
During this chapter, we discussed NGUI's basic workflow—it works with GameObjects, uses atlases to combine multiple textures in one large texture, has an event system, can use shaders, and has a localization system.

After importing the NGUI plugin, we created our first 2D UI with the UI Wizard, reviewed its parameters, and created our own GUI 2D layer for our UI to reside on.

Finally, we analyzed the four GameObjects that were created automatically for us by NGUI. After reviewing their parameters, we can summarize their roles as follows:

  • The UI Root holds the UI and scales it for pixel perfect or fixed sizes
  • The Camera views the UI and sends messages to the widgets for interactions
  • The Anchor can attach elements to the borders of screen or objects and add offsets
  • The Panel holds our widgets and renders them, with or without clipping

We are now ready to create our first widget. It's time to move on to the next chapter.

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