The @Qualifier annotation

You might create an excess of one bean of a similar type and need to wire just a single one of them with the property. In such cases, you can utilize the @Qualifier annotation alongside @Autowired to evacuate the disarray by determining which correct bean will be wired. In this section, we'll look at a precedent to demonstrate the utilization of a @Qualifier annotation.

The content of the bean.xml configuration file is as follows:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

<context:annotation-config/> <!--after this tag, you have to write the beans-->

<!-- Definition for Fighters bean without constructor-arg -->
<bean id="fighters" class="qualifierAnnotation.Fighters"/>

<!--fighter 1-->
<bean id="fighter1" class="qualifierAnnotation.UsersForQualifier">
<property name="name" value="Naruto Uzumaki"/>
<property name="village" value="Konohagakure"/>

<!--fighter 2-->
<bean id="fighter2" class="qualifierAnnotation.UsersForQualifier">
<property name="name" value="Gaara"/>
<property name="village" value="Sunagakure"/>

Here's the content of AnnotationBasedQualifierApp.kt:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val context = ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("qualifierAnnotation/beans_for_qualifier.xml")
val fighters = context.getBean("fighters") as Fighters

Now, add another class. Here's the content for UsersForQualifier.kt:

class UsersForQualifier{
private var village: String? = null
private var name: String? = null

fun setVillage(village: String?) {
this.village = village

fun getVillage(): String? {
return village

fun setName(name: String) { = name

fun getName(): String? {
return name

Finally, add the Fighters.kt class. Here's the content of this class:

class Fighters {
lateinit var usersForQualifier: UsersForQualifier

init {
println("Fighters constructor.")

fun getName() {
println("Name: " + usersForQualifier.getName())

fun getVillage() {
println("Village: " + usersForQualifier.getVillage())

If you run the output, it will be as follows: 

Fighters constructor.
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Village: Konohagakure

Modify the qualifier value like so:


It will create the following output: 

Fighters constructor.
Name: Gaara
Village: Sunagakure
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