
This chapter covered all the prerequisites to get programming IDE access on BeagleBone with the latest software. In this chapter we learned about different boards available in the BeagleBone series and their hardware differences. Then we learned how to install the latest Debian image on BeagleBone and various ways to connect to BeagleBone with troubleshooting steps. Once connected, we can visit the bone101 HTML page, which has lots of information about BeagleBone. It also provides help pages for JavaScript and BoneScript functions. Then we started using Cloud9 IDE. It is a web-based IDE that runs on port number 3000 on BeagleBone. In the end, we created our first JavaScript program that prints Hello World.

Now, we are ready with IDE and we know how to compile and run a program on BeagleBone. In the next chapters, we will write programs that interact with the physical environment.

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