Creating service

After creating the repository class, let's create the service class where we will autowire the repository class using the @autowired annotation. Let's create a service class named UserService.kt with the @Service annotation that implements the UserInterface and overrides all functions.

Here is the piece of code for the UserService.kt:

class UserService: UsersInterface {

private lateinit var userRepository: UserRepository


Let's override and modify the functions with the help of UserRepository. Here is the full code of the UserService class:

class UserService: UsersInterface {
private lateinit var userRepository: UserRepository

override fun getAllUserList(): List<UserModel> {
return userRepository.getAllUserList()

override fun getUserByID(id: Int): UserModel? {
return userRepository.getUserByID(id)

override fun addNewUser(userModel: UserModel) {

override fun updateUser(userModel: UserModel, id: Int) {
userRepository.updateUser(userModel, id)

override fun deleteUser(id: Int) {
  • getAllUserList(): This function will fetch all the users
  • getUserByID(id: Int): This function will fetch a user by ID
  • addNewUser(userModel: UserModel): This function will insert a new user
  • updateUser(userModel: UserModel, id: Int): This function will update a user by ID
  • deleteUser(id: Int): This function will delete a user by ID

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