About the authors

S. M. Mohi Us Sunnat is a passionate Android developer and trainer with over 4 years' experience. He has developed applications using Kotlin as the principal programming language. He is the founder of DreamOgrammerS, a small IT company. He is the organizer of Droidcon Dhaka. He loves community engagement and works on a number of open source projects, including Mozilla Firefox and Brave. He is also the community leader of the Bangladesh Kotlin user group and the Dhaka Twitter developer community of Bangladesh.

Writing a book is harder than writing blogs and more gratifying than I could have ever imagined. None of this would have been possible without my family and friends. I will start by thanking my loving wife, Chaity, for her continuous support. She was as important to this book being completed as I was. A special thanks to my friends, Faysal, Hasib, Kiron, Jisan, Mirza, and Zibon. They encouraged me every time I struggled throughout this journey. And finally, my sincere gratitude to everyone on the PacktPub team who helped me so much, especially Manjusha Mantri, for her patience and trust in me. I will not forget all of this help and am indebted to you all.





Igor Kucherenko is an Android developer at Techery, a software development company that uses Kotlin as the main language for Android development. Currently, he lives in Ukraine, where he is a speaker in the Kotlin Dnipro community, which promotes Kotlin, and shares his knowledge with audiences at meetups. You can find his articles concerning Kotlin and Android development on Medium and in a blog for Yalantis, where he worked previously.

I'd like to thank my colleague for imparting his knowledge, and Packt for the opportunity to write this book, as well as my wife for her patience while I was writing it.
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