℝ → ℝ3 The velocity and accelerations are (/dt)(t) = (1,1,1) and (∇/dt)(/dt)(t) = (0,0,0) for all t in 3 , hence λ is a geodesic. Now consider the alternative parametrization images : ℝ → ℝ3 Then images and images , so images is not a geodesic. This illustrates that deciding whether a smooth curve is a geodesic depends not only on its “geometry” but also on its parametrization.

18.9 Radial Geodesics and Exponential Maps

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, let p be a point in M, and suppose T p (M) has the standard smooth structure. Let p be the set of vectors v in T p (M) such that γ p, v (1) is defined; that is, 1 is in the domain of γ p, v , where γ p, v is the maximal geodesic with starting point p and initial velocity v .

Continuing with the above setup, let v be a vector in p . Using Theorem 18.9.2(c), we restrict γ p, v to [0, 1] and obtain the geodesic

(18.9.1) equation

called the radial geodesic with starting point p and initial velocity v .

It follows from Theorem 18.8.2(a) that ρ p, v (0) = p . By varying v , we obtain a family of radial geodesics with starting point p .

For the remainder of this section, we work toward a condition that ensures a uniqueness condition for radial geodesics.

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth m‐manifold with a connection, and let p be a point in M . The exponential map at p is the smooth map


defined by

(18.9.2) equation

for all vectors v in p .

Roughly speaking, Theorem 18.9.3 says that the exponential function sends lines (or portions of lines) passing through the zero vector of the tangent space at a point to geodesics in the smooth manifold that pass through the point. See Figure 18.9.1.

Diagram depicting an exponential function with lines passing through the zero vector of the tangent space at a point in a smooth manifold that pass through the point.

Figure 18.9.1. Exponential map

By Theorem 14.8.4 and Theorem 18.9.1(a), p is an open m‐submanifold of T p (M), and from Theorem 14.3.3(b), we have the identification T v (ℰ p ) = T v (T p (M)) for each vector v in p . The differential map of exp p : p  → M at v can therefore be expressed as

(18.9.4) equation

See Figure 18.9.2, and, for context, also see Figure 11.6.1. Let w be a vector in T p (M), and consider the smooth curve μ v (t) : (−ε, ε) → T p (M) defined by μ v (t) = v + tw . According to (14.7.4), ( v /dt)(t) is a vector in images . In the literature, ( v /dt)(0) is sometimes denoted by w v . Thus, w v is a vector in T v (T p (M)), and it follows from (18.9.4) that d v (exp p )(w v ) is a vector in images . In geometric terms, we can think of T v (T p (M)) as the translation of T p (M) to v , with w v the corresponding translation of w . It is sometimes convenient to denote w v simply by w and allow the underlying translation to be understood. As a further simplification, when v = 0, we use (14.3.4) to identify T 0(T p (M)) with T p (M), and write

Diagram depicting the differential map of an exponential map on a smooth manifold M with a point p in M.

Figure 18.9.2. Differential map of exponential map

Since exp p (0) = p , we have from (18.9.4) that for v = 0 the differential map can be expressed as


Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, and let p be a point in M . We say that a neighborhood V of p in M is normal if there is a star‐shaped neighborhood images of the zero vector in T p (M) such that images : images is a diffeomorphism. For brevity, we often denote


As we now show, radial geodesics on a normal neighborhood have a uniqueness property.

18.10 Normal Coordinates

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth m‐manifold with a connection, let p be a point in M, and let images be a basis for T p (M). The map


defined by

(18.10.1) equation

is a linear isomorphism. Let V be a normal neighborhood of p in M , let exp p : images be the corresponding diffeomorphism, and consider the smooth map



(18.10.2) equation

is a chart at p , called normal coordinates at p . Let images and (d p (x 1), …, d p (x m )) be the corresponding coordinate and dual coordinate bases at p .

In light of Theorem 18.10.1(a), we can replace (18.10.1) with

(18.10.3) equation

18.11 Jacobi Fields

On intuitive grounds, it seems that the way geodesics radiate from a given point on a smooth manifold, and the rapidity with which they spread out, should be related to the “curvature” of the smooth manifold at that point. This line of reasoning leads to a consideration of Jacobi fields.

Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, and let γ(r) : (a, b) → M be a geodesic. We say that the vector field J in images is a Jacobi field if it satisfies Jacobi's equation:

(18.11.1) equation

where we denote


By Theorem 18.7.1(a), Jacobi's equation is equivalent to


Let (M, ∇) be a smooth manifold with a connection, and let


be a parametrized surface. Recall from Section 14.9 that for a given point s in (−ε, ε), the corresponding longitude curve σ s (r) : (a, b) → M is defined by σ s (r) = σ(r, s). Let γ(r) : (a, b) → M be a geodesic. We say that σ is a geodesic variation of γ if σ 0 = γ and each σ s is a geodesic.

Suppose σ is in fact a geodesic variation of γ. Then

(18.11.2) equation

for all r in (a, b). The variation field of σ is the vector field J in images defined by

(18.11.3) equation

for all r in (a, b). Since σ s is a geodesic and ∂σ/∂r is its velocity, we have

(18.11.4) equation

for all (r, s) in (a, b) × (−ε, ε). See Figure 18.11.1.

Diagram depicting the geodesic variation in a vector field on a smooth manifold M.

Figure 18.11.1. Geodesic variation

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