Importing NGUI

After buying the product from the Asset Store or getting the evaluation version, you have to download it. Perform the following steps to do so:

  1. Create a new Unity project.
  2. Navigate to Window | Asset Store. Select your download library.
  3. Click on the Download button next to NGUI: Next-Gen UI.
  4. When the download completes, click on the NGUI icon / product name in the library to access the product page.
  5. Click on the Import button and wait for a pop-up window to appear.
  6. Check the checkbox for NGUI v.3.0.2.unitypackage and click on Import.
  7. In the Project view, navigate to Assets | NGUI and double-click on NGUI v.3.0.2.
  8. A new imported pop-up window will appear. Click on Import again.
  9. Click any button on the toolbar to refresh it. The NGUI tray will appear!

The NGUI tray will look like the following screenshot:

Importing NGUI

You have now successfully imported NGUI to your project. Let's create your first 2D UI.

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