
Spring is the most powerful Java application framework; it is currently the most popular in the enterprise world. It helps to create high-performing applications that have easily-testable and reusable code. This is open source and was written by Rod Johnson, first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003.

To create and run Spring applications, you need some tools and language supports. You also need a server to test and run your project in your operating system. We will show you how to set up the environment for Spring.

The following software and tools are needed with the current version:

  • Java (version 1.8)
  • Kotlin (version 1.3)
  • Apache Tomcat (version 9.0.11)
  • IntelliJ Ultimate (version 2018.2.2) or Eclipse Photon
  • Spring Framework Libraries (version 5.0.8.RELEASE)
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