
In this chapter, we used everything we learned in the earlier chapters with respect to creating a simple game.

We created an enemy spawning system, which instantiates enemies on the scene. Rigidbodies and colliders have been added to handle collisions between enemies in the barriers at the bottom of the screen.

We also added a health bar widget that is linked to health points; if four enemies touch the end of the screen, the game restarts.

The Update() method was used to handle player input and compare the typed word with destruct codes in order to destroy enemies if needed.

For now, the game is quite simple. Some ideas to enhance the game are as follows:

  • Add more self-destruct words
  • Display what the player types on the screen (visual feedback)
  • Slowly increase the spawning rate as the player destroys enemies
  • Slowly increase the enemy's speed as the player destroys enemies
  • Add a scoring system
  • Implement the Time power (hint: Time.timeScale)
  • Implement the Bomb power
  • Make the hack time depend on barrierCount (more barriers, faster hacking)
  • Include the possibility of removing an ActiveBarrier with a right click
  • Add clickable objects to regain health; some enemies leave them behind
  • Add a combo reward if the player destroys multiple enemies within 3 seconds
  • Include harder words for hard difficulty
  • Insert a visual indicator (arrow) to show the direction of the enemies outside the screen
  • Add more visual variety in the background (galaxies and so on) to help orientation
  • Display a game over screen with the main menu and restart buttons
  • Create tutorial pop ups

If you add some of the previous features, our game will become more interesting.

In order to improve your knowledge of NGUI, you can refer to more tutorials at

The complete NGUI scripting documentation is available at

That's it! We have now finished working with Unity and NGUI using this book. Thank you for your attention and I wish you all the best for your future projects.

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