Life cycle callbacks

A @Bean annotation supports determining discretionary introductions and obliteration callback functions. If you noticed beans.xml in the XMLBasedSpringConfiguration project, you can find the init-method and destroy-method attributes. Here's an example of how to initialize the init-method and destroy-method attributes:

<bean id="userGreeting" class="ktPackage.UserGreeting" init-method="afterPropertiesSet" destroy-method="destroy"/>

Here's the modified code of MainAppLifeCall.kt:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val applicationContext = AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(

val foo: Foo = applicationContext.getBean(

The modified code of Foo.kt is as follows:

class Foo{
fun init(){
println("Foo is initializing...")

fun destroy(){
println("Foo is destroying...")

Now create a configuration class for Foo. The modified code of ConfigFoo.kt is as follows:

open class ConfigFoo {
@Bean(initMethod = "init", destroyMethod = "destroy")
open fun foo(): Foo {
return Foo()

The output of this project will be as follows: 

Foo is initializing...
Foo is destroying...

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