Implementing security

We are implementing basic authentication security. It will be similar to what we covered in Chapter 5, Securing Applications with Spring Security. But there we used inMemoryAuthentication(), and here we will fetch the username and password from the database and implement them for the project using UserDetailsService:

  1. Create a service class named CustomUserDetailsService.kt.
  2. Implement the UserDetailsService and annotated by @Service to make it a service class. Here is the code for this service class:
class CustomUserDetailsService: UserDetailsService {

private lateinit var userByNameRepository: UserByNameRepository

override fun loadUserByUsername(username: String): User {
val profile = userByNameRepository.getUserByName(username)

return, profile.password,
  1. Here, we autowire the UserByNameRepository.kt repository and override loadUserByUsername(username: String). We will fetch the username and password from the repository and match them with the username and password given by the client. Here is the code for UserByNameRepository.kt:
class UserByNameRepository: UserByNameInterface {
private lateinit var jdbcTemplate: JdbcTemplate

override fun getUserByName(username: String): Profile {
val sql = "SELECT * FROM PROFILE WHERE username = ?"
val profile = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, UserRowMapper(), username)

return profile!!

override fun getUserByNamePassword(username: String, password: String): Boolean {
val sql = "SELECT * FROM PROFILE WHERE username = ?, password = ?"
val profile = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, UserRowMapper(), username, password)
return profile != null

interface UserByNameInterface {
fun getUserByName(username: String): Profile
fun getUserByNamePassword(username: String, password: String): Boolean
  1.  Now create the code for the RowMapper class of the user named UserRowMapper.kt to fetch the user details. Here is a piece of code from this class:
class UserRowMapper : RowMapper<Profile> {

override fun mapRow(row: ResultSet, rowNumber: Int): Profile? {
val profile = Profile(row.getLong("id"),
return profile
  1. Let's create a WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class named SecurityConfigurer.kt and annotate it with @Configuration and @EnableWebSecurity to make a configuration file and enable web security. Here is the code for the SecurityConfigurer.kt class:
class SecurityConfigurer : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {

private lateinit var authEntryPoint: AuthenticationEntryPoint

private lateinit var customUserDetailsService: CustomUserDetailsService

override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {

fun configureGlobal(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {

fun getPasswordEncoder(): PasswordEncoder {
return object : PasswordEncoder {
override fun encode(charSequence: CharSequence): String {
return charSequence.toString()

override fun matches(charSequence: CharSequence, s: String): Boolean {
return true

In the previous code, we've done the following:

  • To use this registration URL path, "/profile/new", any user can access. It doesn't need a username and password.
  • We use PasswordEncoder to encode the password.
  • We autowired configureGlobal(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) and passed CustomUserDetailsService via auth.userDetailsService(customUserDetailsService) to check and match the username.
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