Chapter 15. Wrapping Up Your 3D Game

Here we go—you’re at the final stage in the development of your first 3D game. It looks good, sounds good, and plays well, and all that’s left to do is to add some game logic and wrap it up. First things first: you need a splash screen when your game starts. In addition, you’ll need to provide the player with some kind of an indicator when she reaches another level in the game. Why not use a splash screen between levels, too? Finally, you’ll need to have a screen that displays the final score when the game is over. Sounds like a good solution to these problems would be to create a splash screen game component that will let you display text on the screen. That way, you can reuse the same class for all three purposes just mentioned—and let’s face it, anytime you can reuse code, you’re saving yourself all kinds of time and headaches.

This chapter picks up where Chapter 14 left off. Open the project that you were working on at the end of Chapter 14 and use it throughout this chapter.

Adding a Splash Screen Game Component

Before we jump in and code your splash screen component, let’s step back and look at how this is going to work. Your Game1 class is going to manage different game states. Several states are possible: starting the game, playing the game, pausing the game between levels, and showing a game-over screen at the end of the game.

To help you manage these states, create an enum in your Game1 class that you will use to track changes from state to state during gameplay. Add the following lines of code at the class level of your Game1 class:

public enum GameState { START, PLAY, LEVEL_CHANGE, END}
GameState currentGameState = GameState.START;

In these lines, you first define an enum called GameState that enumerates all the possible game states, and then you create a variable that you’ll use to track the current game state and initialize that variable to the START game state. That should be helpful as you move through this chapter.

You’ll also need to add a way for the splash screen game component and the model manager game component to notify the Game1 class when a change in game state occurs. To that end, add the following method to the Game1 class:

public void ChangeGameState(GameState state, int level)
    currentGameState = state;

Later, you’ll add more logic to this method that will make use of the second parameter and will perform different tasks based on the changed game state. For now, this will do.

To add a splash screen game component, first you’ll need to create a blank game component class. Add a game component to your project and call the file SplashScreen.cs.

Remember that by default a game component does not have a Draw method and therefore will not draw anything. But what good would a splash screen component be if you couldn’t use it to draw text? Change the base class of the new game component from GameComponent to DrawableGameComponent, which will let your game component tie into the game loop’s Draw sequence.

Next, add the following class-level variables to your splash screen game component:

string textToDraw;
string secondaryTextToDraw;
SpriteFont spriteFont;
SpriteFont secondarySpriteFont;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
Game1.GameState currentGameState;

Your splash screen will have the ability to display a header in a larger font and some other text in a smaller font. The two SpriteFont variables and the SpriteBatch variable are included to facilitate the drawing of that text. Your currentGameState variable will track the current game state, so your splash screen will know what to do based on what state the game is currently in.

As you’ve probably guessed based on the SpriteFont variables you added, you now need to add a couple of spritefonts to your project. Right-click the 3D GameContent node in Solution Explorer and select AddNew Folder. Name the new folder Fonts. Then, right-click the new Fonts folder and select AddNew Item…. Select the Sprite Font template on the right and name your font SplashScreenFont.spritefont, as shown in Figure 15-1.

Creating a new spritefont
Figure 15-1. Creating a new spritefont

Next, add another spritefont (following the same steps), and call this one SplashScreenFontLarge.spritefont.

You’re going to use the SplashScreenFontLarge spritefont for the larger title text in the window. Open that file, and you’ll see that the content is XML-based. The second element of the font is a <Size> element. Change your SplashScreenFontLarge spritefont’s size to 16 by modifying that element as follows:


To make the larger text stand out a bit more, go ahead and modify the size of the SplashScreenFont spritefont as well. Open the SplashScreenFont.spritefont file and change the font to be smaller (size 10):


Next, in your SplashScreen class, you’ll need to add an override for the LoadContent method so you can load the spritefonts and initialize your SpriteBatch object. Add the following code in the SplashScreen class:

protected override void LoadContent(  )
    // Load fonts
    spriteFont = Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"fontsSplashScreenFontLarge");
    secondarySpriteFont = Game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"fontsSplashScreenFont");

    // Create sprite batch
    spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game.GraphicsDevice);

    base.LoadContent(  );

Your splash screen will display at the beginning of the game, at the end of the game, and between levels. But how will you make the game transition from splash screen to gameplay or game exit? What’s the best way to do that? That’s a good question, and there really is no right answer. This is another aspect of game development that comes down to personal preference. Often, splash screens are time-based and will fade to the next game state after a few moments. Others may disappear when a key is pressed or a mouse button is clicked. Still others aren’t even separate screens, but are just overlaid during gameplay and fade out slowly. Exactly how you want to do this is all up to you.

For the purposes of this book, we’re going to make the screens transition by pressing the Enter key. To implement that, you’ll need to catch any Enter key presses in the Update method of your SplashScreen class. If an Enter key press is detected, you’ll either notify the Game1 class that a change in game state is needed or exit the game completely. Which of those you do depends on the current game state (i.e., is the SplashScreen component currently showing a start, level-change, or game-over screen?).

Change the Update method of your SplashScreen class to the following:

public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
    // Did the player hit Enter?
    if (Keyboard.GetState(  ).IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
        // If we're not in end game, move to play state
        if (currentGameState == Game1.GameState.LEVEL_CHANGE ||
            currentGameState == Game1.GameState.START)
            ((Game1)Game).ChangeGameState(Game1.GameState.PLAY, 0);

        // If we are in end game, exit
        else if (currentGameState == Game1.GameState.END)
            Game.Exit(  );


Because the splash screen should never be displayed during the PLAY game state, the only states that you’re checking for are START, LEVEL_CHANGE, and END. If the current state is either of the first two, you’re going to transition to a PLAY state, so you call the Game1 class’s ChangeGameState and notify the class of that change. If the current state is END, the game exits when the player presses the Enter key.

Next, you need to add the code that will actually draw the text. Of course, this is done in a Draw method, which you currently do not have. You’ll need to create an override of the Draw method and add the code to draw the large title text and the smaller subtitle text:

public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
    spriteBatch.Begin(  );

    // Get size of string
    Vector2 TitleSize = spriteFont.MeasureString(textToDraw);

    // Draw main text
    spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, textToDraw,        new Vector2(Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2
            - TitleSize.X / 2,
            Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2),

    // Draw subtext
        new Vector2(Game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2
            - secondarySpriteFont.MeasureString(
                secondaryTextToDraw).X / 2,
            Game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2 +
            TitleSize.Y + 10),

    spriteBatch.End(  );


Notice that the first call to DrawString uses the larger SpriteFont object and centers the text using the screen width and height, as well as the TitleSize Vector2 object, which holds the size of the title text as given by the SpriteFont.MeasureString method. The second DrawString call also centers the text horizontally the same way, but it places the text vertically just below the title text by using the size of the title text as an offset.

The final piece of the SplashScreen class is a method that will enable the Game1 class to set the text that needs to be displayed and to set the current game state. Add this method to the SplashScreen class:

public void SetData(string main, Game1.GameState currGameState)
    textToDraw = main;
    this.currentGameState = currGameState;

    switch (currentGameState)
        case Game1.GameState.START:
        case Game1.GameState.LEVEL_CHANGE:
            secondaryTextToDraw = "Press ENTER to begin";
        case Game1.GameState.END:
            secondaryTextToDraw = "Press ENTER to quit";

The secondary text is set depending on the game state, whereas the primary text is passed into the method with the new game state. Now that your SplashScreen class is ready to go, all you need to do is hook up the component to your game. Add a SplashScreen variable at the class level of your Game1 class, together with a variable to keep track of scoring. You’ll be adding scoring to the game later, and you’ll want to display the player’s score when the game is over:

SplashScreen splashScreen;
int score = 0;

Next, you’ll need to initialize the SplashScreen component and add it to the list of game components in Game1’s Initialize method. Currently, the method looks like this:

protected override void Initialize()
    // Initialize Camera
    camera = new Camera(this, new Vector3(0, 0, 50),
        Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);

    // Initialize model manager
    modelManager = new ModelManager(this);


Modify the Initialize method as shown here (added lines are in bold):

protected override void Initialize(  )
    // Initialize Camera
    camera = new Camera(this, new Vector3(0, 0, 50),
        Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);

    // Initialize model manager
    modelManager = new ModelManager(this);
    modelManager.Enabled = false;
    modelManager.Visible = false;

    // Splash screen component
    splashScreen = new SplashScreen(this);
    splashScreen.SetData("Welcome to Space Defender!",

    base.Initialize(  );

The first two lines are added directly after the Components.Add(modelManager) line. These lines disable the modelManager component. Why are you doing this? Because you’re going to begin your game with the splash screen. When the splash screen is active, the model manager needs to be inactive, and vice versa. Next, you initialize the SplashScreen component, add it to the list of components, and set its initial values via the SetData method.

The next thing you’ll need to look at is the Update method. Currently, every time Update is called, you’re checking the keyboard for a space bar key press and, if one occurs, firing a shot. You’re going to want to do this now only if the current game state is set to PLAY.

The current Update method of your Game1 class should look something like this:

protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
    // Allows the game to exit
    if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back ==
        this.Exit(  );

    // See if the player has fired a shot


Surround the call to the FireShots method with an if statement so that new shots will be fired only if the game is in the PLAY state:

// Only check for shots if you're in the play game state
if (currentGameState == GameState.PLAY)
    // See if the player has fired a shot

Next, you’ll need to do the same sort of thing in the Draw method, as you’re currently drawing a crosshair every time that method is called. Surround that code with a similar if statement so that the crosshair is drawn only if the game is in the PLAY state (the added code is in bold):

protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)


    // Only draw crosshair if in play game state
    if (currentGameState == GameState.PLAY)
        // Draw the crosshair
        spriteBatch.Begin(  );

            new Vector2((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2)
                - (crosshairTexture.Width / 2),
                (Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2)
                - (crosshairTexture.Height / 2)),

        spriteBatch.End(  );

Finally, you’ll need to flesh out the ChangeGameState method. Currently, all it does is set the currentGameState variable. You’ll need to add some action to stop or play the soundtrack music and enable/disable the splash screen and model manager components, based on the game state to which the game is transitioning. Modify the method as follows:

public void ChangeGameState(GameState state, int level)
    currentGameState = state;

    switch (currentGameState)
        case GameState.LEVEL_CHANGE:
            splashScreen.SetData("Level " + (level + 1),
            modelManager.Enabled = false;
            modelManager.Visible = false;
            splashScreen.Enabled = true;
            splashScreen.Visible = true;

            // Stop the soundtrack loop

        case GameState.PLAY:
            modelManager.Enabled = true;
            modelManager.Visible = true;
            splashScreen.Enabled = false;
            splashScreen.Visible = false;

            if (trackCue.IsPlaying)

            // To play a stopped cue, get the cue from the soundbank again
            trackCue = soundBank.GetCue("Tracks");

        case GameState.END:
            splashScreen.SetData("Game Over.
Level: " + (level + 1) +
Score: " + score, GameState.END);
            modelManager.Enabled = false;
            modelManager.Visible = false;
            splashScreen.Enabled = true;
            splashScreen.Visible = true;

            // Stop the soundtrack loop

OK, we’re almost there. You have a game that starts in a splash screen mode based on the START state. Your splash screen transitions to the PLAY state or exits the game, based on the current state. The last step in this process is to add the logic to transition from PLAY to LEVEL_CHANGE or END.

First, let’s take care of the PLAYLEVEL_CHANGE transition. Remember that you coded the game to spawn X number of enemy ships per level. The transition to a new level should take place when the final ship has passed the camera or been destroyed. To make the game flow a little better, let’s also add the stipulation that all explosions should be finished as well. That way, when you destroy the final ship, the game won’t immediately go to a splash screen but instead will let you witness the explosion, and then make the transition.

In the CheckToSpawnEnemy method of your ModelManager class, you have an if statement that checks to see whether the number of enemies spawned in this level is less than the number of enemies allowed in this level (if (enemiesThisLevel < levelInfoList[currentLevel].numberEnemies)). If this condition is true, there are more enemies to be spawned in this level, and you’re checking to see whether it’s time to spawn a new enemy. However, if it’s false, that is your first indication that it’s time to move to a new level. Add to that if statement the following else block, which will check to see whether all explosions have been wrapped up and, if so, transition to a new level (the entire method is shown here for clarity):

protected void CheckToSpawnEnemy(GameTime gameTime)
    // Time to spawn a new enemy?
    if (enemiesThisLevel <
        timeSinceLastSpawn += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
        if (timeSinceLastSpawn > nextSpawnTime)
            SpawnEnemy(  );
        if (explosions.Count == 0 && models.Count == 0)
            enemiesThisLevel = 0;
            missedThisLevel = 0;

If all ships and explosions have been removed from their respective lists and the number of enemies to be spawned in this level has been reached, you have nothing else to do in this level and it’s time to move to the next. To move to the next level, you need to increment the currentLevel variable, reset a couple of counters (enemiesThisLevel and missedThisLevel), and notify the Game1 class of the change in game state.

That’s all there is to it. Now, let’s add a transition from the PLAY to the END game state.

In the UpdateModels method of the ModelManager class, you have two places where you remove ships from the list of ships using models.RemoveAt. One of these is the case where a player shoots a ship, and the other is the case where a ship gets past the camera and escapes. The game will end when more ships escape than are allowed per level. You have a variable set up to track that already (missedThisLevel), but you aren’t doing anything with it. The current UpdateModels method looks like this:

protected void UpdateModels(  )
    // Loop through all models and call Update
    for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; ++i)
        // Update each model
        models[i].Update(  );

        // Remove models that are out of bounds
        if (models[i].GetWorld(  ).Translation.Z >
            ((Game1)Game).camera.cameraPosition.Z + 100)

Modify the UpdateModels method to increment the missedThisLevel variable when a ship escapes and to move the game to an end-game state when the maximum number of missed ships is reached. The new method should look like this (added lines are in bold):

protected void UpdateModels(  )
    // Loop through all models and call Update
    for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; ++i)
        // Update each model
        models[i].Update(  );

        // Remove models that are out of bounds
        if (models[i].GetWorld(  ).Translation.Z >
            ((Game1)Game).camera.cameraPosition.Z + 100)
            // If player has missed more than allowed, game over
            if (missedThisLevel >
                    Game1.GameState.END, currentLevel);


Basically, what’s happening here is that every time a ship escapes, you increment the missedThisLevel variable. When that variable exceeds the number of misses allowed, the game is over and the Game1 class is notified.

OK, let’s give it a shot. Compile and run your game, and you should be greeted with a nice intro splash screen (see Figure 15-2). You can also play the game now, and it should transition from level to level and display another splash screen when the game is over.

Nice welcoming intro splash screen
Figure 15-2. Nice welcoming intro splash screen

Because your splash screen is a game component, you can customize it just like you would when programming a game. Add a fancy background image, add sound…do whatever you want to make it more exciting and fun.

Keeping Score

You have levels and end-game logic now, but what’s the fun when your score is always zero? In this section, you’ll flesh out scoring for the game. You’re already displaying the score at the end of the game, but you’ll want to let players see their scores as they play. To do that, add a class-level SpriteFont variable to your Game1 class, with which you’ll draw the score:

SpriteFont scoreFont;

And yes, that’s right: the next thing that you’ll need to do is add a new spritefont to your project. Right-click the 3D GameContentFonts folder in Solution Explorer and select AddNew Item…. Select the Sprite Font template on the right and name the file ScoreFont.spritefont.

To make your scoring font stand out a bit more, open the ScoreFont.spritefont file and find the <Style> element. This element lets you tweak properties such as setting the text in bold, italics, etc. Change the spritefont to use a bold font by changing the <Style> tag as follows:



The <Style> tag entries are case-sensitive, as it says in the actual spritefont file. Make sure you use the text Bold instead of bold or BOLD.

Next, in the LoadContent method of your Game1 class, add the following code to load the font:

scoreFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"FontsScoreFont");

Now you’ll want to use that spritefont to draw the score on the screen. In addition to just drawing the score, though, it would be helpful for players to see how many more ships they can miss in each level.

To do that, you’ll need to add a way for the Game1 class to check how many misses are left (that data is stored in your ModelManager class). Add the following public accessor to the ModelManager class:

public int missesLeft
    get { return
        - missedThisLevel; }

Now that you have the information you need to display on the screen, it’s time to look at drawing the text on the screen. Being as brilliant as you are (yes, being smart enough to purchase this book denotes a certain level of brilliance), you’ve probably already realized that you need to do this in the Draw method of your Game1 class. Remember that spritefonts are drawn with the SpriteBatch.DrawString method, and because they use a SpriteBatch object, that code must be between the SpriteBatch.Begin and SpriteBatch.End calls.

So, add the following code between the SpriteBatch.Begin and SpriteBatch.End calls in the Draw method of your Game1 class:

// Draw the current score
string scoreText = "Score: " + score;
spriteBatch.DrawString(scoreFont, scoreText,
    new Vector2(10, 10), Color.Red);

// Let the player know how many misses he has left
spriteBatch.DrawString(scoreFont, "Misses Left: " +
    new Vector2(10, scoreFont.MeasureString(scoreText).Y + 20),

Finally, there has to be a way to adjust the score. The score variable is part of your Game1 class, but the means for detecting when a change in score should occur (i.e., when a shot hits a ship) lies in the ModelManager class. You’ll need to add a method to your Game1 class that will let your ModelManager adjust the score:

public void AddPoints(int points)
    score += points;

This very simple method will add points passed in as a parameter to the overall point total.

Now all that’s left is to add the scoring mechanism to the ModelManager class itself. First, let’s figure out how many points each kill is worth. This is another area where you can be creative and figure out a formula that works for you. A couple of common methods are using either a flat system (i.e., all ships are always worth X points) or an increased payoff method (i.e., ships are worth more and more points as the game progresses). For this game, you’re going to implement the latter strategy. But first, you need a starting point. Add the following class-level variable to your ModelManager class:

const int pointsPerKill = 20;

You’ll take this initial value and multiply it by the current level to give the actual point value for each kill (e.g., level-1 kills are worth 20, level-2 kills are worth 40, etc.). The last step here is to add the actual score change. Remember that in the ModelManager class there are two places where you call models.RemoveAt to remove an enemy ship: in the UpdateModels method, when a ship escapes and is out of bounds, and in the UpdateShots method, when a shot hits a ship.

You’re going to need to add some code that will update the score when a shot hits a ship. At the end of the UpdateShots method there is a call to models.RemoveAt that removes the ship, followed by a call to shots.RemoveAt that removes the shot that hit the ship. Immediately before those calls to RemoveAt, add the following line, which will adjust the game score:

((Game1)Game).AddPoints(pointsPerKill * (currentLevel + 1));

There you have it. Now all that’s left to do is play your game and challenge your friends to beat your score. The end-game screen is shown in Figure 15-3, with a stellar score.

680! Simply amazing…
Figure 15-3. 680! Simply amazing…

Adding a Power-Up

You’ve done well here: you’ve built your first 3D game, complete with scoring and increasingly difficult levels, and packed with a ton of fun! Before we end this chapter, though, let’s do one more thing. Not that games are boring, but anything that breaks up the monotony of regular gameplay goes a long way toward making a game even more exciting and addicting.

In this section, you’ll add a power-up feature that will be awarded when a player gets three consecutive kills. The power-up will let the player shoot in a rapid-fire mode for 10 seconds. I know…that sounds really exciting, so let’s get to it.

First, you’ll want to add a sound effect that you’ll play when the rapid-fire power-up is awarded. With the source code for this chapter, in the 3D Game3D GameContentAudio folder, you’ll find a sound effect called RapidFire.wav. Copy that file to your project’s 3D GameContentAudio directory in Windows Explorer. Remember not to add the file to your project in Visual Studio, because you’ll be adding it to your XACT project file.

Open your XACT project file from within XACT, add the RapidFire.wav sound to the wave bank, and create a sound cue for that sound. Then, save the XACT project file and close XACT (see Chapter 6 if you need more help editing an XACT project file).

In addition to including an audio sound effect when the player receives the power-up, it would be a good idea to include a text indicator. This will help alleviate any confusion as to why all of a sudden the player can shoot so quickly. To do this, add a new spritefont to your project in Visual Studio by right-clicking the 3D GameContentFonts folder and selecting AddNew Item…. Select the Sprite Font template on the right and name the file PowerupFont.spritefont.

Open the PowerupFont.spritefont file and change the size of the font by modifying the <Size> element as follows:


Also, modify the style to display in bold:


OK, now let’s dig into the code and see how this will work. You’re going to give the player a power-up when she hits three ships in a row without letting any ships get past her. To do this, you’ll need to keep track of consecutive kills without letting a ship escape. The power-up decreases the delay between shots and expires after 10 seconds, so you’ll have to keep that in mind as well. Open your Game1 class and add the following class-level variables:

int originalShotDelay = 300;
public enum PowerUps { RAPID_FIRE }
int shotDelayRapidFire = 100;
int rapidFireTime = 10000;
int powerUpCountdown = 0;
string powerUpText = "";
int powerUpTextTimer = 0;
SpriteFont powerUpFont;

Let’s look at these variables and what they’re for:


When the power-up starts, you’ll modify the shotDelay variable to give the rapid-fire functionality. After 10 seconds, you’ll need to set it back to its original value. This variable simply holds the original value so you can reset it when the power-up expires.

PowerUps enum

This enumerates all possible power-ups, in case you want to add more later.


This represents the shot delay in rapid-fire mode. Normally, it’s 300, so you’ll be firing three times as fast. Sweet!


This is the time (in milliseconds) that the power-up will last.


This is the time counter that keeps track of how long the power-up has been in effect.


This is the text to display when a power-up is awarded.


This is the time counter that keeps track of how long the power-up text has been on the screen.


This specifies the font with which to draw the power-up text.

Next, you’ll need to load the spritefont you just created into your powerUpFont variable. Add the following line of code to the LoadContent method of your Game1 class:

powerUpFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"fontsPowerupFont");

Now you need a way to turn off the power-up. All that happens when the power-up expires is that the shotDelay variable is set back to its original value. Add to your Game1 class the following method, which you’ll use to cancel your power-up:

private void CancelPowerUps(  )
    shotDelay = originalShotDelay;

In the Update method of your Game1 class, you’ll do the check to determine when a power-up expires. This is time-based, so you’ll be using the gameTime variable to decrement your powerUpCountdown timer. Once that timer reaches zero, you’ll cancel the power-up(s) by calling the CancelPowerUps method. Add to the Game1 class the following method, which will update your power-up timer and expire the power-up when needed:

protected void UpdatePowerUp(GameTime gameTime)
    if (powerUpCountdown > 0)
        powerUpCountdown −= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
        if (powerUpCountdown <= 0)
            CancelPowerUps(  );
            powerUpCountdown = 0;

Next, call the UpdatePowerUp method at the end of the Update method of your Game1 class, just before the call to base.Update:

// Update power-up timer

You’re going to need to add a public method to Game1 that will let the model manager activate a power-up as well. Add the following method to your Game1 class:

public void StartPowerUp(PowerUps powerUp)
    switch (powerUp)
        case PowerUps.RAPID_FIRE:
            shotDelay = shotDelayRapidFire;
            powerUpCountdown = rapidFireTime;
            powerUpText = "Rapid Fire Mode!";
            powerUpTextTimer = 1000;

Why the switch statement using the PowerUps enum? It’s just setting up the code to let you add other power-ups if you want. In the case of the rapid-fire power-up, first you set the new shot delay, and then you set the power-up countdown. Next, you set the power-up text to indicate rapid-fire mode and set the text timer to show that text for one second. Finally, you play the sound notifying the player that a power-up has been received.

Because the shotDelay variable is already being used to determine the delay between shots, there’s nothing more to do in terms of enabling the rapid-fire functionality. However, you will want to draw the power-up text on the screen while the value of the powerUpTextTimer is greater than zero. To do that, add the following code to the Draw method of your Game1 class, immediately before the call to spriteBatch.End:

// If power-up text timer is live, draw power-up text
if (powerUpTextTimer > 0)
    powerUpTextTimer −= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
    Vector2 textSize = powerUpFont.MeasureString(powerUpText);
        new Vector2((Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2) -
        (textSize.X / 2),
        (Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2) -
        (textSize.Y / 2)),

This isn’t anything you haven’t seen before. If the text timer is greater than zero, decrement it with the elapsed time and then draw the string. You center the string just as you’ve done previously, using the SpriteFont.MeasureString method to determine the size of the string being drawn.

The last thing you’ll need to do in the Game1 class is cancel any power-ups that are in effect when a level ends. For example, you don’t want somebody to get a power-up at the end of level 2 and then have that power-up continue into the beginning of level 3.


Why shouldn’t the power-up carry over from one level to the next? Well, like so many things in game development, this is a personal decision. Maybe you would prefer it to carry over, and maybe you wouldn’t. In my opinion, it’s better to cancel it between levels, so that’s what we’re doing in this book. However, feel free to create the world the way you want it. You can add different power-ups of your own and/or customize the current one. This is your world, and you get to do whatever you want with it.

Add a call to the CancelPowerUps method at the top of the ChangeGameState method in your Game1 class:

CancelPowerUps(  );

Now let’s move on to the ModelManager class. This class doesn’t have a lot to do with this particular power-up because the power-up affects only shots, which are primarily handled in the Game1 class. However, you’ll still need to keep track of when to start a power-up. Because this power-up is based on consecutive kills and kills are handled in the ModelManager, it makes sense to have this logic reside in this class.

Add the following class-level variables to your ModelManager class:

public int consecutiveKills = 0;
int rapidFireKillRequirement = 3;

The first variable will keep track of how many consecutive kills the player currently has, whereas the second variable tracks the number of consecutive kills required to grant the power-up. Note the first variable is public; that’s because you’ll be accessing it from the Game1 class to reset the count once a power-up has finished.

The only times when you’re removing ships from the list of ships are when a ship escapes and when one is shot. In both cases, you’ll be modifying the value of the consecutiveKills variable (when a ship escapes, consecutiveKills becomes 0, and when a ship is shot, consecutiveKills is incremented).

First, find the models.RemoveAt call at the end of the UpdateModels method that indicates a ship has escaped. In that same block of code, you’re setting the game state to END with the Game1.ChangeGameState method if the game is over.

Add a line of code immediately before the call to models.RemoveAt, at the end of the UpdateModels method:

// Reset the kill count
consecutiveKills = 0;

The other place where you call models.RemoveAt indicates that a ship has been hit with a shot. This is at the end of the UpdateShots method. In this block, you’re also playing the explosion sound with the Game1.PlayCue method. Add the following code immediately after the call to play the Explosions cue (the line reads PlayCue("Explosions")):

// Update consecutive kill count
// and start power-up if requirement met
if (consecutiveKills == rapidFireKillRequirement)

After every kill, you increment the number of consecutive kills. If that counter ever equals the number required to grant the power-up, the power-up is granted via the Game1.StartPowerUp method.

Finally, you’ll want to reset the kill count once a power-up has completed. Do this by adding the following line to the beginning of the CancelPowerUps method in your Game1 class:

modelManager.consecutiveKills = 0;

Oh yeah! You’re ready to test it out. Compile and run the game. If your aim is good enough, you’ll see that the power-up is granted after you’ve hit three ships in a row, as shown in Figure 15-4.

Not bad at all. The game is complete! Feel free to add other power-ups, notification indicators, sound effects, and whatever else you want to make this game yours and have it play exactly the way you want.

Oh yeah! All your base are belong to me!!!
Figure 15-4. Oh yeah! All your base are belong to me!!!

What You Just Did

There’s only one thing left to do to this game, and that’s make the thing work on an Xbox 360. We’ll look at how to do that in the next chapter. But first, let’s review what you did here:

  • You added a splash screen game component.

  • You implemented game states and transitions between the start, play, level change, and end game states.

  • You implemented a scoring system based on the current level.

  • You added a rapid-fire power-up.

  • You made all of your wildest dreams come true. (Well…at least a couple of them.)

Test Your Knowledge: Exercise

Create a multishot power-up that, when active, will fire four shots instead of one. Instead of shooting one shot in the center of the camera, when the multishot is active, shoot one shot from above and right of the camera, one from above and left, one from below and right, and one from below and left.

When the player shoots three ships in a row, the game will randomly choose which power-up to activate (rapid fire or multishot).

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