Inserting a new user

Find the code snippet for addNewUser() operation:

//    Inserting new User
@PostMapping(path = ["/user/new"])
fun addNewUser(@RequestBody userModel: UserModel): String {
ResponseEntity(userService.addNewUser(userModel), HttpStatus.CREATED)
return "${} has been added to database"

The @PostMapping(path = ["/user/new"]) annotation is the URL path of "/user/new", and it is a POST request. Here, we can insert user details into the database.

Here, @RequestBody is an annotation of the Spring MVC framework. This is used in a controller to implement object serialization and deserialization. It helps you to avoid boilerplate codes by extracting the logic. The @RequestBody annotated function returns a value that is bound to the HTTP web response body. Here, the object is UserModel

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