Position Yourself for a Stretch Assignment

by Claudio Fernández-Aráoz

I once hired a McKinsey consultant for a country manager role in a developing region. Two years later, despite great success, he told me he wanted to find a job at another company in his home country. I could see he was motivated, and still eager to grow, so I pushed him to instead think about what larger global roles he could perform for his current employer. He did and was soon appointed to manage the company’s entire international business from headquarters. It was a stretch assignment for him, but one in which he has thrived.

Companies everywhere, in nearly every industry, can struggle to fill their talent pipelines. As a result, many organizations—like the one in the story above—are willing to consider candidates—like that country manager—who aren’t a perfect fit for a particular role now, but who could be soon. They’re willing to give people stretch assignments, which presents a huge opportunity for ambitious job-seekers. So how do you position yourself to take advantage of the situation? Ask the following questions.

Do you really have what it takes?

To win and succeed in a stretch assignment, high potentials need to have the right motive (a willingness to have an impact on others in a selfless way), the right leadership assets (including, among others, the ability to learn, stay resilient, and connect), and be willing to accept the costs of a senior executive position.

Is it the right opportunity?

Not all stretch assignments are created equal. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Moving within a company tends to work better than switching to a different one. You will fit more easily into the culture, retain part of your social capital, and have larger chances to recover if you fail.
  • Short-term projects are a good way to stretch without committing to a permanent change. Consider starting small projects even without a mandate.
  • Although it’s important to explore the parts of the organization you know best, the most meaningful stretch assignments are the ones that push you not just into more responsibility but into more cross-cultural collaboration (whether it’s working across units, functions, or geographies). This is a key competence for global leaders.
  • Challenge yourself just enough. The sweet spot of development for high achievers is when you have a 50% to 70% chance of success.
  • You can’t do it alone. Choose a trusted adviser to help you confirm your true strengths, and decide who you want to be, what assignment to look for, and how to get it.

How can you get it?

Assuming you have what it takes, and the assignment is right, here are some tips for securing it:

  • Choose the right sponsor. Identify the executive with the best mix of power and credibility to put you forward for the job, and openly share your ambitions.
  • Explain very clearly why you should get the assignment. Demonstrate that you have the competence required, even if your previous experience doesn’t look too relevant. For example, a track record of effectively working across functions or units may be a relevant indicator of your ability to work in a larger global role.
  • Plan and discuss your integration. Understand the key challenges and conditions for success, including internal communication and resources. Define a realistic timetable for objectives, including learning, building relationships, and scoring early wins.
  • Be prepared to work very hard. Succeeding in a stretch assignment requires a huge commitment—only proportional to the eventual reward.


Claudio Fernández-Aráoz is a senior adviser at the global executive search firm Egon Zehnder, an executive fellow at Harvard Business School, and the author of It’s Not the How or the What but the Who (Harvard Business Review Press, 2014).

Adapted from content posted on, March 27, 2012.

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