
After a long journey, we have finished this chapter. Here we have seen how to create a server side and a client side complete application using all the modules of the previous chapters, such as Spring Security and database. You can modify this project in your own style. You can implement new architecture and implement new frameworks. In this chapter, first, we learned about the design of a project. Then we created the database model for our project. After creating the database model, we created our server-side project and implemented the dependencies. Then we created the models based on the database model. Then we created the repositories and the controller. In the controller, we created the HTTP request functions. Then we implemented the security. We used basic authentication from Spring Security. Then we modified to connect to the MySQL database. After finishing the server side, we started to create the Android application. We created the workflow of the application. Then we created the models of the users, posts, and comments. Then we created the API services and requests. After the backend, we developed the layouts and activities. In the activities, we called the HTTP request using Retrofit and RxJava. Then we modified the UI classes and layouts of the application. Lastly, we tested the output of the project.

In Chapter 10Testing an Application, you will learn how to use the JUnit framework to unit test the Spring project and the UI testing using the Espresso in the Android application.

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