Creating Picture Formats with the FORMAT Procedure

A Brief Overview

The FORMAT procedure enables you to define your own formats for variables. The VALUE statement is commonly used to create numeric or character formats by defining character strings to display in place of values. Suppose you have airline data and you want to create several custom formats that you can use for your report. You need to create three different types of formats to do these tasks:
  • group airline routes into zones
  • label airport codes as International or Domestic
  • group cargo revenue figures into ranges
You can use PROC FORMAT with the VALUE statement to create two character formats, $ROUTES. and $DEST., and a numeric format, REVFMT.
Suppose one of the variables in your data set has numeric values that you want to format a certain way. For example, you have an emergency phone number listed for each of the flight crew members in your data set. The number is listed as 5556874239 and you want to format it as (555) 687-4239.
Use the PICTURE statement to create a custom format that specifies a template for displaying a numeric value. Define a format that accepts special characters, such as leading zeros, commas, and negative numbers. Only numeric variables can have picture formats. For example, the following PICTURE statement tells SAS to print numbers in the specified format.
PICTURE phonepix OTHER= '(999)999-9999';

PICTURE Statement Syntax

The PICTURE statement creates a format that specifies a template for displaying numeric values.
Syntax, PROC FORMAT with the PICTURE statement:
PICTURE format-name <(format-options)>
<value-range-set-1 = 'template-value' (template-options)>
<value-range-set-n = 'template-value' (template-options)>;
is the name of the format that you are creating.
Note: A user-defined format cannot be the name of a format supplied by SAS. The name must be a valid SAS name. A numeric format name can be up to 32 characters long.
specifies one or more variable values and a template for printing those values. value-range-set has the following form: value-or-range = 'template-value'.
a single value, such as 12 or a range of values, such as 1-100.
specifies a template for formatting values of numeric variables.
digit selectors
are numeric characters (0 through 9) that define positions for numeric values.
are special characters that you can use in the template to format date, time, or datetime value.
template options
are specific to the specified template.
format options
are specific to the format as a whole, which includes all templates created by the PICTURE statement.

Example: Using the PICTURE Statement

The following example uses the PICTURE statement, which contains both digit selectors and message characters. Since the RAINAMT. format has nonzero digit selectors, values are printed with leading zeros. A numeric range is used to include or exclude values in a range using the less than symbol (<) preceded or followed by the value. For example, the 2<-4 range does not include 2, but includes 4. However, 4<-<10 excludes both 4 and 10. The keyword OTHER is used to print values and message characters for any values that do not fall into the specified range.
Note: Not all values are printed with leading zeros. Values that are printed with leading zeros might not have an available format to display.
proc format;
   picture rainamt
           0-2='9.99 slight'
           2<-4='9.99 moderate'
           4<-<10='9.99 heavy'
           other='999 check value';
proc print data=certadv.rain;
   format amount rainamt.;
The following output shows the values with the RAINAMT. format applied.
Figure 13.1 PROC PRINT Output with the RAINAMT. Format Applied
RAINAMT. format

Creating Custom Date, Time, and Datetime Formats Using Directives

Suppose you have the date value July 1 2019 and the time value 8:30:10 a.m. You need to create three new columns with the date and time values, StartDate, StartTime, and StartDateTime columns. You are given specific requirements for displaying the date and time values in those columns. The data in the columns must look like the figure below.
Figure 13.2 Custom Date, Time, and Datetime Formats Illustration
Custom Date, Time, and Datetime Formats Illustration
Currently, SAS does not supply formats that can create the columns that match the figure above. However, you can use directives to create the templates that you need. Directives are special characters that define a template to display date, time, or datetime values. If you use directives, you must specify the DATATYPE= option in the PICTURE statement after the template. This option specifies that the picture applies to a SAS date, SAS time, or SAS datetime value.
Syntax, PICTURE statement with the DATATYPE= option:
PICTURE format-name (DEFAULT=length)
specifies the default length of the formatted value. If the DEFAULT= option is not used, the length of the formatted value is based on the length of the longest template.
specifies special characters that define a template for the display of date, time, or datetime values. The special characters must be placed within quotation marks.
enables the use of directives in the template to format date, time, or datetime values. The DATATYPE= option must be specified for each value-range set. The DATATYPE= option must be placed within parentheses.

Specifying Date and Time Directives

The percent sign (%) followed by a letter indicates a directive. Directives that you can use to create a picture format are listed in the table below.
Table 13.1 Date Directives
Weekday name in full
Weekday name, the first three letters
Day of the month in one or two digits
2 or 11
Day of month two digits
Month name in full
Month name, the first three letters
Month number in one or two digits
4 or 12
Month number in two digits
Year in four digits
Year in two digits
For example, the SAS date value of 21731 is equivalent to Mon-1–Jul-2019. You would use the following directives to transform 21731 to Mon-1-Jul-2019: %a-%d-%3B-%Y.
Table 13.2 Time Directives
Hour, 24-hour clock in one or two digits
Hour, 24-hour clock in two digits with a leading zero
Hour, 12-hour clock in one or two digits
Hour, 12-hour clock in two digits with a leading zero
Minute in one or two digits
Minute, in two digits with a leading zero
Second in one or two digits
Second in two digits with a leading zero
AM or PM
The time value 30610 is equivalent to H:8 M:30 S:10. You would use the following directive to transform 30610 to 8:30:10: H:%H M:%M S:%S.
Or you can transform 30610 to H:08 M:30 S:10 using the following directive: H:%0H M:%0M S:%0S.
Note: To add a leading zero before a single digit, insert a 0 before the directive. When you add a leading zero, it is changing only the values of hour, minute, seconds, and so on, to display a leading zero. It is not changing any other part of the output.
When you create a template with a directive, the maximum length of the formatted value is the length of 8. Use DEFAULT= to set a length that is greater than the default length of 8.

Example: Using Directives

Suppose you want to display values for employee hire dates in the format dd-mmmyyyy (such as 25-JAN2017) for the Certadv.Empdata data set.
Figure 13.3 Certadv.Empdata Data Set before Format Is Applied (partial output)
Certadv.Empdata Data Set Before Format is Applied
This format requires spaces for 10 characters.
  • The keywords LOW and HIGH are used to include all values.
  • The %0d directive indicates that if the day of the month is one digit, it should be preceded by a 0.
  • Because there are only nine characters inside the single quotation marks, use DEFAULT= to increase the length to 10. If you omit DEFAULT=, the length is 8.
proc format;
   picture mydate (default=10)
           low-high='%0d-%3b%Y' (datatype=date);

proc print data=certadv.empdata 
     (keep=division hireDate lastName obs=5);
   format hiredate mydate.;
The output below shows the values for HireDate formatted with the MYDATE. picture format.
Figure 13.4 PROC PRINT Result of MYDATE. Picture Format (partial output)
MYDATE. picture format

Creating Custom Numeric Formats

PICTURE Statement Syntax with Digit Selectors

The PICTURE statement can also use digit selectors with non-numeric characters. You can use the ROUND, MULTIPLIER=, and PREFIX= options for the template.
Syntax, PICTURE statement using digit selectors:
PICTURE format-name (ROUND DEFAULT=length)
value-or-range-1='digit selectors with non-numeric characters'
rounds the value to the nearest integer.
specifies a number to multiply the value by.
specifies a character string to place in front of the formatted value.

Digit Selectors with Non-Numeric Characters

You can use digit selectors (0 through 9) to define positions for numeric values. Digit selectors of 0 do not print leading zeros. Nonzero digit selectors print leading zeros. The digit selector 9 is commonly used as the nonzero digit selector. Non-numeric characters are printed as specified. The following example specifies a digit selector with non-numeric characters.
picture Discount (round) low-high='009.9%' (multiplier=10);
If the template contains digit selectors, then a digit selector must be the first character in the template. Use the PREFIX= option to specify a character string to place in front of the formatted value.


Use the MULTIPLER=n option to specify a number that the variable's value will be multiplied by before the variable is formatted. The value of the MULTIPLIER= option depends both on the result of the multiplication and on the digit selectors in the picture portion of value-range-set.
Suppose you have the data set Certadv.Grocery. You need to create a format that formats the CustomDiscount variable to a percentage. For example, if the value is 5, it should be 5.0%.
Figure 13.5 Certadv.Grocery Data Set (partial output)
Certadv.Grocery With and Without a PICTURE Statement Format
proc format;
   picture Discount low-high='009.0%' (multiplier=10);
data work.customerdiscount;
   format CustomDiscount Discount.;
proc print data=work.customerdiscount noobs;
The values for CustomDiscount are multiplied by 10.
Note: The default is 10n, where n is the number of digits after the first decimal point in the picture. For example, suppose your data contains a value 123.456, and you want to print it using a picture of '999.999'. The format multiplies 123.456 by 103 to obtain a value of 123456, which results in a formatted value of 123.456.

The PREFIX= Option

You can create custom numeric formats with a character prefix using the PREFIX= option. The PREFIX= option specifies a character prefix to place in front of the formatted value. The prefix is placed in front of the value's first significant digit. You must use zero-digit selectors or the prefix is not used. Typical uses for PREFIX= are printing leading currency symbols and minus signs.
The following example uses the Work.CustomerDiscount created in the previous example. The PICTURE statement creates a new format named NewPrice that formats the values for the NewPrice column with a dollar sign. The NewPrice column is produced by multiplying CustomDiscount by the value in the Price column.
proc format;
   picture NewPrice low-high='000,009.99' (prefix='$');
data work.newprice;
   set work.customerdiscount;
   format NewPrice NewPrice. CustomDiscount Discount.;
proc print data=work.newprice;
Output 13.1 PROC PRINT Result of Work.NewPrice (partial output)
Partial Output: PROC PRINT Output of Work.NewPrice
Truncation of the prefix.
If the picture is not wide enough to contain both the value and the prefix, then the format is truncated or the prefix is omitted, which results in inaccurate data.

The ROUND Option

The ROUND option rounds the value to the nearest integer before formatting. Without the ROUND option, the format multiplies the variable value by the multiplier, truncates the decimal portion (if any), and prints the result according to the template that you define. With the ROUND option, the format multiplies the variable value by the multiplier, rounds that result to the nearest integer, and then formats the value according to the template.
The ROUND option rounds a value of .5 to the next highest integer.
The picture must be wide enough for an additional digit if rounding a number adds a digit to the number.
For example, the picture for the number .996 could be ‘99’ (prefix ‘.’ mult=100). After rounding the number and multiplying it by 100, the resulting number is 100. When the picture is applied, the result is .00, an inaccurate number. In order to ensure accuracy of numbers when you round numbers, make the picture wide enough to accommodate larger numbers.

Example: Creating a Custom Percent Format

In the previous examples, two new custom formats were created: Discount., which created a percent format, and NewPrice., which applied a prefix of a dollar sign ($). For this example, create a custom format that rounds your Difference column and applies a prefix of a dollar ($). First, the format applies the multiplier, if applicable. Then it rounds the values, and finally the format applies the numeric value to the template.
Figure 13.6 Certadv.Grocery Data Set (partial output)
Partial Output of Certadv.Grocery with and without formats
proc format;
   picture Discount low-high='009.0%' (multiplier=10);
   picture NewPrice low-high='000,009.99' (prefix='$');
   picture Diff (round) low-high='000,009.99' (prefix='$');
data work.newPriceTot;
   format CustomDiscount Discount. NewPrice NewPrice. Difference Diff.;
proc print data=work.newPriceTot;

Example: Creating a Custom Numeric Format for Large Numbers

The following example illustrates how you can create a custom numeric format for large numbers. This example uses the ROUND, PREFIX, and MULTIPLIER= options.
Suppose you have the data set Certadv.Values, where the UnformattedValues column represents your original numbers with no formats applied. The Multiplier column displays the multiplier for each unformatted number, and the MultiValues column displays the values with the Multiplier applied. The MultiValuesRound column displays the values from the MultiValues column, but with the ROUND option applied.
The FormattedValues column below does not have any formats applied.
Figure 13.7 Certadv.Values Data Set
Certadv.Values Data Set
Create a PICTURE format named dollar_KM that does the following:
  • formats values less than 1000 with a dollar sign and with a multiplier of 1
  • formats values between 1000 and 1000000 with a K, a dollar sign, and with a multiplier of 0.01
  • formats values greater than 1000000 with an M, a dollar sign, and with a multiplier of 0.00001.
proc format;
   picture dollar_KM (round default=7)
              low-<1000='009' (prefix='$' multiplier=1)
              1000-<1000000='009.9K' (prefix='$' multiplier=.01)
              1000000-high='009.9M' (prefix='$' multiplier=.00001);
When you apply this format to the FormattedValues column in a PROC PRINT step, the values are displayed as desired.
proc print data=certadv.values noobs;
   format MultiValues 12.5  
          FormattedValues dollar_KM.;
Output 13.2 PROC PRINT Output of Certadv.Values
PROC PRINT Output of Certadv.Values
Last updated: October 16, 2019
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