The @Autowired annotation

The @Autowired annotation helps us to connect constructors, fields, and setter functions. This annotation injects object dependencies. 

Here's the sample code of how to use @Autowired on a property:

class User(val name: String,
val id: String)

class Users{
val user:User ?= null

Here's the sample code of how to use @Autowired on a property:

class UsersForAutowired{
private lateinit var userDetails: UserDetails

fun setUserDetails(userDetails: UserDetails){
this.userDetails = userDetails

fun getUserDetails(){

The content of UserDetails.kt is as follows:

class UserDetails{
init {
println("This class has all the details of the user")

fun getDetails(){
println("Name: Naruto Uzumaki")
println("Village: Konohagakure")

The output of the project will be as follows:

This class has all the details of the user
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Village: Konohagakure

We can utilize the @Autowired annotation on properties to dispose of the setter functions. When we pass values of autowired properties utilizing <property>, Spring will allocate those properties with the passed values or references. So with the utilization of @Autowired on properties, the UsersForAutowired.kt file will become as follows:

class UsersForAutowired{
init {
println("UsersForAutowired constructor." )

private lateinit var userDetails: UserDetails

fun getUserDetails(){

The result will be as follows:

UsersForAutowired constructor.
This class has all the details of the user
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Village: Konohagakure

You can also apply @Autowired to constructors. An @Autowired constructor annotation demonstrates that the constructor should be autowired when making the bean. This should be the case regardless of whether any <constructor-arg> components are utilized when configuring the bean in the XML file. 

Here is the modified content of UsersForAutowired.kt:

class UsersForAutowired @Autowired constructor(private var userDetails: UserDetails) {
init {
println("UsersForAutowired constructor.")

fun getUserDetails() {

The result will be as follows:

This class has all the details of the user
UsersForAutowired constructor.
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Village: Konohagakure
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