Chapter 19
Semi‐Riemannian Manifolds

Looking back at the material presented on smooth manifolds and smooth manifolds with a connection, we see that many of the concepts and results motivated by our study of regular surfaces and regular surfaces in images have been recovered—but not all. Missing from our recent efforts has been any discussion of “length” and “area”. To address this shortfall, it is necessary to endow smooth manifolds with additional structure, which entails a consideration of semi‐Riemannian manifolds.

19.1 Semi‐Riemannian Manifolds

The following material builds on portions of the discussion in Section 12.2. Let M be a smooth m ‐manifold, and let images be a symmetric tensor field in images , so that images is a symmetric tensor in images for all p in M . We say that images is a metric on M if:

[G1] images is nondegenerate on T p (M) for all p in M .

[G2] indimages is independent of p in M .

When [G1] is satisfied, images is a scalar product on T p (M) for all p in M ; or equivalently, (T p (M), images is a scalar product space for all p in M .

Suppose images is in fact a metric. In that case, the pair images is said to be a semi‐Riemannian m‐manifold. We ascribe to images those properties of images that are independent of p . Accordingly, images is said to be bilinear, symmetric, nondegenerate, and so on. The common value of the ind images is denoted by ν and called the index of images or the index of M . The common signature of the images is denoted by (ε 1, …, ε m ) and called the signature of images or the signature of M . For brevity, we usually denote


When ν = 0, we say that M is a Riemannian m‐manifold, and when m ≥ 2 and ν = 1, M is said to be a Lorentz m manifold. A semi‐Riemannian m manifold with a connection is a triple images , where images is a semi‐Riemannian m ‐manifold and is a connection on M . For the time being, we do not assume that images and are related.

We have already encountered several semi‐Riemannian manifolds, although we were not in a position to use such terminology at the time. For example, semi‐Euclidean (m, ν)‐space images is a semi‐Riemannian m ‐manifold of index ν . In particular, Euclidean m ‐space images is a Riemannian m ‐manifold, and Minkowski m ‐space images is a Lorentz m ‐manifold. With tensor notation now at our disposal, we can express images in local coordinates as


To our list of semi‐Riemannian manifolds, let us add the unit sphere images and hyperbolic space 2 , which are Riemannian 2‐manifolds, and the pseudosphere images , which is a Lorentz 2‐manifold. In fact, each of the regular surfaces in images described in Sections 13.1–13.8 is a Riemannian 2‐manifold. We now provide a less obvious example of a Riemannian 2‐manifold.

The remainder of this section presents definitions that will play a role later on.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian m ‐manifold, and let X, Y be vector fields in images . We say that X is a unit vector field if X p is a unit vector for all p in M , and that X and Y are orthogonal vector fields if X p and Y p are orthogonal for all p in M .

Let us define a function


in C (M) by the assignment


for all p in M . Similarly, for a smooth curve λ : (a, b) → M and vector fields J, K in images , we define a function


in C ((a, b)) by the assignment


for all t in (a, b).

Let (U, (x i )) be a chart on M , and let images be the corresponding coordinate frame. We define functions images in C (U) by

(19.1.1) equation

for all p in U for i, j = 1, …, m . The matrix of images with respect to images is denoted by images and defined by


for all p in U . Recall from Section 3.1 that the matrix of images with respect to images is images . Thus, as a matter of notation,


The inverse matrix of images with respect to images is denoted by images and defined by


for all p in U . It is usual to express the entries of images with superscripts:


The assignment images defines functions images in C (U) for i, j = 1, …, m . Since images and images are symmetric matrices, the functions images and images are symmetric in i, j .

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold, and let M be a submanifold of images . We say that images is a semi‐Riemannian submanifold of images if images is a metric on M . In that case, by definition: (i) images is nondegenerate on T p (M) for all p in M , and (ii) indimages is independent of p in M . The common value of the indimages is denoted by ind images and called the index of images or the index of M . The common signature of the images is called the signature of images or the signature of M . We say that images is a Riemannian (Lorentz) submanifold if images , viewed as a semi‐Riemannian manifold in its own right, is a Riemannian (Lorentz) manifold. When images is a Riemannian (Lorentz) submanifold of images and also a hypersurface, we refer to images as a Riemannian (Lorentz) hypersurface of images . Observe that if images is a Riemannian manifold, then images is automatically a Riemannian submanifold. On the other hand, if images is a Lorentz manifold and images is a semi‐Riemannian submanifold, then the latter could be either a Riemannian or a Lorentz submanifold. To illustrate, we have from Theorem 12.2.12(d) and Theorem 14.8.2 that images is a Riemannian hypersurface of the Riemannian 3manifold images , while 2 is a Riemannian hypersurface and images is a Lorentz hypersurface of the Lorentz 3‐manifold images .

Suppose images is a semi‐Riemannian hypersurface of images , and let p be a point in M . According to (14.8.1), T p (M) can be viewed as a vector subspace of images . It follows from Theorem 4.1.3 that images , and then from Theorem 1.1.18 that T p (M) is 1‐dimensional. We say that a vector v in images is normal at p if v is in T p (M) If v is also a unit vector, it is said to be unit normal at p . In that case, since v is nonzero, we have T p (M) = ℝv . Let V be a (not necessarily smooth) vector field along M . We say that V is a normal vector field if V p is normal at p for all p in M . When V is both a unit vector field and a normal vector field, it is said to be a unit normal vector field.

Theorems 12.2.2–12.2.5 generalize in a straightforward fashion to the setting of a semi‐Riemannian hypersurface of a semi‐Riemannian manifold. It follows from the generalization of Theorem 12.2.5 that there is a (not necessarily smooth) unit normal vector field V along M such that V p , V p is independent of p in M . The common value of the V p , V p is denoted by ɛ M and called the sign of M . Thus,


for all p in M . We have from the generalization of Theorem 12.2.2(b) that


19.2 Curves

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold, let λ(t) : (a, b) → M be a smooth curve, and let g(u) : (c, d) → (a, b) be a diffeomorphism. The smooth curve λ ∘ g(u) : (c, d) → ℝ3 is said to be a smooth reparametrization of λ . Recall from Section 15.1 that the velocity of λ is the smooth curve (/dt)(t) : (a, b) → M , and that λ is said to be regular if its velocity is nowhere‐vanishing. The speed of λ is the (not necessarily smooth) curve ∥(/dt)(t)∥ : (a, b) → M . When ν = 0, λ is regular if and only if its speed is nowhere‐vanishing. We say that λ has constant speed if there is a real number c such that ∥(/dt)(t) ∥  = c for all t in (a, b). It is said that λ is spacelike (resp., timelike, lightlike) if (/dt)(t) is spacelike (resp., timelike, lightlike) for all t in (a, b). Also, λ is said to be future‐directed (past‐directed) if (/dt)(t) is future‐directed (past‐directed) for all t in (a, b).

Let λ(t) : [a, b] → M be a smooth curve on a closed interval. The length of λ is defined by

(19.2.1) equation

19.3 Fundamental Theorem of Semi‐Riemannian Manifolds

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold with a connection. Without further assumptions, there is no reason to expect images and to be related. We say that is compatible with images if

(19.3.1) equation

for all vector fields X, Y, Z in images , where the second equality follows from (18.1.1). According to definitions given in Section 18.4, images is a tensor field in images , and images is parallel (with respect to ) provided images .

The next result is sometimes called “the miracle of semi‐Riemannian geometry”

Throughout, unless stated otherwise, the connection on a semi‐Riemannian manifold is the Levi‐Civita connection.

With this convention, when we say that images is a semi‐Riemannian manifold, it is implicit that there is a connection on M , and it is the Levi‐Civita connection. On the other hand, the notation images indicates that images is a semi‐Riemannian manifold with a connection, but not necessarily the Levi‐Civita connection.

Christoffel symbols for a regular surface in images were introduced in Section 12.3, and for a smooth manifold with a connection in Section 18.2. As the next result shows, with a metric at our disposal, we can recover the identity for Christoffel symbols given in Theorem 12.3.3(b).

The next result shows that in normal coordinates at a given point, a semi‐Riemannian m‐manifold of index ν behaves like images with respect to the metric and the Christoffel symbols at that point.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold, let U be an open set in M , and let images be a frame on U . We say that images is orthonormal if images is an orthonormal basis for T p (M) for all p in U . When M is oriented, images is said to be positively oriented if images is positively oriented for all p in U .

We call upon Theorem 19.3.7 often, but usually without attribution.

19.4 Flat Maps and Sharp Maps

In this section, we present manifold versions of the flat maps and sharp maps defined in Section 3.3, Section 6.2, and Section 6.3.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold. For a given vector field X in images , we define a map



(19.4.1) equation

for all vector fields Y in images .

The flat map on M is the map


defined by the assignment


for all vector fields X in images . Thus, as a matter of notation,


The sharp map


on M is defined to be the inverse of images ; that is,


Let 1 ≤ k ≤ r and 1 ≤ l ≤ s + 1 be integers (so that r ≥ 1 and s ≥ 0). The ( k ,  l ) ‐flat map is denoted by


and defined (using Theorem 15.7.2) for all tensor fields images in images , all covector fields ω 1, …, ω r − 1 in images , and all vector fields X 1, …, X s + 1 in images as follows, where images indicates that an expression is omitted:

  • [F1] For r = 1 (so that k = 1):
  • [F2] For r ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ k ≤ r − 1:
  • [F3] For r ≥ 2 and k = r :

Similarly, let 1 ≤ k ≤ r + 1 and 1 ≤ l ≤ s be integers (so that r ≥ 0 and s ≥ 1). The ( k ,  l )sharp map is denoted by


and defined (using Theorem 15.7.2) for all tensor fields images in images , all covector fields ω 1, …, ω r + 1 in images , and all vector fields X 1, …, X s − 1 in images as follows:

  • [S1] For s = 1 (so that l = 1):
  • [S2] For s ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ l ≤ s − 1:
  • [S3] For s ≥ 2 and l = s :

19.5 Representation of Tensor Fields

The representation of tensor fields on smooth manifolds was considered in Section 15.7 . Let us now return to this topic with the additional structure afforded by semi‐Riemannian manifolds. We introduce smooth manifold counterparts of the representation map and scalar product map presented in Section 5.3 and Section 6.4, respectively, and link them using the characterization map defined in Section 15.5 and Section 15.7 . The notation is admittedly horrendous, but the ideas are essentially those introduced in the much less complicated setting of scalar product spaces.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold. Following Section B.5, we denote by


the C (M)‐module of C (M)‐multilinear maps from images to images , and by


the C (M)‐module of C (M)‐multilinear maps from images to C (M).

Let us define a map


called the scalar product map, by


for all maps Ψ in Mult images and all vector fields X 1, …, X s + 1 in images . We observe that images is the smooth manifold counterpart of the map defined by 6.4,1).

Let us now define a map


called the representation map, by

(19.5.1) equation

for all maps Ψ in images , all covector fields ω in images , and all vector fields X 1, …, X s in images . We observe that s is the smooth manifold counterpart of the map defined by (5.3.1). When s = 1, we denote


and obtain



(19.5.2) equation

for all maps Ψ in images , all covector fields ω in images , and all vector fields X in images .

Our efforts in this section, and much of what we previously developed in the area of “representations”, have ultimately been directed at obtaining the following result. It provides the long‐awaited justification for using the term “tensor” when referring to the torsion tensor and curvature tensor.

19.6 Contraction of Tensor Fields

The contraction of tensor fields on smooth manifolds was considered in Section 15.14. We now return to this topic armed with the properties of semi‐Riemannian manifolds.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold. Corresponding to the (k, 1)‐flat map images and the (k, l)‐sharp map images introduced in Section 19.4, we now define manifold versions of the metric contraction maps described in Section 6.5.

For integers r ≥ 2, s ≥ 0, and 1 ≤ k < l ≤ r , and motivated by (6.5.1), the ( k ,  l ) ‐contravariant metric contraction is the map


defined by

(19.6.1) equation

Corresponding to (6.5.2), we have


For integers r ≥ 0, s ≥ 2, and 1 ≤ k < l ≤ s , and motivated by (6.5.3), the ( k ,  l ) ‐covariant metric contraction is the map


defined by

(19.6.2) equation

Corresponding to (6.5.4), we have

(19.6.3) equation

In order to avoid confusion between metric contractions and the contractions defined in Section 15.14, we sometimes refer to the latter as ordinary contractions.

19.7 Isometries

Linear isometries on scalar product spaces were introduced in Section 4.4. We now describe their counterpart for semi‐Riemannian manifolds.

Let images and images be semi‐Riemannian manifolds with the same dimension, and let images be smooth maps. We say that F is an isometry, and that M and M are isometric, if F is a diffeomorphism and images , where, by definition, the latter condition is equivalent to images for all p in M . We say that G is a local isometry, and that M is locally isometric to M , if for every point p in M , there is a neighbourhood U of p in M and a neigh‐borhood U of G(p) in M such that G| U : images is an isometry. We have from Theorem 19.1.2. that images and images are semi‐Riemannian manifolds with the same dimension and index, so the preceding definition makes sense. Since every diffeomorphism is a local diffeomorphism, it follows that every isometry is a local isometry.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian m ‐manifold of index v , let p be a point in M , and let images be an orthonormal basis for T p (M). Replacing m with images in (18.10.1), we obtain the linear isomorphism


defined by

(19.7.2) equation

Using Theorem 14.1.6 and Theorem 14.2.5, let us now view images and images as semi‐Riemannian m ‐manifolds of index v , and p as a diffeomorphism.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold, and let p be a point in M . Let v and w be vectors in p , and recall from (18.9.4) the differential map


The next result shows that d v (exp p ) can be viewed as a “linear isometry along radial geodesics”.

19.8 Riemann Curvature Tensor

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian manifold. In this setting, the curvature tensor (field) R , originally introduced in the context of smooth manifolds with a connection, is called the Riemann curvature tensor (field). We define a map


also called the Riemann curvature tensor (field) by


for all vector fields X, Y, Z, W in images .

Working through the details of Figure 19.5.1, Theorem 19.5.5(b), and Theorem 19.8.1, we find that can be identified with R . It is usual to think of as being obtained from R by “lowering an index”. This explains the practice of referring to both and R as the Riemann curvature tensor.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian m‐manifold of index ν . We say that M is flat if for every point p in M , there is an isometry F p : images , where V is a neighborhood of p in M , and U is an open set in images . According to Theorem 19.1.2, open sets in semi‐Riemannian manifolds are semi‐Riemannian manifolds in their own right, so this definition makes sense. The preceding conditions are not the same as requiring M to be locally isometric to images , because there is no guarantee that the F p combine to give a smooth map from M to images .

The Riemann curvature tensor (in either of its manifestations) is a complicated mathematical object. The next result shows that in at least one instance, it has something explicitly geometric to say about “curvature”

19.9 Geodesics

In Section 18.8, a geodesic was defined to be a curve with zero acceleration. We now add to our knowledge of geodesics using the metric properties of semi‐Riemannian manifolds. In particular, we find a relationship between geodesics and length.

The next result demonstrates in a rigorous fashion the well‐known property of Euclidean space that the straight line segment joining any pair of distinct points is the shortest path between them.

Theorem 19.9.3 and the next result provide a dramatic illustration of how different the geometries of images and images are.

A generalization of Theorem 19.9.3 to arbitrary Riemannian manifolds is presented in Theorem 21.1.1. There is also a corresponding generalization of Theorem 19.9.5 to arbitrary Lorentz manifolds, but it is not included here.

19.10 Volume Forms

In Section 16.7, we discussed the integration of differential forms on smooth manifolds. The structure of semi‐Riemannian manifolds makes it possible to extend that theory to the integration of smooth functions.

Let images be an oriented semi‐Riemannian m ‐manifold, let Ω M be its volume form, and let f be a function in C (M) that has compact support. Then fΩ M is a form in Λ m (M) that has compact support. The integral of f over M is defined by


The volume of M is obtained by taking f to be the function in C (M) with constant value 1:


19.11 orientation of Hypersurfaces

In this section, we summarize and extend some of the earlier results on the orientation of hypersurfaces.

Let images be an oriented semi‐Riemannian images ‐manifold, where images , and let images be its volume form. Let images be a semi‐Riemannian hypersurface with boundary of images . We have from Theorem 17.1.5 that ∂M is a hypersurface of M . Suppose images is a semi‐Riemannian hypersurface of images . (We note that if images is Riemannian, then images and images are automatically Riemannian.) Our goal is to use the orientation of images to obtain an orientation of M , and in turn to use the orientation of M to find an orientation of ∂M .

We already have experience with this type of undertaking. To construct an orientation of M , suppose there is a nowhere‐tangent vector field V in images , and let images be the orientation of M induced by V . Then images is an oriented semi‐Riemannian hypersurface with boundary of images . Let Ω M be its volume form. It follows from Theorem 16.6.9 that: (i) for all points p in images is a basis for T p (M) that is positively oriented with respect to images if and only if images is a basis for images that is positively oriented with respect to images , and (ii) images is an orientation form on M that induces images . According to Theorem 19.11.2(a), images .

By Theorem 17.2.5, there is an outward‐pointing vector field W in images . Let images be the (Stokes) orientation of ∂M induced by W . Then images is an oriented semi‐Riemannian hypersurface of images . Let Ω ∂M be its volume form. It follows from Theorem 16.6.9 that: (iii) for all points q in images is a basis for T q (∂M) that is positively oriented with respect to images if and only if images is a basis for T q (M) that is positively oriented with respect to images , and (iv) i W M )| ∂M is an orientation form on ∂M that induces images . Once again, according to Theorem 19.11.2(a), i W M )| ∂M  = Ω ∂M . Combining (i) and (iii) gives (v): for all points q in images is a basis for T q (∂M) that is positively oriented with respect to images if and only if images is a basis for images that is positively oriented with respect to images .

The key to the above construction is the existence of a nowhere‐tangent vector field in images . Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that such a vector field exists. This is evident from Example 12.7.9 when we view the Möbius band as a hypersurface of the Riemannian 3‐manifold images . The Möbius band has no shortage of nowhere‐tangent vector fields, but none of them is smooth.

Let us note that in the above discussion, we did not take advantage of the metric properties of images , or ∂M . This has special relevance to the existence of nowhere‐tangent vector fields: in the context of semi‐Riemannian manifolds, the premier nowhere‐tangent vector field is a unit normal vector field.

The next result is a generalization of Theorem 12.7.6.

We noted above that for smooth manifolds with boundary, Theorem 17.2.5 ensures the existence of an outward‐pointing smooth vector field along the boundary. In the more specialized setting of semi‐Riemannian manifolds, the outward‐pointing smooth vector field can be upgraded to a unit normal smooth vector field, as we now show.

Diagram depicting smooth surfaces M and M bar that are represented by the surface and its boundary, respectively, with vectors present inside the surfaces.

Figure 19.11.2 Diagram for Theorem 19.11.4

We note that, taken together, parts (d) and (e) of the preceding theorem are consistent with Theorem 19.10.1. As an example of part (a), the outward‐pointing unit normal vector field for the unit sphere images is given by V (x, y, z) = (x, y, z), so


19.12 Induced Connections

In this section, we place the Euclidean derivative with respect to a vector field (Section 10.3) and the induced Euclidean derivative with respect to a vector field (Section 12.3) in the larger context of semi‐Riemannian manifolds.

Let images be a semi‐Riemannian images ‐manifold, and let images be a semi‐Riemannian m ‐submanifold, where images and are the Levi‐Civita connections. By definition, images and are maps

(19.12.1) equation



where images is the images ‐module of smooth vector fields on images , and images is the C (M)‐module of smooth vector fields on M . Recall from Section 15.1 that images is the C (M)‐module of smooth vector fields along M , and that images is a C (M)‐submodule of images .

For each point p in M , we have by definition and (14.8.1) that images is nondegenerate on the subspace T p (M) of images . By Theorem 4.1.3,


For brevity, let us denote the projection maps images and images by tan p and norp, respectively, so that


For each vector v in images , tan p (v) is a tangent vector at p , and nor p (v) is a normal vector at p . We define the corresponding maps




for all points p in M and all vector fields V in images . Thus,

(19.12.2) equation

Let X and V be vector fields in images and images , respectively. As it stands, images is not meaningful because X and V are not in images . It can be shown that for each p in M , there is a chart images on images at p and vector fields images and images in images such that X and images agree on images , and likewise for V and images . Let us define images to be the restriction of images to images . In this way, we obtain a map

(9.12.3) equation

called the induced connection on M . Using the notation images in both (19.12.1) and (19.12.3) is intentional and meant to emphasize the relatedness of the two

maps. For a given vector field X in images , the induced covariant derivative with respect to X is the map


defined by


for all V in images . Corresponding to Theorem 12.3.1, we have the following result.

We have from (19.12.2) and the preceding two theorems that


which is the counterpart of (12.9.4).

For clarity in what follows, let us temporarily denote the above semi‐Riemannian connection images and induced semi‐Riemannian connection images by images and images , respectively. Let us similarly denote the Euclidean connection D and the induced Euclidean connection D by D 1 and D 2 , respectively. The following table summarizes notation. In the above discussion of semi‐Riemannian connections, we began with images and , and then constructed images . By contrast, in the case of the Euclidean connection, we began with D 1 and D 2 , and then used Theorem 19.12.2 as a definition to construct .

Manifold images images
Submanifold images images
Induced connection images D 2
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